HFA Releases Series of Videos


Hillary for America has released a series of new campaign videos featuring Hillary Clinton and her plans for America. The first video tells the story of the relationship between Clinton and Aleatha, a young woman from the Bronx. The next video focuses on Clinton’s immigration plans and the importance of keeping families together. The final video focuses on Donald Trump and the birther conspiracy that he pushed during the election of President Barack Obama. The videos are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Chelsea, Bill Campaign for Hillary in New York


On Friday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton held a number of Get Out the Vote events in New York. Bill began with a rally in the Bronx where he spoke to a group of supporters. During the event, he criticized Republican Donald Trump for his plan to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico and his plan to ban Muslims from entering the country. Bill said that what the country needs is more acceptance, not intolerance. He said, “No one who walked through that door today was asked to check your faith at the door, check your race at the door, and check your politics at the door. Everywhere in the world people are working together for inclusive economic opportunities, inclusive social policies, which is a fancy way of saying we love our differences.”

Bill then spoke at a rally at The Garden at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. During the event, he spent time detailing a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to reduce student debt, expand clean energy, and rebuild the economy. He criticized Bernie Sanders for making it sound as though Wall Street is the central problem in the country when in fact it is more complicated than that. He said, “I think it’s fine that all these young students have been so enthusiastic for her opponent and say, ‘It’s all good, just shoot every third person on Wall Street and everything will be fine.'” He asked for voters support when New York holds its primary on April 19. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.


Chelsea, meanwhile, had four events on her agenda. She attended events in Sands Point, Brooklyn, and New York City. During each of the events, Chelsea spoke with small groups of supporters touting her mother’s plans to improve heath care, enact stricter gun regulations, and keep America safe. She spoke about Hillary’s experience and how that sets her apart from the other candidates. Chelsea explained to each group how important the 2016 election is and asked them for their support in the upcoming New York primary.

In Hong Kong, a fundraiser was held for United States citizens currently living in the region. Chief Financial Officer Gary Gensler attended the event which was hosted by Young Joon Kim, Tony Miller, Robert Roche, Ruby Shang, Carolyn Wu, Wenchi Yu and James Zimmerman. The event was held at the home of Laura Howard.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Hill, US News & World Report, Newsday, The Journal News

Hillary Clinton Unveils Environmental, Immigration Plan Details


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton delivered two major speeches during which she outlined her plans for environmental action and her proposal to create a Department of Immigrant Affairs to help immigrants become American citizens. This morning, Clinton was endorsed by the New York State Immigrant Action Fund, and Clinton attended a round table event during which she discussed her plans for immigration reform. She criticized Republican Donald Trump for his anti-immigration rhetoric and vowed to help immigrants become American citizens. During her remarks, she proposed the introduction of a Department of Immigrant Affairs that would work at all levels of government to assist immigrants and refugees as they settle in the United States.

In the afternoon, Clinton spoke at the National Action Network Convention where she was introduced by Rev. Al Sharpton. Clinton introduced her plan for environmental and climate justice which is a small part of her larger Breaking Every Barrier agenda. The plan not only includes fighting climate change, but eliminating lead as a public health threat. The main points of the plan include:

  • Eliminating lead as a major public heath threat within five years
  • Protesting public heath and safety by modernizing drinking and wastewater systems
  • Prosecuting criminal and civil violations that expose communities to environmental harm and work with Congress to strengthen public health protections in our existing laws
  • Creating new economic opportunity through brownfield clean-up and redevelopment
  • Reducing urban air pollution by investing in clean power and transportation
  • Broadening the clean energy economy, build career opportunities, and combat energy poverty by expanding solar and energy efficiency in low-income communities and communities of color
  • Protecting communities from the impacts of climate change by investing in resilient infrastructure
  • Establishing an Environmental and Climate Justice Task Force to make environmental and climate justice, including cumulative impacts, an integral part of federal decision-making

A video of speech is below and a transcript can be read HERE. Full details of Clinton’s Environmental and Climate Justice plan can be read on The Briefing.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event in the Bronx. During the event, she spoke about a variety of topics including working for New York as senator, improving education, building upon the progress made in heath care, and ensuring that all Americans have an opportunity to prosper. She took the time to point out the differences between her and her Republican rivals, especially front-runner Donald Trump. She said, “He wants to build walls; I want to build bridges.” Clinton went on to ask for everyone’s support during next week’s primary. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Norwood News, MSNBC, International Business Times, Think Progress, The Briefing

Bill Campaigns in New York, Chelsea in DC


On Monday, all three Clintons, Hillary Bill, and Chelsea, attended events across New York and in Washington, DC. Bill was in New York City where he spoke with residents at the Hebrew Home for the Aging in the Bronx with Congressman Eliot Engel. During the event, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to expand elderly care and protect Social Security benefits. He said, “So many vulnerable people. We are all living longer now. It means that we have to make the most of our elder years. That’s another thing she’s really interested in.”

Bill then went to an organizing event in Brooklyn. Speaking at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, Clinton spoke about Hillary’s platform and her experience. He also spoke about Sanders’ campaign tactics and his recent interest in running as a Democrat (Sanders is an Independent Senator from Vermont). He said, “Sometimes in this primary I get the feeling that the gentleman who’s running against Hillary is running harder against President Obama and me than he is against the legacy of the Bush administration. You know, after he’s been a Democrat a little while longer he’ll get used to it. He’ll realize, you know, our party is the best hope we got.” A video from today’s speeches will be added when/if available.

Chelsea focused her attention on Washington, DC where she attended two area fundraisers. In addition, two others campaigned on behalf of Hillary for America today. Campaign Chair John Podesta attended a fundraiser in Washington, DC. In New York City, Economic Policy Advisor Mike Schmidt attended a local fundraiser as well.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News, Observer

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Brooklyn

Hillary Clinton spent Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, New York where she met with voters and spoke at an organizing event. During the event, she was introduced by Representative Nydia Velazquez, then Clinton focused on immigration and issues within the Latino community. She stressed that the United States is a country of immigrants and that immigration reform is necessary to continue that tradition. Clinton also spoke about Puerto Rico and her proposal to give the territory voting rights and federal support for its economy. She asked for everyone’s support in New York’s April 19 primary. A full video of her speech is below.

Clinton also made a surprise stop at an Inner Circle charity event in New York City. Clinton appeared along side New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and she referenced an issue she experienced earlier in the week when she tried to swipe a MetroCard to ride the subway in the Bronx. She said, “Will you just fix these MetroCard slots? It took me like five swipes.” She also thanked the mayor for his endorsement before adding, “it took you long enough.” All Clinton’s comments were made in the spirit of the comedy event presented that evening.


For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, Brooklyn Paper

Hillary Clinton Speaks to Press in NY, Attends Fundraisers


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton was in New York City where she spoke at a brief press conference outside of Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. Clinton was primarily asked about the upcoming New York primary and the race between her and Bernie Sanders. Clinton avoided criticizing Sanders directly and said that it was going to be important to unite the party against the Republicans in November. She said, “I will take Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump or Ted Cruz any time. Let’s keep our eye on what’s really at stake in this election. We have Republicans whose values are so antithetical to what is right for New York or right for America.” A full video of the press conference is below.

While in New York, Clinton also attended a fundraiser in Mount Kisco. The event was held at the home of Marco Masotti and Tracy Stein. Clinton then traveled to Denver, Colorado where she attended a fundraiser. Also attended the event were Governor John and Robin Hickenlooper. The fundraiser also included performances by The Fray and Big Head Todd & The Monsters.

News Source: New York Daily News