Clintons Rally on Eve of Nevada Caucus


On Friday, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton all campaigned for Hillary across Nevada. In Reno, Bill spoke with 300 people at Hillary for America’s headquarters in the city. He touted Hillary’s record and explained that she was a centrist candidate that was willing to work with others to get things done. He urged them to come out and support her at the caucuses. Chelsea, meanwhile, was in Las Vegas canvassing for her mom. She knocked on doors and spoke with local residents.

The final event of the day was in Las Vegas and featured actress Eva Longoria as well as Chelsea, Bill, and Hillary. During her last speech before the caucus, Hillary urged voters to caucus for her and spoke about a number of her platform points. She thanked everyone who has helped her campaign in Nevada and her supporters. She said, “I know how hard so many of you have worked. I am so grateful for this campaign, for all the organizers and staff and I am particularly grateful for all the volunteers. It all culminates tomorrow at 11am when you and all the people you have touched and talked to come to caucus. That will be the moment when people are asked to step up … and make clear the kind of country we want. We need to knock down every barrier that stands in the way of Americans getting ahead and staying ahead.”

Today is the Nevada caucus. Polls have been tight between Hillary and Bernie Sanders. Updates will be posted later today. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Guardian, Las Vegas Sun, The New York Times