Hillary Clinton Speaks at Events on the Campuses of Wellesley and Harvard


Late this past week, Hillary Clinton spoke with audiences at two major New England Colleges. First, on Thursday evening, Clinton spoke at a private, student and faculty only event on the campus of Wellesley College. As Clinton’s Alma Mater, the event focused on Clinton’s time at the school and her political career. Clinton spoke briefly and took questions from the audience. According to sources inside the room, Clinton was asked by one audience member about what she would have changed about her campaign. She responded simply, “I’d win.” Clinton graduated from Wellesley College in 1969 and is scheduled to give this year’s commencement address in May.

On Friday, Clinton took part in a series of “Fireside Chats” on the campus of Harvard University. Clinton’s appearance was part of the “American Secretaries of State Project: Diplomacy, Negotiation, and Statecraft” series sponsored by the Kennedy School, Law School, and Business School. She met with undergraduate members of the IOP’s Student Advisory Committee and a few lucky residents of Kirkland House. Clinton is the seventh former Secretary of State to take part in the series. Like the event at Wellesley College, it was closed to the public and press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Boston Globe, The Harvard Crimson, The Hill

Clinton Hosts Facebook Q&A

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 4.46.25 PMThis afternoon, Hillary Rodham Clinton hosted a Q&A session on her Facebook page. She answered several questions from followers. You can read the full Q&A thread by CLICKING HERE.

New Source: Facebook