Long Lines Of Voters Are Reported… At Susan B. Anthony’s Grave

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Hundreds Gather To Honor Suffragist Movement, Celebrate That Women Across The Country Are Voting Today For A Woman To Be President

Voting takes less time than ever, but there’s one place voters are guaranteed to wait in long lines: the grave of women’s suffragist leader Susan B. Anthony. Hundreds have visited the cemetery, which is holding extended hours tonight, to honor the movement to ensure half the population has the right to vote and celebrate that women across the country are voting today for a woman to be president.

ABC News: Voters Travel Near and Far to Pay Homage to Feminist Icon on Election Day: “One hundred and forty-four years ago, a woman named Susan B. Anthony was arrested for voting in a presidential election.  Today, millions of women will cast their vote for Hillary Clinton — the first female presidential nominee for a major political party.”

USA Today: People are covering Susan B. Anthony’s grave stone with ‘I Voted’ stickers:  “Many people smiled and laughed in delight at the occasion.  Others wept.  ‘I never cried when I filled out my ballot before. But I realized my daughters — and I have three of them — have the right to vote for a woman. It made my cry,’ said Jodi Atkin of Irondequoit, who trekked to the grave site with daughter Jessie. Both were clad in white, which many women chose to wear on Tuesday to honor those who, like Anthony, helped secure their right to vote.”

CNN: Hundreds flock to Susan B. Anthony’s grave on Election Day: “Brynn Hunt, a Rochester resident and first-time voter, was one of many to visit the site Tuesday morning.  ‘I voted today because of women like her,’ she said. Hunt said she wore white in honor of women’s suffrage.  Early Tuesday, hundreds of people began to form to thank Anthony for her efforts.”

People Magazine: Hundreds Line Up at Susan B. Anthony’s Gravesite to Honor Women’s Rights Activist with ‘I Voted’ Stickers: “In October, a slew of Trump’s supporters called for repealing women’s suffrage, using the Twitter hashtag #RepealThe19th after a poll of only male U.S. voters showed Trump winning the election by a landslide.”

CBS News: Steady crowds at Susan B. Anthony grave on Election Day: “A steady stream of people are arriving at Rochester’s Mount Hope cemetery, decorating Anthony’s grave with ‘I Voted’ stickers and American flags. Some are leaving yellow roses, which was a symbol of the women’s suffrage movement.”

New York Times: Voters Gather at Susan B. Anthony’s Grave in Rochester: “The line to the grave site grew throughout the day. By noon it had snaked and doubled back on itself through the orange and gold trees. The color of the leaves was reflected in the yellow flowers many carried or wore pinned to pantsuit lapels — the bright roses the suffragists took to symbolize their cause, which began in the 1840s and continued for 80 years. A woman moved among the stones with a hand drum looking to form a drum circle. Others knelt with their children and whispered about who Anthony was and who Hillary Clinton is.”

Washington Post: Susan B. Anthony died without the right to vote. Now people are covering her tombstone in ‘I voted’ stickers. “Some 90 years later, the pilgrimage to Anthony’s gravestone on Election Day began, possibly as recently as 2014, according to the Smithsonian magazine. The idea struck a chord with voters as far away as Maryland.”

VOX: Susan B. Anthony’s grave is covered in “I Voted” stickers in honor of Hillary Clinton:  “And now, the first woman to win a major party nomination is running to succeed the first black president. It’s hard not to be a little in awe of that — to marvel at what Anthony and others like her helped accomplish.”

Sarah Maslin Nir: The scene at Susan B. Anthony’s grave. And it’s a scene. (video)

Katie Marino: After voting my mom & I visited Susan B. Anthony’s grave with hundreds of other people. Thank you, women’s voices are heard now. #IVoted


Tricia Fitzmaurice: A fitting tribute at Susan B. Anthony’s grave in Rochester today.  We all owe her a thank you. #HistoryIsHappening #SenecaFallsSuffragists


Brynn Hunt: “I voted today because of women like her.” Today I voted in my first primary election, visited Susan B. Anthony’s grave, and wear white to honor women’s suffrage. We have come a long way since the 19th amendment was passed, but we still have a long way to go. I’m proud to say #imwithher


MaxbGenius: “Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women! There is so much yet to be done.” – Susan B. Anthony #vote #suffrage #equality #rochester


Jes Karakashian: This wraps around twice. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. #imwithher


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Hillary Clinton Statement on Diwali


As people around the world prepare to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“On Sunday, nearly a billion Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists around the world—including more than two million Americans—will celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights.  For members of these faiths, lighting the lamp (the diya) is a reminder that light prevails over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil.

Here in the United States, it is a tribute to the Indian American community that Diwali is celebrated with such beauty and joy. Regardless of our personal faith, Diwali reminds us that diversity is one of our greatest strengths as a nation, that light prevails over darkness, and that dharma—righteousness or goodness—must guide us toward a better tomorrow.  If I have the honor of serving as president, I will be committed to building an Administration that reflects such diversity, including continuing White House celebrations of Diwali.

To those of you celebrating this joyous occasion, I wish you and your loved ones a Happy Diwali and Saal Mubarak.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.