Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in North Carolina


Bill Clinton returned to North Carolina Sunday for two campaign events. Before his scheduled rallies, Bill attended church services at Mount Zion Baptist Church and Providence Baptist Church, both in Greensboro. At each, Bill referenced Biblical prophet Isaiah saying, “We’re all going home, and all we can control is what we do between this homecoming and that homegoing. Today, or sometime between now and Nov. 8, stand up like Isaiah and say, ‘We will be repairers of the breach.’” He encouraged those attending the services to vote and make sure they have a voice in this election. “Our voice is our vote. And our vote is our voice,” he said.

In Greensboro, Bill also attended a rally at LeBauer Park where he framed the 2016 election as one of the most important elections held in decades. Once in a great while, you have an election that defines a generation. When we started, it seemed to me that America’s challenges were pretty straightforward … but because of the actions, deeds, records and proposals of the other side, it is even more fundamental,” he said. Bill then spoke about Hillary Clinton’s optimistic blueprint for America and her plans to create new jobs, increase the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Bill also went after Donald Trump for inciting anger and negativity saying, “You’ve got one candidate that says, ‘We’re stronger together.’ The other says, ‘No we’re not.’ One says, ‘I understand your anger, but answers are what you need.’ The other says, ‘No, we don’t, we like our anger.’” A video of Clinton address at Providence Baptist Church is below.

Bill then traveled to Charlotte where he spoke at the Hickory Grove Recreational Center about the importance of voting in the election. He criticized the Trump campaign and others for a campaign based on lies saying, “The other side wants a fact-free, name-calling election. I was naive. I thought we’d have a fact-based election.” Bill outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform proposals including her plans to create jobs and invest in the economy. He concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event in Charlotte is below.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Chicago, Illinois and featured a conversation with singer/songwriter Cher. The second event was in New York City and featured a night of karaoke with Dennis Cheng and Mike Taylor.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Greensboro News & Record, Greensboro News & Record, The Charlotte Observer

National Leaders Reject Donald Trump’s Outreach Effort to African Americans


Following Donald Trump’s efforts to reach out to African American communities, Hillary for America released the following statements from African American leaders across the country.

After a campaign spent courting white supremacists and playing into misleading stereotypes about people of color, today in Detroit, Donald Trump addressed a predominantly African American audience for the first time.

While Trump can attempt to reach out to African Americans, he has proven to the community time and again that he is unfit to be president and he has no interest in working with the African American community.

National leaders are rejecting Trump’s scripted conversation and his staged outreach to the Black community.

“Whether he is embracing policies that preserve privilege for those at the top or spewing rhetoric that demeans Americans, Donald Trump has shown us that he wants to roll back the progress we have witnessed over the past eight years. Trump is running around the country riling up his supporters declaring that he wants to ‘take our country back.’ I have news for Mr. Trump, the hateful groups he has courted and now represents can never have this country again. We are moving forward together, and we refuse to allow him to take us back.” –Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO)

“Donald Trump’s visit to Detroit is tantamount to a wolf visiting a sheep farm to lead a discussion on Let Me Be Your Leader To Greener Pastures. It is the old southern strategy of Nixon, Bush and Reagan, wrapped up in a new an un-improved version of divide and conquer the Black and moderate white votes. Let’s talk about law and order for you, bad economic times for you but no specific plan of action from me. He is talking over, around and through Black people but not to Black people. He should apologize, repent, re-align and retreat from his divisive non-Presidential behavior. We are all better than that.” –Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, Detroit Social Activist

“Hillary Clinton has been a champion for the African-American community for decades. This year, she traveled to Flint to stand with us and let the country know that Flint’s crisis is a national crisis. In doing so, she showed us once again who she is: a proven leader who is committed to addressing the injustices African-Americans are subjected to in this country. Flint’s water crisis should serve as a reminder to Americans of what can happen when entire communities are ignored, left out and left behind. Donald Trump has a long history of turning a blind eye to the African American community. We are not fooled by this manufactured stop in Michigan. This is the same man who has talked down to us and falsely claimed that our entire community is poor, uneducated and unemployed. Donald Trump’s lack of concern for our community is yet another reason he is unqualified and unfit for the presidency.” –Mayor Karen Weaver, Flint, MI

“As the Bible says, beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. No matter how many times he attempts to reset, Donald Trump is still running the same race but with a pair of different shoes.   There’s no doubt in my mind that this man who discriminated from the boardroom will take that same attitude to the White House.  He has shown us who he really is and who he really cares about—and that’s not us.” –Rev. Marcia Dyson, Social Activist

“I have no room for conversation with Mr. Trump, until he first apologizes to the President and the entire African American community for attempting to delegitimize his presidency with regard to him being a US Citizen. If a person has no respect for an African American serving in the highest position in this country and world, then how can I believe that he has any respect for me?” –Bishop Charles Ellis, Detroit Faith and Community Leader

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Encourages Caucus Goers in Iowa

On Monday, Hillary Clinton hosted three Get Out the Caucus events and encouraged voters to caucus for her on February 1st. The first event of the day was in Waukee, where Clinton spoke to the Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines about a number of platform topics, including the Iran nuclear deal and her support for Israel, before taking questions from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

A second Get Out the Caucus event was held in Knoxville. Clinton spoke about her clean energy plans and how it will benefit Iowa. She then spoke about her faith and her attitude toward charity and mercy. Clinton disagreed with those who use religion to criticize those they disagree with, saying that it goes against everything Christianity stands for. Because the bible teaches forgiveness and acceptance, she said, “My study of the Bible, my many conversations with people of faith, has led me to believe that the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” A of her speech is below.

The final campaign event of the day was in Oskaloosa, where Clinton gave a speech, and, again, answered questions from the audience. She covered a number of her platform points and asked for voters’ support on February 1st. Videos from the event are below.

Today, Clinton is hosting three events across Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, The Des Moines Register, The New York Times