Podesta Blasts Trump’s Distortion of Reality in Op-Ed

WASHINGTON, DC -- NOVEMBER 9: Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, being interviewed for Discovery Channel's, "The President's Gatekeepers," November 9, 2012, in Washington, D.C. (Photo by David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images)
(Photo by David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images)

John Podesta, the former chairman of Hillary for America, published an op-ed in The Washington Post attacking President Donald Trump for his continued distortion of the facts and attacks on the media. In the piece, Podesta calls out Trump for calling anything that does not portray him in the best light “fake news.” He has said this about poll numbers, his businesses, his connections to Russia, and any of his nominees. Podesta calls Trump’s attacks on the media “dangerous” as he is trying to turn people against the media and the political system. “He’s not just trying to spin the bad news of the day; all politicians do that. He seeks nothing less than to undermine the public’s belief that any news can be trusted, that any news is true, that there is any fixed reality,” he says. Read the full op-ed HERE.

Follow Podesta on Twitter @johnpodesta.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton: Why You Should Vote for Me


The following op-ed appears in Monday’s issue of USA Today:

Hillary Clinton: Why you should vote for me
Hillary Clinton
USA Today
November 6, 2016

In January, America is going to have a new president. Things are going to change — that much is certain. The question is, what kind of change are we going to have?

We can build an economy that works for everyone, or stack the deck even more for those at the top.

We can keep America safe through strength and smarts — or turn our backs on our allies, and cozy up to our adversaries.

We can come together to build a stronger, fairer America, or fear the future and fear each other.

Everything I’ve done, as first lady, senator, or secretary of State, I’ve done by listening to people and looking for common ground, even with people who disagree with me. And if you elect me on Tuesday, that’s the kind of president I’ll be.

Here are four priorities for my first 100 days — issues I’ve heard about from Americans all over our country.

First, we will put forward the biggest investment in new jobs since World War II. We’ll invest in infrastructure and manufacturing to grow our economy for years to come. We’ll produce enough renewable energy to power every home in America within a decade. We’ll cut red tape for small businesses and make it easier for entrepreneurs to get the credit they need to grow and hire — because in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it. We’ll pay for it all by asking the wealthy, Wall Street and big corporations to finally pay their fair share. And this commitment will go far beyond the first 100 days. Creating more good jobs with rising incomes will be a central mission of my presidency.

Second, we will introduce comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The last president to sign comprehensive immigration reform was Ronald Reagan, and it was a priority for George W. Bush. I’m confident that we can work across the aisle to pass comprehensive reform that keeps families together and creates a path to citizenship, secures our border, and focuses our enforcement resources on violent criminals. This is the right thing to do, and it will also grow our economy.

Third, to break the gridlock in Washington, we need to get secret, unaccountable money out of our politics. It’s drowning out the voices of the American people. So within my first 30 days, I will introduce a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. We should be protecting citizens’ rights to vote, not corporations’ rights to buy elections.

Fourth, we need to get started on end-to-end criminal justice reform. Too many people have been sent away for far too long for non-violent offenses. I believe our country will be stronger and safer when everyone has respect for the law and everyone is respected by the law.

There’s so much more we need to do together, and we certainly won’t get it all done in the first 100 days. But we’re going to roll up our sleeves and get to work for American families — and I’ll never, ever quit.

I want to be president for all Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents; Americans of every race, faith and background.

My opponent has run his campaign on divisiveness, fear and insults, and spent months pitting Americans against each other. I’ve said many times that Donald Trump has shown us who he is. Now we have to decide who we are.

Because it’s not just our names on the ballot this year. Every issue we care about is on the ballot, too. This is about who we are as a country — and whether we are going to have change that makes us stronger together, or change that pushes us further apart.

It all comes down to this. I love our country. I believe in our people. And I think there’s nothing we can’t achieve if we work together and invest in each other.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: USA Today

Final Review: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Before the majority of Americans head to the polls on Tuesday, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Clinton has outlined a comprehensive platform while what has been offered by Trump little substance and foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plan to combat bullying just a few weeks ago, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Statement on Trump’s Foreign Business Entanglements


In response to new reporting from the Wall Street Journal on Donald Trump’s dangerous and unprecedented foreign business entanglements, Hillary for America deputy communications director Christina Reynolds issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump has business all around the world, and while he has failed to disclose full details of his business record, what we know is truly disturbing. The idea of a President Trump trying to negotiate with foreign leaders while having his business at stake is simply unacceptable and raises real questions about how he would handle matters of national security. This is just one more reason why he cannot be president.”


