Clinton Endorsed by The Dallas Morning News


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of The Dallas Morning News. While Clinton has been endorsed by a number of newspapers across the county, the endorsement of the Dallas newspaper is important because Clinton is the first Democrat endorsed by the paper in 76 years. The last Democratic presidential candidate to be endorsed by the paper was President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The editorial board said Clinton is the clear choice for president over Republican Donald Trump because of her resume, her judgement, and her history of bipartisan partnerships. “In Clinton’s eight years in the U.S. Senate, she displayed reach and influence in foreign affairs. Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress’ most conservative lawmakers,” the board said. Read their full editorial HERE.

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News Source: The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Statement on Senate Republicans’ Refusal to Act on Gun Violence


On Monday, the Senate took up four bills aimed at restricting gun sales following the shooting in Orlando, Florida that killed 49 club goers. Two of the bills were aimed at introducing background checks. One bill, penned by the Democrats, called for mandatory background checks, while the other, written by Republicans, would have pushed resources to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, but would not have made background checks mandatory for all gun purchases. The other two bills would have blocked suspected terrorists from purchasing a firearm, and, again, there were two versions of the bill with one penned by a legislator from each party. Each of the four bills were voted down along party lines with Republicans voting against each of the measures.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has advocated for increasing gun control by banning assault weapons, closing a number of loopholes, prevented suspected terrorists from accessing guns, and making background checks required for all gun purchases. The bills would have been a step, albeit a weak one, in the right direction. Following the Senate’s failure to agree on a single piece of legislation, Clinton released a strong, single worded statement:


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico