Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Lansing


Bill Clinton returned to Michigan on Sunday where he began the day by speaking during Sunday morning church services at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and Grace Emmanuel in Flint. During the service, Bill spoke about Hillary Clinton’s dedication to helping the middle class and her respect for the diversity of America. He asked everyone to vote so their voice his heard adding, “We have to decide if we’re stronger together or if it’s better to spend all of our time tearing each other down.”

Bill then spoke at a get out the vote rally in Lansing. At a local union hall, Clinton spoke about the importance of the election and stressed Hillary’s platform points such as her plans to create jobs, grow the economy, and support labor unions. He said that Hillary is the only candidate qualified to ensure that the progress the country has made continues. “There’s a lot of road rage out there because after the financial crisis, it took a long time before incomes started going up again. We are finally seeing incomes start to rise,” he said. He urged everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday and to vote for a future of unity and progress. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Detroit News, Michigan Live, Detroit Free Press, Michigan Live

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in North Carolina


Bill Clinton returned to North Carolina Sunday for two campaign events. Before his scheduled rallies, Bill attended church services at Mount Zion Baptist Church and Providence Baptist Church, both in Greensboro. At each, Bill referenced Biblical prophet Isaiah saying, “We’re all going home, and all we can control is what we do between this homecoming and that homegoing. Today, or sometime between now and Nov. 8, stand up like Isaiah and say, ‘We will be repairers of the breach.’” He encouraged those attending the services to vote and make sure they have a voice in this election. “Our voice is our vote. And our vote is our voice,” he said.

In Greensboro, Bill also attended a rally at LeBauer Park where he framed the 2016 election as one of the most important elections held in decades. Once in a great while, you have an election that defines a generation. When we started, it seemed to me that America’s challenges were pretty straightforward … but because of the actions, deeds, records and proposals of the other side, it is even more fundamental,” he said. Bill then spoke about Hillary Clinton’s optimistic blueprint for America and her plans to create new jobs, increase the minimum wage, and make college more affordable. Bill also went after Donald Trump for inciting anger and negativity saying, “You’ve got one candidate that says, ‘We’re stronger together.’ The other says, ‘No we’re not.’ One says, ‘I understand your anger, but answers are what you need.’ The other says, ‘No, we don’t, we like our anger.’” A video of Clinton address at Providence Baptist Church is below.

Bill then traveled to Charlotte where he spoke at the Hickory Grove Recreational Center about the importance of voting in the election. He criticized the Trump campaign and others for a campaign based on lies saying, “The other side wants a fact-free, name-calling election. I was naive. I thought we’d have a fact-based election.” Bill outlined a number of Hillary’s key platform proposals including her plans to create jobs and invest in the economy. He concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event in Charlotte is below.

Meanwhile, two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was in Chicago, Illinois and featured a conversation with singer/songwriter Cher. The second event was in New York City and featured a night of karaoke with Dennis Cheng and Mike Taylor.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Greensboro News & Record, Greensboro News & Record, The Charlotte Observer

Hillary Clinton Speaks at Unity Rally in Wilton Manors


Hillary Clinton remained in Florida on Sunday where she began the day by attending services at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale. Clinton then went to Wilton Manors for a unity rally at a local gay club. She spoke about her support for the LGBTQ community and equal rights. “I have been fighting for families and underdogs my entire life. I’m not stopping now,” she said. Clinton also spoke about her commitment to an AIDS-free generation. She attacked Donald Trump for his divisive rhetoric and urged everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, NBC 7, ABC 10

Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Rev. Dr. Moss Jr. served as the Pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio before retiring after 33 years of service.  He was also the co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta, Georgia. A copy of his endorsement is below.

Why Secretary Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President
By The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss. Jr.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is our best hope for moving the U.S. Supreme Court out of the hands of right wing, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-human rights judges. The next president will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 50 years! By that time, the millennials will be nearing (80) years old. Their children and grandchildren will be the living with the results of the 2016 election. The next president will nominate three or four U.S. Supreme Court justices plus score of federal district and appeals court judges.

We need Hillary Clinton to be our next president because she is qualified. She is prepared. She is dedicated. She is an activist in the struggles of the common life for the common good and has the record to prove it. She did not wait 70 years to “think” about civil rights and human rights. She is committed activist nationally and globally. She is the epitome of excellence.

