First Democratic Debate Tomorrow on CNN

151011081839-democratic-las-vegas-debate-2016-podium-order-large-169CNN has released full details of tomorrow night’s Democratic debate from Las Vegas, Nevada which will feature Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. Vice President Joe Biden, who has not formally announced his candidacy, was invited to participate, but will not. The debate will be moderated by Anderson Cooper with Dana Bash and Juan Carlos Lopez also asking questions. Coverage begins at 8:30 PM ET on CNN and on (we will post a link to the live stream before the debate begins). You can submit questions for the moderators to ask the candidates on Facebook and Instagram.

This is the first of six debates between the Democratic candidates. The other five debates are scheduled for:

  • November 14, 2015 – Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa (CBS)
  • December 19, 2015 – Manchester, New Hampshire (ABC)
  • January 17, 2016 – Charleston, South Carolina (NBC)
  • February/March 2016 – Miami, Florida (Univision)
  • February/March 2016 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin (PBS)

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Democratic Primary Debate Schedule Announced

Democratic Debate in Iowa on December 13, 2007
Democratic Debate in Iowa on December 13, 2007

On Thursday, the Democratic National Committee and CNN announced that the first of six Democratic party debates will be held on October 13. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, Jim Webb, and Marin O’Malley are expected to take part.

There five other debates are outlined below:

  • November 14: CBS, KCCI, and The Des Moines Register in Iowa
  • December 19: ABC and WMUR in Manchester, New Hampshire
  • January 17: NBC and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in Charleston, South Carolina
  • February or March: Univision and The Washington Post in Miami, Florida
  • February or March: PBS in Wisconsin.

More details about each debate will be posted once they are available.

News Source: CNN

Clinton to Attend Rev. Pinckney’s Funeral Service

20150625_hillary_clinton_gty_1160_956x519Hillary Rodham Clinton will attend the funeral of Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of the nine victims of last week’s shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. She will attend the service along with several members of Congress, Vice President Joe Biden, and President Barack Obama, who will be delivering Rev. Pinckney’s eulogy. Clinton cancelled a fundraising event in Philadelphia that was scheduled for tomorrow.

News Source: Politico

Clinton Talks Race in Missouri

150623165635-hillary-clinton-talks-confederate-flag-in-ferguson-keilar-sot-lead-00003520-exlarge-169Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke about race relations in the United States at an event held at the Christ the King United Church of Christ in Florissant, Missouri. She praised the actions of South Carolina leaders to remove the Confederate flag from the state capitol building, but admitted that there is more work to be done, and removing the flag is only a small step in addressing racial inequality.

Clinton’s comments come just days after white supremacist Dylann Roof killed nine men and women at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. Her remarks were made a few miles from Ferguson, a city that has seen racial tensions since the 2014 shooting of an African American teen by local police. Similar events have taken place around the country sparking outrage and riots. Clinton admitted that work needs to be done saying, “We can’t hide from hard truths about race and justice, we have to name them, and own them, and change them.”

A full video from today’s event is available on C-SPAN.

Clinton is scheduled to be in Virginia and Philadelphia on Friday. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Returns to California for Fundraisers

Last week, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended events in San Francisco and Los Angeles. On Friday, she attended three fundraisers in Hollywood that were attended by Leonardo DiCaprio, Dustin Lance Black, Elizabeth Banks, Howard Gordon, and Bruce Cohen. The events took place at the homes of HBO’s Michael Lombardo and actor Tobey Maguire. Earlier in the day, Clinton also attended a fundraiser at the home of Westfield Corp co-CEO Peter Lowy. She is reported to have addressed a number of issues, including the recent shooting in a Charleston, South Carolina church. All three events were closed to the press.

Saturday, Clinton addressed the The US Conference of Mayors where she called for stronger gun restrictions following the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston. She acknowledged that there is still work to be done with regard to race relations. She said, “Despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished. I know this is a difficult topic to talk about. I know that so many of us hoped by electing our first black president, we had turned the page on this chapter in our history. I know there are truths we do not like to say out loud or discus with our children. But we have to.”

Follow Clinton and the campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The Washington Post

Image Source: The Washington Post