KEY POINT: “Those whom Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have worked with abroad include: the family of a developer in India who is a ruling-party politician, an Azerbaijani government minister’s son and a media company that became the Turkish president’s outlet of choice during the July 15 coup attempt.

No recent president has had a portfolio of international business interests as extensive as Mr. Trump’s—or as great a level of business engagement on his behalf by offspring, who have also played a role in his campaign.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Tim Kaine Campaigns at Penn State University


Tim Kaine returned to Pennsylvania on Friday where he campaigned on the campus of Penn State University. Speaking to a large crowd, Kaine outlined what President Hillary Clinton would focus on if elected president. He spoke about her plans to build the economy, give small businesses access to more resources, promote equality and access, and create new jobs by investing in the country’s infrastructure and manufacturing sector. Kaine also spoke about college affordability and ensuring that those currently repaying student loans can refinance their debt at lower interest rates. He also spoke about Clinton’s plan to guarantee that future students graduate debt-free. On student loans, Kaine said, “You should not have to mortgage your future to prepare for your future.” Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Daily Collegian, WGAL, Penn Live

Clinton Pens an Open Letter to Latina Millennials


POPSUGAR published the following message from Hillary Clinton:

An Open Letter to Latina Millennials From Hillary Clinton
By Hillary Clinton
October 7, 2016

As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to the amazing, inspiring young Latinas I’ve met as I’ve crossed the country for this campaign.

Your generation is unlike any that has come before. You’re growing up at a time when you have an incredible opportunity to write our nation’s next chapter. Many of you are the first in your family to go to college or own your own business. You’re the daughters of trailblazers who broke barriers so you could pursue your dreams. You’re activists, entrepreneurs, and dreamers, and you know what it means to work hard and never let anything get in your way.

From actors like Gina Rodriguez to DREAMers like Larissa Martinez, the high school valedictorian who came out as undocumented in her graduation speech, each of you is building the legacy we celebrate this month. And you’re doing it by writing your own story.

But despite all your hard work and success, there are still too many barriers holding you back. I see Latina students trying to get a college education, slammed with rising tuition costs and student debt. I see entrepreneurs eager to start new businesses, navigating too much red tape. I see mothers balancing work and family as best you can, but still struggling to find safe, affordable childcare.


More and more women are the breadwinners in families across America, yet on average Latinas make 55 cents for every dollar a white man makes. We need to update our policies to match how families live and work today. Let’s close that pay gap, raise the minimum wage, guarantee paid family leave, and make childcare available to every family.

We’ll put in motion a plan I created with Bernie Sanders to make college tuition-free for working families and debt-free for all families. If you already have student loans, we’ll help you refinance them or defer them to start a business. The number of Latina-owned small businesses has more than tripled in the last twenty years. That’s amazing. We should be doing more to support Latina entrepreneurs, because you’re a big force for economic growth.

And I will fight to pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship. This is a goal whose time has long since come. I know many families are disappointed that we haven’t achieved it yet — I am too. But we can’t give up or become resigned. We need to stand together and fight to get this done, for as long as it takes. And if I’m elected, I’m going to make this a top priority of my presidency.

When I listen to Latinas talk about your culture, the importance of family stands out. You tell me that when someone in your family succeeds, everyone succeeds. When someone is struggling, you all come together to help them. To me, this is the definition of community. And I want our country to start thinking this way too. That’s what I mean when I say that we’re stronger together.

And I think we need to spread that message far and wide, especially now. Because this election has left a lot of people feeling anxious or scared. I hear it everywhere I go. We’ve seen the rise of a presidential candidate who began his campaign by declaring that Mexicans are rapists and murderers. He said a distinguished federal judge couldn’t be trusted to do his job because of his Mexican heritage. And he derided Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe and new American citizen, calling her “Miss Housekeeping” because she’s Latina.

So much of his rhetoric is full of prejudice and paranoia. So I understand why so many young people tell me they wonder if our country even sees their value — as Latinos, as Latinas, as Americans.

So let me be clear. Whether you’re Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Afro-Latino . . . whether your family just arrived or has been here since before the United States even existed . . . you make our nation stronger, smarter, and more creative. You belong. And millions of your fellow Americans respect, value, and appreciate you. I am one of them.

This is your chance — your chance to shape America’s future, your chance to stand up to racism and exclusion and say, “This is my country too.” So let’s stand together.

