Clintons Canvass New York on Eve on Primary


On the eve of the New York primary, Bill, Chelsea, and Hillary Clinton were canvassing the state for support before tomorrow’s primary. A list of Hillary’s favorite New York restaurants was published by Thrillist, and  she attended a number of events in and around New York City. Hillary began by appearing on a morning radio show called “The Breakfast Club“. During the interview, Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points and the importance of tomorrow’s primary in New York. She also was asked to name something that she always carry with her. Her answer was “hot sauce.” Watch a video of the full interview HERE to find out why.

Hillary then hosted a Get Out the Vote rally at the Hilton in Manhattan. During her speech, she spoke about her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders and his record on gun control. He voted for a 2005 bill that made gun manufacturers immune from lawsuits if their product was used illegally. She continued, “There are many powerful lobbyists in Washington, as I said in the debate the other night in Brooklyn. I said, look, Senator Sanders talks a lot about the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. But what about the greed and recklessness of the gun manufacturers?” Hillary went on to explain the importance of the 2016 election and asked for voters’ support tomorrow. Tonight, Hillary will appear on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Bill, meanwhile, was campaigning on Hillary’s behalf in Buffalo and Rochester. In Buffalo, Bill began by kicking off a phone bank at Hilary’s headquarters. He then made several stops in town visiting St. John Towers senior facility, Spot Coffee, and he had lunch at Alton’s restaurant in Cheektowaga. In Rochester, Bill was joined by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and spoke to a crowd of supporters. He spoke briefly about a number of Hillary’s platform points and asked for their vote in tomorrow’s primary. A video from his speech in Rochester is below.

Chelsea has spent the last two days campaigning on behalf of her mother at smaller events across the state. Yesterday, Chelsea spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Poughkeepsie and Binghamton. At both events, she spoke about her mother’s experience and plans as president. She stressed the importance of the election saying that it is the “most important” election of her lifetime. Chelsea even took time to answer questions from those in attendance.


Today, Chelsea spoke with supporters at the Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls. She spoke about her mom’s experience saying, “I think when you look at who has a real record of being able to deliver progress and be able to make change, my mom really stands out.” She spoke about similar topics at her other stops in upstate New York. Chelsea also spoke with supporters at Coltivare in Ithaca. In Rome, Chelsea visited a local daycare center. Speaking at the Little Learners On Campus Child Care Center, she spoke about the importance of early childhood education and Hillary’s plan to expand it nationwide.

The Clintons weren’t the only ones campaigning on behalf of Hillary today. In New York, Carole King, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, and Cecile Richards all joined Hillary and held events on their own. In Chicago, Illinois, David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for President Barack Obama in 2008, attended a fundraiser that was hosted by Kevin Conlon, Katelynd Duncan, Abby Erwin, Adam Hitchcock, Reyhad Kazmi, Samir Mayekar, Kevin Morris, Marilynn Rubio, Jon Samuels, Abigail Schmitz, and Joshua Schwartz.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Thrillist, Poughkeepsie Journal, KENS, WIBX, TWC News Rochester, Ithaca Journal, WGRZ, TWC News, Observer

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Detroit


While Louisiana, Kansas, and Nebraska held their Democratic primaries on Saturday, Bill Clinton was in Detroit looking ahead to Tuesday’s primary in Michigan. Campaigning for Hillary Clinton, Bill spoke at a canvass kickoff event. He focused on the jobs plan that Hillary unveiled during a speech in Detroit yesterday. Speaking at the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 25’s auditorium, Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans for building upon heath care, supporting labor unions, strengthening manufacturing, and improving the nation’s infrastructure. On the subject of infrastructure, Bill referenced the water crisis in Flint, commending both Hillary and rival Bernie Sanders for calling national attention to the issue.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is preparing for tomorrow night’s Democratic debate, which will air on CNN. She attended an evening pre-debate reception hosted the Michigan Democratic Party. Held at the MGM Grand Detroit, guests included Michigan’s Congressional Delegation, Democratic members of Michigan’s state Legislature, local government officials, and former Governor Jim Blanchard. Details from Hillary’s speech can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, Fox 2

Clintons Rally on Eve of Nevada Caucus


On Friday, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton all campaigned for Hillary across Nevada. In Reno, Bill spoke with 300 people at Hillary for America’s headquarters in the city. He touted Hillary’s record and explained that she was a centrist candidate that was willing to work with others to get things done. He urged them to come out and support her at the caucuses. Chelsea, meanwhile, was in Las Vegas canvassing for her mom. She knocked on doors and spoke with local residents.

The final event of the day was in Las Vegas and featured actress Eva Longoria as well as Chelsea, Bill, and Hillary. During her last speech before the caucus, Hillary urged voters to caucus for her and spoke about a number of her platform points. She thanked everyone who has helped her campaign in Nevada and her supporters. She said, “I know how hard so many of you have worked. I am so grateful for this campaign, for all the organizers and staff and I am particularly grateful for all the volunteers. It all culminates tomorrow at 11am when you and all the people you have touched and talked to come to caucus. That will be the moment when people are asked to step up … and make clear the kind of country we want. We need to knock down every barrier that stands in the way of Americans getting ahead and staying ahead.”

Today is the Nevada caucus. Polls have been tight between Hillary and Bernie Sanders. Updates will be posted later today. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Guardian, Las Vegas Sun, The New York Times

Clintons Campaign in Multiple States


On Tuesday, Bill and Hillary Clinton attended events across multiple states. Bill was in Greenville, South Carolina where he spoke to a crowd at the West End Community Center. He spoke about immigration reform and gun control, and he spoke highly of Hillary’s experience and conviction. Bill said that her desire to be a change maker is her strongest trait. He asked voters to support her in the upcoming primary saying, “She never gives up and she won’t give up on you, and she knows if we are going to go into the future together we’ve got to have shared prosperity, equal opportunity and inclusiveness. If that is what you want she is your candidate.”

Hillary attended three events in two states. She began in New York City where she attended a fundraiser. She then met with Reverend Al Sharpton in Lower Manhattan. Clinton and Sharpton were joined at their meeting by National Urban League President Mark Moriale. Clinton said, “My campaign is really about breaking every barrier. I’m not a single issue candidate and we don’t live in a single issue country and we have work to do and that work can only be done in partnership.” Clinton then traveled to an evening fundraiser in McLean, Virginia held at the home of Beatrice and Tony Welters.


Hillary also visited Harlem where she gave a speech on her plans to end systemic racism. She pledged $125 billion to assist poor and minority communities with job training and education. She spoke about her “Breaking Down Barriers” that would help “places where people of color and the poor have been left out and left behind.” Clinton criticized rival Bernie Sanders’ relationship with minorities communities saying, “You can’t start building relationships a few weeks before a vote.” A video of her speech will be added when/if available.

In Nevada, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine joined a group of supporters in Mesquite to take part in a canvass event. Meanwhile in Texas, Hillary for America Director of Policy Outreach Ed Meier attended an event at the Dallas home of Anne and Chris Hamilton.

Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Chicago for a number of events while Bill and Chelsea will also be attending events in New York, Kansas, and Nebraska. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, WYFF, CBS New York

Bill, Kelly, and Giffords Campaign for Hillary on Saturday


Saturday was a busy day in Iowa. With the caucus being Monday, candidates from both parties have flocked to the state, and for Hillary Clinton, supports have been canvassing the state for weeks. Politicians, actors, activists, and others have been speaking on her behalf, and Saturday was no different. Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mike Kelly, were in Iowa where they appeared with Hillary at an event in Ames, but then went to Des Moines to speak to Iowans about common sense gun control and why Hillary was the best candidate for that job.

Bill Clinton was also traveling across Iowa with events in Iowa Falls and Grinnell. At both events, he spoke about Hillary’s experience and why she is the best choice, not only for the Democratic nomination, but for president as well. Videos from Saturday’s events will be added when/if available.

Sunday is the final push before the Iowa caucus and a number of events are planned. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, Wired

Hillary Clinton Surprises Volunteers in New Hampshire

On a cold winter day in New Hampshire, volunteers turned up to help Hillary for America canvass in Manchester. They expected Mayor Marty Walsh to be there, but they got a real surprise when Hillary Clinton stopped by and rallied the volunteers before she left for Iowa. She thanked the volunteers for their support before they went out and knocked on doors asking voters to support her in the upcoming primary. Volunteers are key in any campaign and if you would like to learn more about volunteering for Hillary for America in your area, CLICK HERE.

Clinton flew to Iowa this morning to hold a number of events before the February 1st caucus. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.