Clinton Campaigns in South Carolina


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in South Carolina for the second day in a row. She began in Kingstree where the focus of her speech was on race and inequality. She also spoke about the importance of the election and current vacancy on the Supreme Court. Clinton criticized Senate Republicans for refusing to consider any nominee put forward by President Barack Obama. She vowed to continue the progress that President Obama has made over the last eight years saying, “I’m really proud to stand with President Obama, and I’m really proud to stand with the progress he’s made. I need your help, starting with this primary on Saturday.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Florence, Clinton was introduced by Senator Cory Booker, who gave an energetic speech supporting Clinton and her platform. Speaking at the Cumberland United Methodist Church, Clinton outlined her plans to reign in gun violence and improve heath care. She said that the Affordable Care Act was a great achievement that she be built upon, not repealed or replaced. She said that her goal was for every American to be insured saying, “Imagine a tomorrow where 100 percent of us have healthcare, and it’s quality healthcare, affordable healthcare.” A video from the event is below.

In Myrtle Beach, Clinton spoke about her plans for improving higher education with a tiered tuition plan based on income. She also spoke about her plans to improve, not replace, the existing heath care system. Finally, she spoke about the importance of working together and the lack of bi-partisanship in Washington. Clinton said, “There’s a lot of work we have to do here at home There’s a lot of gridlock, a lot of partisanship, but you’ve got to build relationships and find common ground wherever it exists. We can disagree without being disagreeable, that’s how we build bridges.”

The final event of the day was a town hall held at the Royal Baptist Church in North Charleston. Speaking to a group of of predominately African-Americans, Clinton focused on her plans to reign in gun violence and police brutality. The event was set up as a town hall with State Sen. Marlon Kimpson asking questions. Members of the audience also asked a number of questions on a wide variety of topics, but the primary topic was gun violence. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.

In Rock Hill, Bill Clinton spoke to a group of voters about Hillary’s experience and her plans should she win the presidency in November. During the Get Out the Vote event, he said that she is the most most experienced candidate in the race and that as president, she will fight for everyone. A video from Clinton’s speech is below.

A number of fundraisers were held on Thursday on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was held in San Antonio, Texas at the home of Paul Boskind and Robby McMillin-Boskind. Attending the event was former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The second fundraiser was held in London and featured former Senator Evan Bayh. The final fundraiser of the day was held at the Columbia, South Carolina home of Dr. Isabelle Mandell and Mary Minus. The featured speaker at the event was Senator Cory Booker.

Tomorrow, the focus will remain on South Carolina before Saturday’s primary. Clinton will be in Atlanta, Georgia for an event tomorrow as well. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: TWC News, Myrtle Beach Online, Medill, WSOC,

Clinton Kicks Off New Year in New Hampshire


Today, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail hosting three town hall events across New Hampshire. At the first, held in Derry at Gilbert R. Hood Middle School, Clinton gave a speech before opening the floor to questions from those in attendance. She took a number of questions from children and answered questions about a variety of topics. She also responded to a heckler in the crowd by vowing not to call on her to ask a question. A portion of the Derry town hall can be viewed on MSNBC. A full video will be posted when/if available.

The second event was held in Concord at the local high school mirrored the first event in that she opened with a stump speech, then answered questions. Clinton was asked questions about gun control, climate change, social security, and the books she has read recently. The final town hall of the day was held at Keene High School where she was asked about care for the mentally ill, the heroin epidemic in the state, and how she would handle the big banks. A video from the event in Keene is below and video from the event in Concord will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in Iowa for three Organizing Events. Bill Clinton will also hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire on behalf of his wife. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN, Concord Monitor, WMUR, Sentinel Source

Update 1/4/16: Added video from Keene and updated news sources.

Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail in New Hampshire


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail following some time off for the Christmas holiday. She hosted a town hall event at the Unitarian South Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with over 900 in attendance. Clinton spoke about a number of topics from her platform, but she focused on the economy and her proposal to effectively treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. She then answered a number of questions from those in attendance, including a question from a young boy who wondered why his mom doesn’t make as much money has his dad. A full video from the event is below or you can watch on C-SPAN.

Later in the day, Clinton headed across the snowy state to Berlin where she held a second town hall at Berlin High School. She covered similar topics during the event and answered a number of questions from the crowd. She was asked about ISIS and their persecution religious minorities in the region, including Christians. Clinton stated that she believed that ISIS’s attacks on the Yazidi minority and other minority groups should be defined as genocide. She said, “America must wage and win an immediate battle against ISIS, al Qaeda, and other terrorist networks, as well as a generational struggle against radical jihadism.”

