President Obama Campaigns for Hillary at UNC-Chapel Hill


President Barack Obama campaigned on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where he spoke in support of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Deborah Ross. Obama argued that it is not only important to elect Clinton president, but to put down ballot Democrats in office as well. Obama spoke about Clinton’s focus on the middle class, creating jobs, and raising the minimum wage. During his speech, Obama attacked Donald Trump for his hateful rhetoric, but he argued that ut is spreading and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr is a prime example. Burr joked about a “bullseye” being placed on Clinton. Obama slammed his comments saying, “You don’t talk about violence against public officials, even in a joke. This is becoming normal. This is the red meat they’re throwing their audiences, and it’s not normal, and it’s not who North Carolina is.” He concluded his speech by urging everyone to vote. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The News & Observer, The Washington Post

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in North Carolina


On Sunday, as Hillary Clinton prepared for CNN’s Democratic Town Hall event, Bill Clinton campaigned in North Carolina on her behalf ahead of Tuesday’s primary. Speaking at the Wake Forest School of Law, he spoke about her experience and plans as president. Clinton then traveled to  Asheville where he spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and how it will affect a number of policies including heath care, the economy, and the Supreme Court. He urged voters to support Hillary during Tuesday’s primary saying, “I think you ought to vote for Hillary, not just because she’s the best qualified, or she would be the first woman president. It’s because she’s the single best change maker I have ever known.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

This morning, Chelsea Clinton was also in North Carolina where she attended a fundraiser at the Chapel Hill home of Karen Popp and Mary Coleman Ragsdale. Then, Chelsea spoke to supporters at a local elementary school in Raleigh. She spike about her mother’s plans and urged them to support her on Tuesday. Following the events in North Carolina, Chelsea flew to Missouri where she attended a fundraiser in Columbia. The event was hosted by Doctors Mary and Tony Gadbois.

Several other fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a conversation with Teddy Goff in Boulder, Colorado. Goff is the campaigns Chief Digital and Technology Strategist. The event was hosted by Allyson and Jack Downey, Jamie Jacobs and Eric Bohn, Cheryl Kellond, Courtney and Mark Messenbaugh, and Rob Ryan. In London, Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan held a fundraiser for Americans living abroad. The event was held at the home of Nader Mousavizadeh.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Asheville Citizen-TimeWinston-Salem Journal