Clinton Statement on Endorsement of the Working Families Party


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton receive the endorsement of the Working Families Party, a group that backed Senator Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary. Clinton released a statement reaffirming her commitment to working families and building the middle class. A copy of her statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Working Families Party.

Working families are the engine behind our economy, the heart of our democracy, and the core of what makes America great.  But today, it’s too hard for working people to get ahead and stay ahead.

That’s why the Working Families Party is so important.  For almost two decades, they have fought to make our economy fairer and our country stronger. They’ve fought to raise the minimum wage in states and cities across the country; combat climate change and create new, good-paying jobs in clean energy and energy efficiency; and train and elect trailblazing progressive leaders.

As President, I’ll stand with working families like I have my entire career.  We’ll build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and finally make the minimum wage a living wage.  We’ll overturn Citizens United and protect every American’s right to vote, not every corporation’s right to buy elections. We’ll end the era of mass incarceration and replace the school-to-prison pipeline with a cradle-to-college and career pipeline.  We’ll make sure every American can afford a college education and tackle our country’s student debt crisis.  And we’ll finally enact policies that support how families actually live and work today—with paid family leave, affordable childcare, and equal pay for women.

Together, we’ll fight every day for working families—because we know when families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Holds Four Events in California


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton attended four campaign events in California. The first event of the day was a community discussion in Slymar. The primary topic of the event was immigration reform. Clinton said that immigration is going to be a key issue in the 2016 election because statements about immigrants made by Republican nominee Donald Trump are often “hateful, very prejudicial, really unacceptable ways.” She spoke about the importance of keeping families together and passing comprehensive immigration reform. Most of the event was Clinton listening to stories told by the several Asian and Latino immigrants. She vowed to fight for a fair immigration plan if elected president.

Clinton then traveled to Oxnard where she spoke to supporters at a Get Out the Vote event. She covered a number of her platform points, but she went after Trump several times throughout the speech saying that he “fails” a number of important presidential trait tests. Clinton said that the 2016 election is very important to ensure the country continues to move forward with health care, the economy, clean energy, and climate change. She concluded by asking voters’ to support her in Tuesday’s primary. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Later, Clinton traveled to Santa Barbara where she held a community event focused on women and families. The round table discussion consisted of local officials and representatives. Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points aimed at improving the lives of women and helping families. She spoke about increasing the minimum wage, ensuring that women receive equal pay for equal work, ensuring families have access to affordable childcare, and guaranteeing workers paid family leave. After Clinton’s remarks, she listened to the concerns of several people in attendance. A video from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Fresno where she spoke to packed crowd of supporters at Edison High School. While she criticized Trump on a number of occasions, Clinton covered a number of her key platform points including early childhood education, clean energy, abortion rights, marriage equality, immigration reform, and making higher education more affordable. She also spoke about an issue that is local to Fresno: water. The city has seen water shortages due to the recent droughts in the area and she said, “If I am fortunate enough to be your president, we are going to work on water and we are going to get this fixed.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Noozhawk, The Fresno Bee, CBS Los Angeles, Ventura County Star

Hillary Clinton Meets with Women in Virginia


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke with a group of women in Stone Ridge, Virginia where the focus of the conversation was managing work-life balance. Clinton spoke about her plans for paid family leave, equal pay for women, and childcare. She said that raising a family and having a career is harder today than it was when Chelsea was a kid. “Costs are greater, everything from commuting time to feeling like if you take that vacation day, you are going to be viewed as slacking off,” she said. Clinton went on to say that she knew that her proposals would change the current system, but it is important to realize that times have changed. She said, “We need to really start looking at these programs from the lens of what life is like today and not what it was like 50 years ago.” A video from the event is below.

During the event in Virginia, Clinton was asked a number of questions about the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She has refused to directly respond to any of his comments, and she stuck with tone today saying that she was focused on the issues. She said, “I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses. I’m going to run my campaign, which is about a positive vision for our country with specific plans that I think will help us solve problems that we’re facing.” She continued, “I’m answering him all the time. I’m answering him on what I think voters care about. I’m answering him on the differences between our records, our experience, what we want to do for our country, how important it is to try to unify the country.”

In Washington, DC, Hillary for America hosted a conversation on Social and Economic Justice. Those speaking at the event included former United States Attorney General and HFA Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: PBS NewsHour, The Wall Street Journal