Al Gore Campaigns for Hillary in Colorado


Al Gore returned to the campaign trail on Monday. He campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton at events in Boulder and Lakewood, Colorado. Gore spoke about the importance of the election and its potential impact on the climate. He said that Clinton is the only candidate that admits climate change is real and offers a viable plan to combat its affects. “This election in particular is a climate election. You don’t have to go very far from downtown Boulder to answer the question of, ‘must we change?'” Gore then spoke about the importance of voting and encouraged everyone to get out tomorrow adding, “The outcome of this election is going to be up to you. Take it from me — every vote counts. (This election) is not just between two people with two different personalities, two different styles and approaches; it’s between two different governing policies. When all of the shouting dies down, that’s when the real decisions take place. This election means the world. Clinton understands that we must change. She understands that the international process requires a president that’s willing to stand up. The other candidate says he’s opposed to all of those things. To me, it seems it’s an extremely clear choice. We can do it. Let’s elect Hillary Clinton.” A video of his speech in Boulder is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Denver Post

Chelsea Clinton Campaigns for her Mother in Colorado and Wisconsin


Chelsea Clinton spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Boulder, Colorado this morning where she urged supporters to get out and vote on November 8th. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to raise the minimum wage and make college more affordable. She made the case for her mother saying, “This election is both about defeating Donald Trump and electing a woman who has been fighting for and delivering for children and families and women for literally longer than I’ve been alive. And I believe that if we keep talking to people about what is actually at stake in this election, we will win.” A video from the event is below.

Chelsea then traveled to Wisconsin where she spoke with supporters in Eau Claire and Oshkosh. At each event, Chelsea outlined her mother’s blueprint for America and spoke about a number of Hillary’s proposed policies including criminal justice reform and introducing common sense gun control. Chelsea also spoke about her mother’s plan to pay for her proposals by increasing taxes on those making over $250,000 per year. Meanwhile, middle class Americans, those making less then that amount, will not see any tax increases. Chelsea called the election the most important in her lifetime and urged everyone to vote on November 8th. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS Denver, WEAU, Fox 11

Tim Kaine Hits Campaign Trail in Richmond


In his home state of Virginia, Tim Kaine kicked off on his first solo campaign event since being announced as Hillary Clinton’s running mate. He spent the day in Richmond where he started the day by visiting Hillary for America volunteers. Then, he held a rally in the city this afternoon. During his speech, he spoke about a number of Clinton’s plans including her proposals for education, infrastructure, and her jobs plan. Kaine contrasted the economic plans proposed by Clinton and Donald Trump saying that, according to study by Moody’s, Trump’s plan would lead to recession while Clinton’s would stimulate and grow the economy. Kaine called Clinton a leader and spoke about her experience and knowledge on a number of domestic and foreign policy issues. Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

Meanwhile, in Boulder, Colorado, a dinner and conversation was held with Governor John Hickenlooper and Kimbal Musk. The dinner featured foot prepared by Chef Biju Thomas, and the topic of conversation included farming and food sourcing.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, WUSA9

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in North Carolina


On Sunday, as Hillary Clinton prepared for CNN’s Democratic Town Hall event, Bill Clinton campaigned in North Carolina on her behalf ahead of Tuesday’s primary. Speaking at the Wake Forest School of Law, he spoke about her experience and plans as president. Clinton then traveled to  Asheville where he spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and how it will affect a number of policies including heath care, the economy, and the Supreme Court. He urged voters to support Hillary during Tuesday’s primary saying, “I think you ought to vote for Hillary, not just because she’s the best qualified, or she would be the first woman president. It’s because she’s the single best change maker I have ever known.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

This morning, Chelsea Clinton was also in North Carolina where she attended a fundraiser at the Chapel Hill home of Karen Popp and Mary Coleman Ragsdale. Then, Chelsea spoke to supporters at a local elementary school in Raleigh. She spike about her mother’s plans and urged them to support her on Tuesday. Following the events in North Carolina, Chelsea flew to Missouri where she attended a fundraiser in Columbia. The event was hosted by Doctors Mary and Tony Gadbois.

Several other fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a conversation with Teddy Goff in Boulder, Colorado. Goff is the campaigns Chief Digital and Technology Strategist. The event was hosted by Allyson and Jack Downey, Jamie Jacobs and Eric Bohn, Cheryl Kellond, Courtney and Mark Messenbaugh, and Rob Ryan. In London, Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan held a fundraiser for Americans living abroad. The event was held at the home of Nader Mousavizadeh.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Asheville Citizen-TimeWinston-Salem Journal

Clinton Focuses on Domestic Issues in Colorado


On Tuesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton held a rally at Boulder Theater in Boudler, Colorado where she largely focused on domestic policy issues. After being joined on stage by Senator Mark Udall, she outlined a number of important points to her platform including: renewable energy, gun control, and whether the United States should accept Syrian refugees. A video from Clinton’s speech in Boulder is below.

Clinton then traveled to Denver where she held another rally at Manual High School. In a speech similar to the one in Boudler, her message was, again, focused on domestic policies. In particular she highlighted gender inequality and equal pay saying, “If standing up for equal pay for equal work is dealing the gender card, then deal me in.” A video from the Denver rally will be posted when/if available.

While in Colorado, Clinton attended a private fundraiser hosted by Jennifer and Mo Siegel. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

Clinton is taking a break from campaigning for Thanksgiving, and her next scheduled event is in Boston on Sunday, Novebember 29. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: 9NewsThe Denver Post