Hillary Clinton Drums Up Support in Iowa


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton hosted two town hall events and took part in one Iowa Democratic party event. It was a busy day in Iowa for Hillary for America with a number of high profile Democrats and celebrities meeting with voters. Clinton was also formally endorsed by The Des Moines Register this afternoon. But for Clinton, she remained the trail meeting with as many voters before the upcoming caucus. The first event of the day was in Clinton where she responded to recent questions about her health and stamina saying that she is healthy and that she would “match my endurance against anybody.” Clinton spoke to the crowd about a number of topics, then took questions during the town hall portion of the event. Videos from the Clinton appearance are below.

During a “Hard Hats for Hillary” event in Davenport, Clinton met with union members saying that she would fully support them as president. She spoke about how she has already been endorsed by twenty-four unions, including some of the largest in the nation. She spoke about her work to help those in the working class by raising the minimum wage and not weakening unions’ rights to collectively bargain. She then took questions from the voters in attendance.

For the final event of the day, Clinton stayed in Davenport for the Scott County Democratic Party’s Red, White & Blue Banquet. She was not the only Democratic presidential candidate in attendance as Martin O’Malley attended the event as well. Clinton spoke about her plans to bolster the economy, improve America’s infrastructure, and expand clean energy. She also pledged to not raise taxes on those in the middle class. Videos from the Davenport events will be posted when/if available.

Clinton remains in Iowa through early next week. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, The Des Moines Register, Quad-Cities Online

Clinton Speaks at the West Caucus Dinner

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to students Mario Burrell (L) and Gary Brian Gonzalez making mayonnaise while touring the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas in North Las Vegas, Nevada January 6, 2016. REUTERS/Rick Wilking
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to students Mario Burrell (L) and Gary Brian Gonzalez making mayonnaise while touring the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas in North Las Vegas, Nevada January 6, 2016. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton appeared at the West Caucus Dinner in Las Vegas, Nevada with the other Democratic presidential candidates, Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. Each of the candidates gave a speech, and Clinton focused on the upcoming primary and and argued that she is the only one of the three Democratic candidates that can beat the Republicans in November. She said, “I am proud to be running in a Democratic primary with my opponents. They have a lot of good ideas and we share a lot of the same values. But your choice in the caucus really matters. On February 20th you will begin the process of choosing a president who has what it takes to stand up to the Republicans, to make a real difference for American families.” A full video from the event is below and is bookmarked at Clinton’s speech.

While in Las Vegas, Clinton also took some time to visit the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas. She also spoke with the Las Vegas Sun about a variety of topics including solar energy, the minimum wage, and nuclear waste disposal. The full interview can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN