Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in Iowa, Colorado


Senator Bernie Sanders remained in Iowa this morning for a Get out the Vote rally in Ames. During his speech, Sanders spoke about the importance of electing Hillary Clinton saying, “Hillary Clinton has a very different perspective [and] she understands what Donald Trump does not understand.” He outlined a number of Clinton’s platform points including her plans to combat climate change, reform campaign finance, create jobs, raise the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Sanders concluded by asking everyone to vote saying that the election is too important to sit out. “You don’t like Hillary Clinton? You Don’t like Donald Trump? Fine. You like yourself? Get beyond personality; that means taking a hard look at what the candidates stand for,” Sanders said. A video from the event is below.

Sanders then spoke at a Get out the Vote event in Colorado Springs. Sanders spoke about a number of the progressive points from Clinton’s platform including her proposals to raise the minimum wage, combat climate change, fix the Affordable Care Act, and make college at public institutions tuition free for students making less than $125,000 per year. He urged everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday and to encourage others to vote as well. “If you take two or three of your friends to the polls, you double or triple your impact,” he said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Iowa State Daily, The Denver Post, 9 News

Clinton Accepts Presidential Debate Schedule


On Monday, Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released a statement saying that Hillary Clinton has accepted the dates and locations for the presidential debates as scheduled by the independent debate commission. Republican Donald Trump has voiced his concerns about the debates and moderators. The debates will begin in late September with the last in late October, a few weeks before the election. View the debate dates on our Scheduled Events page. Presidential debates are scheduled by an independent organization. A copy of Podesta’s statement is below.

“Secretary Clinton looks forward to participating in all three presidential debates scheduled by the independent debate commission. With so much at stake in the fall elections, she believes these debates will provide the American people with an important opportunity to hear from the candidates on issues critical to the country’s future. It is concerning that the Trump campaign is already engaged in shenanigans around these debates. It is not clear if he is trying to avoid the debates, or merely toying with the press to create more drama. Either way, our campaign is not interested in playing along with a debate about debates or bargaining around them. The only issue now is whether Donald Trump is going to show up to debate at the date, times, places and formats set by the commission last year through a bipartisan process. We accept the commission’s invitation and expect Donald Trump will do the same.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News

Hillary Clinton Strong in CNN Town Hall


On Monday night, Hillary Clinton participated in CNN’s Iowa Town Hall event. The town hall was hosted by Chris Cuomo and each of the Democratic candidates, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley, were on stage separately. After some questions from Cuomo, the floor was open to questions from the audience. In her answers, Clinton set a clear contrast between herself and Sanders citing experience and a progressive background that will allow her to get things done. While Sanders has big ideas, it isn’t likely that he will be successful getting them passed in Congress.

While Sanders attacked Clinton for her relationship with Wall Street and vote in favor of the Iraq war, Clinton argued that she is only candidate that offers the skills and experience required for handling issues both domestically and abroad. She said, “It’s hard. If it were easy, hey, there wouldn’t be any contest. But it’s not easy. There are very different visions, different values, different forces at work, and you have to have somebody who is a proven fighter — somebody who has taken them on and won, and kept going, and will do that as President.” A video from the event is below.

Today, Clinton is hosting three events across Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox6, CNN

Tonight: Democratic Presidential Town Hall on CNN


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley, will take part in a CNN town hall event live from Des Moines, Iowa. This is the final time the three will appear together before the February 1st Iowa caucus. The event will held on the camps of Drake University, and will be moderated by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. The event is scheduled to begin at 9pm ET on CNN.

News Source: CNN

Clinton Releases Video Supporting Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood has long been a political lightning rod, but candidates like Hillary Rodham Clinton understand its importance to women’s health. As Congress threatens to defund Planned Parenthood, Clinton supports it. In a video released by her campaign today, Clinton calls out Republican candidates Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, and Rick Perry for their role in defunding the organization as governor of their respective states. Clinton vows to continue fighting for Planned Parenthood saying, ”When they attack women’s health, they attack America’s health, and it’s wrong. I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood.”

New Source: MSNBC