Clinton Campaigns in South Carolina


Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two campaign events in South Carolina. The first was a town hall event in Orangeburg that was held on the campus of Claflin University. The event was hosted by the South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus and moderated by Roland Martin. Martin and Clinton discussed the new unemployment figures, her plans to improve the infrastructure and raise incomes, the reclassification of marijuana, and charter schools. After their initial discussion, Martin opened the floor to questions from those in attendance. A full video from the event is below and available on CSPAN.

Clinton then went to Columbia where she was the keynote speaker at an event hosted by SC Equality, a group that has fought for equal rights for the LGBT community. During her speech, Clinton vowed to pass the federal Equality Act expanding civil rights laws to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. She told the story of a transgender South Carolina teen who was forced to remove her makeup and “look male” for her drivers license photo. The teen, Chase Culpepper, fought for the rules to be changed. Clinton praised Culpepper for her bravery and credited SC Equality for laying the groundwork necessary to allow her to stand up for her rights. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Washington Post, The State

Clinton Visits Democrats on Capitol Hill

usa-government-senate-clinton-visitsHillary Rodham Clinton returned to Washington, DC and visited Democrats on Capitol Hill. As a former Senator from New York, Clinton was greeted by Representatives, Senators, and visitors to the Capitol. The purpose of her trip was to meet with a number of groups including: House Democrats, Senate Democrats, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. All the meetings were behind closed doors.

On Friday, Clinton makes her fourth trip to Iowa. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for all the latest updates.

News Source: The New York Daily News