Clinton Appears on SNL

snl4n-4-webOn last night’s season premiere of Saturday Night Live, Hillary Rodham Clinton made a guest appearance playing “Val” the bartender. Typically politicians play themselves on SNL, so it was interesting seeing Clinton out of character. However, there was a “Hillary Clinton” in the sketch, played by SNL cast member Kate McKinnon. “Val” councils a troubled “Clinton” and the two discuss “Clinton’s” rough 22 years and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, which results in “Val” giving her best Trump impression. The two ended the sketch by singing “Lean on Me.” Following a commercial break, Clinton stuck around to introduce host and musical guest Miley Cyrus. A video of the sketch is below.

On Friday, Clinton was asked by an Entertainment Tonight reporter how she felt about appearing on SNL, a show that has impersonated her a number of times throughout her career. She said, “They come at it from a slightly different perspective, and I learn something about myself watching them pretending to be me, so I’m looking forward to spending the time with Kate. I mean, I’m just thrilled that he’s got these amazing women doing these impersonations. I want to see how it goes.” This is not Clinton’s first appearance on the show as she also appeared on SNL during her 2008 campaign. The clip below is from the Entertainment Tonight interview.

News Source: NBC News, Entertainment Tonight

Clinton Attends New York Fundraiser

Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah
Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah in August 2015.

On Wednesday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the exclusive 40/40 Club in New York. The sport bar is owned by Jay Z, and it has been reported that 130 people attended. As with all private events, there were no reporters at the event.

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News Source: USA Today