Let me repeat, Hillary Clinton will save the U.S. Supreme Court from political arsonists, obstructionists and destroyers of the civil rights, human rights and voting rights. All the right wing extremists know this. This is why they are endorsing and supporting Trump – including some who tend to despise him. Mrs. Clinton will fight for voting rights protection, health care for all and education for all without crippling debts.

Hillary Clinton will give extraordinary national and global leadership. Leadership anchored in reason, wisdom, sound judgement, spiritual strength and moral courage.

She has been and remains active in her faith commitment from her youth. She has embraced The Holy Scriptures from her youth and knows the names of the books of her Bible and the unsearchable riches contained therein. She knows the songs and hymns and music of her faith and does not scorn and demean other faith traditions. She believes in the total Constitution – not just one or two amendments such as states’ rights and gun rights.

She does not bully her way through life. She has the courage of kindness, the endurance of long-suffering and the joys of Amazing Grace.

She loves children of all races, colors and ethnicities, rich and poor, rural, urban and suburban, healthy and ill, victorious and vulnerable, immigrant and Native American and those whose ancestors came in chains. This includes the well housed and the homeless. She does not seek votes from one group by hating and insulting other groups.

Mrs. Clinton deserves and needs our support and votes. If her opponent should win, we all lose; children, youth and adults. We can all win with Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Campaigns in Charlotte, Addresses Baptist Convention


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clinton began by addressing the North Carolina voting laws saying that, as a country, we should be working to expand early voting, not limit it. She said, “Now North Carolina has been trying to restrict people’s right to vote. The federal court just struck down this state’s voter ID law.” Clinton then spoke about a number of platform points including lowering the debt burden of college students, creating new jobs, increasing the minimum wage, and ensuring that the economy grows and benefits everyone and not only those at the top. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Kansas City, Missouri, Clinton addressed the annual National Baptist Convention. Speaking with the gathered group of ministers from across the country, Clinton quoted scripture and relayed stories growing up in a religious family. Clinton spoke about humility saying, “Our greatest leaders are often the most humble because they recognize both the awesome responsibilities of power and the frailty of human action.” During her speech, Clinton did not mention Donald Trump by name, however, she did speak about her rival saying that he does not understand religion or the African American community. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WYFF, WSOCTV, The New York Times

Clinton Rallies Iowa Crowds

Hillary Clinton was in Iowa for the second day in a row. As she travels the state encouraging support in the February 1 caucus, Clinton began her day at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids where she was introduced by Senator Cory Booker. Booker gave a passionate speech before introducing Clinton to the congregation where she spoke about the difficult decision of becoming Secretary of State and her pledge to continue fighting for civil rights. She spoke about building upon the progress of President Barack Obama’s administration. A video from this morning is below.

The second event of the day was in Marion where she was once again introduced by Senator Booker. During her speech, she focused on her plans for health care and other aspects of her platform, but more importantly, she asked those in attendance to think about which of the candidates is best prepared to be president. She said, “Who has the experience? Who has the judgment? Who can actually deliver for the United States when it comes to making these hard choices?”

Clinton then went to North Liberty for a Get out the Caucus event. She was introduced by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards before giving a speech during which she spoke about the importance of Planned Parenthood and preserving a women’s right to choose. She also spoke about a number of other key platform points including building upon the economy, improving the infrastructure, and expanding the middle class. She, again, focused on experience and resolve to get things done if elected to the White House. A video from the North Liberty event is below.

Clinton’s final event of the day took place in West Des Moines. During the event at Valley Southwoods Freshman High School, Clinton accepted the endorsement of the Human Rights Campaign. She vowed to protect and expand the rights of the LGBT community saying, “We all benefit when every one of our fellow human beings can live lives of purpose and meaning without being demeaned, without being discriminated against. This is fight is for all Americans.” She then went on to speak about several of her key platform topics, and addressed criticism raised by rival Bernie Sanders about her Wall Street speaking fees. She said, “I have a record and a commitment. I believe strongly that we need to make sure Wall Street never wrecks Main Street again.” A video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Clinton remains in Iowa for three events, plus a televised town hall on CNN, during which, all three Democratic candidates will answer questions from voters. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Des Moines Register, The Gazette, The Washington Post, KCRG, Human Rights Campaign, The Des Moines Register, KCCI