Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Ohio


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf on Hillary Clinton at three events across Ohio. Rallying crowds before this Tuesday’s primary, Clinton flew in to Portsmouth where he stopped for coffee and visited with local residents and kids from the Autism Project of Southern Ohio. He then went to his first rally in Cincinnati where he focused on Hillary’s plans to help those in Ohio and across the country. He said that she is the best presidential candidate to raise wages and break down racial, social, and economic barriers. He also took a shot at the Republican race for president saying it was like watching a “sixth-grade playground fight.”

This afternoon, Bill attended a rally in Akron where he cautioned the crowd in regards to the recent violence at a number rallies held by Republican front-runner, Donald Trump. Clinton referenced a conversation he once had with Nelson Mandela to make his point that anger and violence is not the answer to our problems. Mandela famously forgave those who imprisoned him in South Africa, but even he admitted there was a time when he hated them. Clinton said that Mandela told him, “I realized they could take everything from me except my mind and my heart. Those things I would have to give away. And I decided not to give them away. And then he looked at me and said ‘neither should you’.”

Clinton’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Toledo.  During the event the at University of Toledo, Clinton was joined by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. The focus of the conversation was gun violence and the need for strict background checks for all purchasers of firearms. Clinton said Hillary would stand up to the NRA and protect innocent victims of gun violence by ensuring that guns to do wind up in the wrong hands. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC, The Blade, Portsmouth Daily Times,

Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright Campaign for Hillary

On Wednesday, former President Bill Clinton was in Virginia where he spoke at two events. The first was a Get Out the Vote event in Alexandria. During his speech, Clinton spoke about his wife’s experience with breaking down barriers and how she will fight for everybody if elected president. He urged Virginia voters to get out and support Hillary in next Tuesday’s Primary. A full video from his speech will be posted when/if available.

Wrapping up the evening, Clinton hosted a Get out the Vote event in Richmond. During his speech at the Hippodrome, he spoke about Hillary’s plans as president and the primary difference between her and her Republican rivals. He said, “Hillary is running for president to put every American in the picture. She wants to run to make America whole again. Instead of building walls, she wants to tear down barriers.” He urged voters to support Hillary in next week’s primary saying, “We need to win Virginia. We need every vote in Virginia.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Also campaigning on behalf of Hillary for America was former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. She attended two fundraisers in Texas. The first was at the home of Azra Rauf in Houston. The second fundraiser was held in Austin. Meanwhile, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary hosted a fundraiser conversation.

Tomorrow, Albright will remain in Texas for an additional fundraiser. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, NBC 4