CGI Annual Meeting Begins Tomorrow

Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 7.06.23 PMThe 10th Annual Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting begins tomorrow and runs through Wednesday, September 24. The event is being held in New York City and will feature a wide variety of speakers including Matt Damon, General Motors CEO Mary Barra, King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein of Jordan, Melinda Gates, President Barack Obama, and countless other world leaders, CEOs, and leaders of non-profit groups that have partnered with CGI. The event will feature four days of roundtable discussions covering a wide variety of topics including the environment, leadership, education, and women’s rights. Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton are hosting the Annual Meeting and will participate in a number of the discussions.

This year’s theme is “Reimagining Impact” which CGI has designed “to facilitate the development of forward-thinking approaches that re-envision the way we impact the world.” The key idea throughout the discussions and breakout sessions will be creating a better future. The majority of the sessions include a number of speakers from different backgrounds to bring a unique perspective to each topic. Hillary will participate in five of the discussions, which are outlined below (all times are EST):

September 22 – 12:00 – 1:30 PM – “Reimagining Impact”

-September 23 – 4:15 – 5:30 PM – “Putting Education to Work”

September 24 – 8:45 – 10:30 AM – “Equality for Girls and Women: 2034 Instead of 2134”

September 24 – Film – “The Science of Success: Investing in Babies’ Minds”

September 24 – 3:30 – 4:45 PM – “Aiming for the Moon and Beyond”

We will post a summary and video from Hillary’s discussions at the end of each day. In the meantime, you may visit the CGI website for more information, including a full list of speakers and the complete agenda. CGI will also broadcast each of the sessions live on LiveStream, which we encourage you to watch.

An image of the schedule is below. Discussions in which Hillary is participating are outlined in red, Bill Clinton’s discussions are outlined in blue, and Chelsea Clinton’s are outlined in green.

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Senator Tom Harkin Steak Fry

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Iowa for the first time since her presidential campaign in 2008. She, along with husband Bill Clinton, attended the final steak fry being held by outgoing Senator Tom Harkin. Clinton spoke briefly at the event thanking Senator Harkin for his decades of public service. The question on everyone’s mind was Clinton’s decision to run for president in 2016. She responded by saying, “Well, it is true … I am thinking about it.  But, for today that is not why I’m here. I’m here for the steak.”

The video above is incomplete. A video of her full speech will be posted when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: KCCI News

BBC’s Women’s Hour

Saturday, July 5, 2014 

Hillary Rodham Clinton was a guest on BBC’s Women’s Hour to promote her new book Hard Choices. In the interview, Clinton talks briefly about her political background and her plans for the future (or what little she would say!). The primary topic of the conversation was Clinton’s marriage and Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky in the late 1990s.

Click HERE to listen to the interview.

News Source: BBC

Chicago Ideas Week

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the Chicago Ideas Week where Mayor Rahm Emanuel interviewed her. A number of topics were discussed including comments she made about her and former President Bill Clinton being broke after they left the White House in 2001. Clinton admitted that she could have been more artful in her comments. The interview largely focused on the content of her new book, Hard Choices.

News Source: CBS News

Marjorie Margolies Fundraiser

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared a fundraiser for Marjorie Margolies. Although Margolies is running for Congress for a district in Pennsylvania, the event took place in New York at the home of Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Margolies is Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in-law and was in the House of Representatives when Bill Clinton was president. The odd part about the fundraiser is that Margolies did not attend.  A campaign aide said, “She felt it important that she be in the district.” The Clintons will certainly continue to campaign for Margolies in the months leading up to the November election. The press was not allowed inside the fundraiser, so no video is available.

News Source: Huffington Post

CGI U – Closing Conversation

Saturday, March 22, 2014 (1:19:47)

Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Jimmy  Kimmel

For the final event of Clinton Global Initiative University, Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton all took to the stage and answered questions from the students in the crowd and moderator Jimmy Kimmel. The Clintons answered a wide variety of questions, but the inevitable was asked of Hillary Clinton. A student asked, “If you don’t represent women in politics in America as future president, who will?” Clinton said that she has not yet made a decision about 2016, but she did say that she was concerned about the current direction of the county, and that deciding to run is something she is not taking lightly.

We are unable to embed the LiveStream video, but you may watch the full event by CLICKING HERE. The event opens with the closing ceremonies (led by Chelsea Clinton), but then the Clinton family takes the stage at the 15 minute mark.

Video Source: LiveStream

News and Image Source: The Washington Post

Who Supports Hillary for 2016?


As we discussed on Wednesday, the PAC Ready for Hillary has been gathering support for a possible Hillary Rodham Clinton 2016 presidential run. While the site is largely a grass-roots effort, we mentioned that there have been a number of high profile endorsements for Clinton. Those who have publicly pledged their support should Clinton run in 2016 are listed below, proving that we are in company!

-Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Senator

-Ed Rendell, Former Pennsylvania Governor

-Chuck Schumer, New York Senator

-Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States

-Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic Party Chairwoman

-Donna Brazile, Democratic Strategist

-Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister

-James Carville, Democratic Strategist

-David Axelrod, Senior Campaign Strategist for Obama for America 2012

-Ted Deutch, Representative from Florida

-Dr. Ami Bera, Representative from California

-Dianne Feinstein, California Senator

-Tanene Allison, Communications Director for Texas Democratic Party

-Jay Nixon, Missouri Governor

-Mike Beebe, Arkansas Governor

-Sarah Jessica Parker, Actress

-Paul Begala, Democratic Strategist

-Kathy Sullivan, New Hampshire National Committeewoman

-David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for Obama for America 2008

-Patti Solis Doyle, Campaign Manager for Hillary for President 2008

-Eva Longoria, Actress

-Harold Ickes, Democratic Fundraiser

-Bill Richardson, Former Governor of New Mexico, Secretary of Energy, U.N. Ambassador

-Ellen Tauscher, Former Under Secretary of State

-Carol Shea-Porter, Representative from New Hampshire

-Steve Mostyn, Texas Trial Lawyer

-Barack Obama, President of the United States

-Kouri Marshall, State Director for Obama for America

-Freida Pinto, Actress

-Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State

-Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

-Ellen Malcolm

-Jennifer Granholm, Former Governor of Michigan

-Claire McCaskill, Missouri Senator

-Henry Cuellar, Texas Representative

-Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Senator

-Luis Gutierrez, Representative for Illinois

-Anna Wintour, Editor for Vogue

-Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader

-John Lewis, Georgia Representative

-Diane Titus, Nevada Representative

-Scarlett Johansson, Actress

-Sir Elton John, Singer/Songwriter

-Anna Elanor Roosevelt, Granddaughter of FDR and Elanor

-Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

-Gavin and Jennifer Sibel Newsom, California Lieutenant Governor and filmmaker

Image Credit: New York Daily News