Millennials make up nearly half of Latino eligible voters in this election. This is your chance — your chance to shape America’s future, your chance to stand up to racism and exclusion and say, “This is my country too.” So let’s stand together. Let’s show the world once and for all that, in America, love always trumps hate.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: POPSUGAR

Details: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary for America Canvasses the Country on National Voter Registration Day


September 27, 2016 is National Voter Registration Day and Hillary for America canvassed the country holding nearly 1,400 voter registration drives to ensure that Americans were registered to vote before their states’ deadlines. HFA released the following information outlining what they did today.

Following last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine and high profile surrogates are back on the campaign trail today, marking National Voter Registration Day by barnstorming battleground states to raise awareness of voter registration deadlines and to discuss the high stakes of the November election. With important voter registration deadlines coming up soon, Hillary for America is capitalizing on today’s national day of action by organizing nearly 1,400 local voter registration events in communities across the country.

Every election, millions of Americans don’t get to cast their ballot because they missed their state’s registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. Hillary for America will build off the excitement from the debate to talk about importance of registering to vote ahead of registration deadlines by holding local voter registration events across the country.

“Last night, families across the country tuned into the first presidential debate and witnessed just how high the stakes are in this election. We’ve always said that this race would be won in the states, and with just six weeks to go, our ground game will be registering voters in communities across the country.” said Marlon Marshall, Hillary for America Director of State Campaigns and Political Engagement.

Started by young organizers, National Voter Registration Day is a day of action celebrated by thousands of organizations, businesses, local communities and celebrities to make sure that no one is left out on election day. Every election, millions of Americans don’t get to cast their ballot because they missed their state’s registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. Today, Hillary for America will join thousands of organizations, businesses, local communities and celebrities in working to raise awareness about voter registration deadlines.

Hillary for America will mark National Voter Registration day by continuing its ‘3 Million Stronger’ push to register or commit to vote 3 million voters. At voter registration events across the country and through digital activity – and campaign will be reminding people to make sure they’re ready to make their voice heard this election by visiting iwillvote.com to check their voter registration status or get registered to vote.

Hillary Clinton will also take that message on the road, campaigning in four battleground states in the four days coming out of the debate: Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday, Durham, New Hampshire on Wednesday, Des Moines, Iowa on Thursday and southern Florida on Friday. Today, Senator Tim Kaine will campaign in Florida and Vice President Joe Biden will campaign in Philadelphia. President Bill Clinton will travel to Ohio and starts his bus tour in Florida on Friday. First Lady Michelle Obama will campaign in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh on Wednesday. Chelsea Clinton will visit in North Carolina on Wednesday and Wisconsin on Friday, and Anne Holton will campaign in Michigan on today and Wednesday, in Iowa on Thursday and Wisconsin and Friday

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA’s Response to Trump’s Latest Misleading Ad


On Monday, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds released the following in response to Donald Trump’s latest campaign ad.

“Donald Trump’s reckless approach to business has devastated working families and communities. He will do and say whatever is in his interest, even if it means swindling working families to make millions for himself. Now Trump is promising the same reckless, self-centered approach to running the country’s economy – with large tax breaks for the wealthy, and a plan that independent experts say would cost millions of jobs. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who will work to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and has a plan that would create jobs, grow incomes and help small business and the middle class. No misleading ad can change that fact.”

V/O: In Hillary Clinton’s America, the middle class gets crushed

SUPER: middle class CRUSHED

“America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas,” Pew Research Center, 5/11/16




Hillary for America Fact Sheet: Stronger Together: Hillary Clinton’s Plan for An Economy That Works for Everyone, Not Just Those at the Top [Hillary for America Fact Sheet, 6/22/16]

Hillary Clinton is running for President to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. And she is setting five big goals to get there:

1  Break Through Washington Gridlock to Make the Boldest Investment in Good-Paying Jobs Since World War II

2  Make Debt Free College Available to All Americans

3  Rewrite the Rules to Ensure That Workers Share in the Profits They Help Create

4  Ensure That Those at the Top Pay Their Fair Share

5  Put Families First by Matching Our Policies to How Families Live, Learn, and Work in the 21st Century Economy


Moody’s: “Those Who Would Benefit Most From Secretary Clinton’s Economic Proposals Would Be Low- And Middle-Income Households.” “Those who would benefit most from Secretary Clinton’s economic proposals would be low- and middle-income households.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]


“America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas,” Pew Research Center, 5/11/16

V/O Spending goes up

SUPER: spending goes UP

“Analyzing Clinton’s Health and Education Expenses,” CRFB, 7/27/16

“Estimating the Costs of Candidate Clinton’s Proposals,” American Action Forum, 6/4/16


Wall Street Journal: Study Sees Debt Jumping Under Trump, Staying Steady Under Clinton [Wall Street, Journal, 6/26/16]

Study: Clinton’s proposals would not significantly increase national debt [The Hill, 5/2/16]

Budget group: Debt jumps under Donald Trump, remains steady under Hillary Clinton [CBS News, 6/27/16]



V/O: Taxes go up

SUPER: Taxes go UP

“Estimating the Costs of Candidate Clinton’s Proposals,” American Action Forum, 6/4/16



Politifact Gave A “Pants On Fire” To Donald Trump’s Claim That “Hillary Clinton Wants To Raise Taxes On The Middle Class.” [Politifact, 8/5/16]

Research Cited By Trump Campaign Notes That Clinton Would Not Raise Taxes On Incomes Less Than $250,000

Tax Foundation: “Consistent With The Clinton Campaign’s Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Households Earning Less Than $250,000, We Assumed That The New Schedule For Long-Term Gains…” “Consistent with the Clinton campaign’s pledge not to raise taxes on households earning less than $250,000, we assumed that the new schedule for long-term gains only would apply to the top marginal tax rate of 20 percent.” [“Details and Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16]

V/O: Hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear. It’s more of the same but worse.

SUPER: Clinton’s Tax Plan: hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear

“Details and Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16



Moody’s: “During Her Presidency, The Economy Would Create 10.4 Million Jobs, 3.2 Million More Than Under Current Law.” “Employment also receives a lift under the secretary’s plan. During her presidency, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs, 3.2 million more than under current law. Unemployment is also lower, with the unemployment rate falling as low as 3.7% in the middle of her term, and ending her presidency in 2020 at 4.4%. Under current law, the unemployment rate hovers just below 5% between now and the end of the decade.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]

Moody’s: Clinton’s Economic Proposals Will Results In A “Stronger U.S. Economy With Increased GDP And More Jobs” That “Will Mostly Benefit Middle- And Lower-Income Households.” “Even allowing for some variability in the accuracy of the economic modeling and underlying assumptions that drive our analysis, four basic conclusions regarding the impact of Secretary Clinton’s economic proposals can be reached: 1) They will result in a somewhat stronger U.S. economy with increased GDP and more jobs; 2) they will mostly benefit middle- and lower-income households; 3) they have little impact on the nation’s fiscal situation, as they result in somewhat larger deficits but a mostly unchanged debt-to-GDP ratio; and 4) they exhibit faith in the ability of government policy to positively influence economic behavior.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]

V/O: In Donald Trump’s America, working families get tax relief

SUPER: Families Get Tax Relief

“A Pro-Growth Tax Code for All Americans,” GOP: A Better Way, 6/24/16



HEADLINE: “Economists: Trump Tax Plan Offers Almost Nothing For The Middle Class.” [Washington Post, 8/8/16]

Center On Budget And Policy Priorities: Trump’s Proposed 15% Tax Rate On Pass-Through Income “Would Be An Expensive Tax Cut That Would Flow Primarily To The Wealthiest Americans.” “A central element of Donald Trump’s tax plan, which he’s expected to discuss in a high-profile speech in Detroit today, is a special 15 percent tax rate on business income claimed on individual tax returns, known as ‘pass-through’ income.  Mr. Trump says it’s designed to help small businesses, which he contends shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than large corporations.  Mr. Trump, who has proposed a 15 percent corporate tax rate, proposes a pass-through rate of 15 percent as well. The Trump pass-through proposal would be an expensive tax cut that would flow primarily to the wealthiest Americans.  That’s because more than two-thirds of pass-through business income flows to the highest-income 1 percent of tax filers.” [Center On Budget And Policy Priorities, 8/8/16]

Trump’s Financial Disclosure Revealed He Had Holdings In More Than 200 Pass-Through Entities, Which Would See Their Tax Rate Dramatically Reduced Under His Plan. “A little-noticed provision in Donald Trump’s tax reform plan has the potential to deliver a large tax cut to companies in the Republican presidential nominee’s vast business empire, experts say. Trump’s plan would dramatically reduce taxes on what is known in tax circles as ‘pass-through’ entities, which do not pay corporate income taxes, but whose owners are taxed at individual rates on their share of profits. Those entities are the most common structure for small businesses and increasingly popular for larger ones as well. They are also a cornerstone of the Trump Organization. On his 2015 presidential financial disclosure report, Trump listed holdings of more than 200 limited liability corporations, which is a form of pass-through.” [Washington Post, 8/10/16]


HEADLINE: “Trump Ad Credits Tax Plan He Doesn’t Support” [NBC News, 8/29/16]