New Hampshire is important to Clinton because she currently trails Democratic rival Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary polls. As part of a final campaign push leading up to the first primaries, Clinton hosted the town halls today and Bill Clinton will make several stops in the state next week. The New Hampshire primary will be held on February 9, 2016.

Clinton is now off until after the new year. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS New York, The Washington Post, WHDH, Politico

Clinton Hosts Iowa Town Halls


On Wednesday afternoon, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events in Iowa. The first was in Iowa City, then she held a similar event in Mason City later in the afternoon. Both events featured a brief opening speech from Clinton in which she spoke about the economy, raising the minimum wage, defeating ISIS, supporting Muslim-Americans, and other aspects of her platform. She then answered questions from those in attendance. Between the two events, Clinton answered questions about her support for sexual assault victims, her taste in music, and how she would respond to one attendees’ Donald Trump supporting father. To that, Clinton replied, “I hope you can see I don’t have horns. And I really do hope that as this election goes on you will listen to your daughter.” A video from the Mason City event will be posted when/if available, and the video from the Iowa City town hall is below.

Today, Clinton was scheduled to attend a Hillary Victory Fund fundraiser in New York City with husband Bill Clinton and singer Sting. A second New York fundraiser was also scheduled and hosted by Drew Barrymore, Will Kopelman, and Randy Florke. As with private events, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

Clinton’s next event is Saturday’s Democratic Debate on ABC. More details about the debate will be posted soon. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Iowa City Press-Citizen, KIMT, KTLA, KIMT

Clinton on Late Night with Seth Myers


Last night, Hillary Clinton was on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers. This was not Clinton’s first late night visit, and Meyers asked Clinton a mix of political and personal questions. On the political side, Clinton was asked about gun control, fighting terrorism in the United States and around the world, and her thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. On Trump, Clinton said that his current rhetoric “is no longer funny.” Clinton was also asked about what qualities husband Bill Clinton has that would make him a successful first spouse. Video clips from the interview are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Happy Thanksgiving!

President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton serve food at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day 1995.
President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton serve food at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day 1995.

Clinton Appears on Live with Kelly and Michael


On Thursday morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on “Live! with Kelly and Michael” where she was interviewed by hosts Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. The three of them spoke about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and ISIS threatening New York City. Clinton was asked if their threats should be taken seriously, and she said, “I think you always have to take them seriously. One thing that you just have to accept is that when they make threats, they may be some distance from being able to deliver on those threats themselves, but they’re hoping that some discontented person or group right here in our country will hear that threat.”

Clinton was also asked about her thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, how she was a part of husband and former president Bill Clinton’s administration, and what Clinton’s Thanksgiving plans were. Clips from today’s episode are below.

In the afternoon, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in New York City. Details are not available as the press does not attend private fundraisers.


Clinton also attended the DOC NYC Festival where she introduced the closing film, “MAKERS: Once and For All.” The documentary was produced by AOL and directed by Michael Epstein and Dyllan McGee. The films title is from Clinton’s Bejing speech in 1995, which the films celebrates the 20th anniversary of. Clinton was impressed with the film saying, “I have to say that when Dyllan took on this project, I had no idea what she would find. You will see footage in this film that no one’s ever seen—and I don’t know where she got it.” A trailer for the documentary is below.

On Friday, Clinton will attend a number of events in Kentucky and Tennessee. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, ABC News

Clinton Campaigns in Iowa

DEM 2016 Clinton

On Sunday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended the Central Iowa Democrats Fall Barbecue in Ames. Clinton followed up her strong debate performance by touting her platform, speaking about heath care, Wall Street, raising wages for the middle class. At the event, Clinton was introduced by husband and former president, Bill Clinton. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

This coming week, Clinton has a full schedule including campaign stops in Texas, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina and an appearance on Live with Kelly and Michael. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

New Source: Belleville News-Democrat, CNN

Clintons Send #Prayers4Paris

Clinton Appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live

151105-jimmy-kimmel-show-hillary-clinton-yh-1048p_d82e42cde785934fd75b60a38e39b457.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000Last night, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. Clinton took part in a skit where kids explained why a woman could not be president, then Clinton was on stage for her interview. During the interview, Clinton and Kimmel discussed the Republican debates, her opponents, and whether she could beat her husband, Bill Clinton, if he was eligible to run for president again. Clips from last nights episode are below.

Today, Clinton will appear at the Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The event is being moderated by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.