Donald Trump’s New Ad Cites Two Contradictory Tax Plans — One That Trump Has Explicitly Ruled Out and Another That He Has Yet To Endorse. “Donald Trump’s new $10 million TV ad cites two contradictory tax plans — one that Trump has explicitly ruled out and another that he has yet to endorse — raising more questions about what policies the GOP presidential nominee supports. […] For the ad’s claim that ‘working families get tax relief,’ it refers viewers not to an analysis of Trump’s own tax proposals, but to a white paper by House GOP leaders about their own tax reform plan. […] Trump has not endorsed the House GOP plan outright, but his new proposal, announced earlier this month, has some similarities. […] Things get even more confusing as the commercial continues. The ad’s next two claims that Trump would make ‘wages go up’ and ‘small businesses thrive’ refer to his old tax plan from last year, which had drastically different rates, including a 0% bracket at the bottom and a top rate of 25%. The on-screen citation directs viewers to a Tax Foundation analysis of that now-defunct proposal from September 2015. Trump erased his old plan from his website shortly before he announced his new one in a speech to the Detroit Economic Club earlier this month.” [NBC News, 8/29/16]

V/O: Millions of New Jobs Created

Millions of new jobs

Details and Analysis of the 2016 House Republican Tax Reform Plan,” Tax Foundation, 7/5/16



A Moody’s Analytics Report On Trump’s Economic Proposals On Taxes, Trade, Immigration And Spending Found That Trump’s Policies Could Sharply Reduce Economic Output And Reduce Employment By Nearly 3.5 Million Jobs During His First Term. “A new analysis concludes Donald Trump’s economic proposals, taken at face value, could produce a prolonged recession and heavy job losses that would fall hardest on low- and middle-income workers. The Moody’s Analytics report, which a person close to the Trump campaign strongly disputed, is the first that attempts to quantify the cumulative economic benefits and costs of Mr. Trump’s proposals on taxes, trade, immigration and spending. It determines that full adoption of those policies would sharply reduce economic output during his first term and reduce employment by 3.5 million jobs.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/20/15]

V/O: Wages go up

SUPER: Wages go up

“Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan,” Tax Foundation, 9/29/15



Trump Opposed Raising The Minimum Wage Because: “Wages Too High, We’re Not Going To Be Able To Compete Against The World.” Trump said he wouldn’t raise the minimum wage, and the reason is that America ‘is a country that is being beaten on every front.’ The problem, he said: ‘Taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum.’” [The Week, 11/10/15; Republican Primary Debate, Milwaukee WI, 11/10/15]

Trump: “We Have To Become Competitive With The World.  Our Taxes Are Too High, Our Wages Are Too High.  Everything Is Too High.” TRUMP: “But you know what? We have to become competitive with the world.  Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high.  Everything is too high.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 11/11/15; The Hill, 11/11/15]


Trump: “But I Think Having A Low Minimum Wage Is Not A Bad Thing For This Country.” TRUMP: “Now — I want to create jobs so that you don’t have to worry about the minimum wage.  They’re do a great job that they’re making much more than the minimum wage.  But I think having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country, Mika.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 8/20/15; Washington Times; 8/20/15]

V/O: Small businesses thrive

SUPER: Small businesses thrive

“Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan,” Tax Foundation, 9/29/15

V/O: The American dream achievable. Change that makes America great again. Donald Trump for President.




Moody’s Concluded That Trump’s Trade And Immigration Policies Would Sharply Boost The Prices Of Labor And Goods And Could Contribute To A Recession In 2018. “The report singles out trade and immigration policies as the most detrimental to the economy in the short run because they could sharply boost labor and goods prices at a time when there’s less slack in the labor market. ‘It is a massive supply shock to the economy that’s very pernicious, and the Fed doesn’t know how to respond to that,’ said Mr. Zandi. Moody’s concludes that those price pressures would force the central bank to raise interest rates at a faster-than-desired pace, contributing to a recession in 2018 that could produce a 25% drop in the S&P 500.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/20/15]

HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Trade War Could Kill Millions Of U.S. Jobs” [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 3/25/16]

HEADLINE: “How Donald Trump Could Cause A Recession” [CNN Money, 3/3/16]

The Republican-Leaning U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Argued That Trump’s Proposed Tariffs Would Likely Cause A Recession. “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is using a recent analysis commissioned by The Washington Post to argue that Donald Trump’s trade policy platform could cause a recession. The business group, which is a consistent backer of Republican politicians, said in a blog post Friday that a recession would set in during the first year under the Republican front-runner’s proposed tariffs because China and Mexico would likely impose retaliatory tariffs.” [Politico, 4/1/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.