Bill Clinton Stresses Early Voting in Pennsylvania


Bill Clinton returned to Pennsylvania where he spoke at a series of event focused on early voting. At his first stop in Aliquippa, he spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to grow the economy and create new jobs. Bill spoke about a number of ways Hillary would create jobs including investing in infrastructure, focusing on growth in the manufacturing sector, and investing in clean energy. He admitted that there have been parts of the country left behind, and Hillary will focus on ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity. He concluded by encouraging everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of early voting. A partial video from the event is below.

Bill then traveled to Duncansville where he continued to speak his wife’s blueprint for America and how her vision is starkly different from that of Republican Donald Trump’s. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s primary areas of focus including health care, making college affordable, and investing in rural communities. “Of all the federal development money for economics, should be devoted exclusively to small towns, rural areas, from Coal Country, to Indian Country to places in rural Pennsylvania, rural Arkansas, where nothing good has happened in a long time,” he said. Again, he concluded his speech by urging everyone to get out and vote. Watch a partial video from the event below.

Tonight, Bill was scheduled to speak at an event in Reading. Full coverage from the event will be posted tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in Austin, Texas, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event included a conversation with Chris Sacca, Founder and Chairman of Lowercase Capital and star of ABC’s Shark Tank.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, CentralPA

Anne Holton and Jill Biden Campaign in Pennsylvania


Anne Holton and Jill Biden campaigned together in Pennsylvania. Speaking at events in Philadelphia and Pheonixville, Holton and Biden focused on the blueprint for America presented by Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and how it stands in stark contrast from Donald Trump’s vision for America. Biden said that she is tired of Trump’s comments about women saying, “It sickens us. I’m not sure what to say to my daughters and granddaughters who ask, ‘Is this what politics has become?’ It’s hard to explain as a mother and grandmother.”

Holton explained what it has been like working with Clinton the last few months. She explained that she does not only support Clinton because of her party affiliation, but because she is truly knowledgeable about the issues. “I’ve loved getting to be with her on the campaign trail. She’s such a good listener. Yes, she’s a policy wonk. We all know that. She’s a very serious person. I want a serious person in the Oval Office. Her policies come from talking to people. I see the way she talks to the campaign bus driver and the factory line worker, asking about the work-family balance. She connects what she hears from them to inform her policy,” Holton said. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, a series of fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was held in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and featured a conversation with Laura Rosenberger, Foreign Policy Advisor. Actress Selma Hayek Pinault spoke at a fundraising event in Austin, Texas. In Massachusetts, former Congressman Barney Frank and Jimmy Tingle attended fundraising events in Newton and Jamaica Plain.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 29, CBS Philly, Penn Live

Clinton and Trump Clash at First Debate

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discuss a point during their first presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, U.S., September 26, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson - RTSPKQO
Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discuss a point during their first presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, U.S., September 26, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson – RTSPKQO

On Monday evening, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump faced off in a debate that kept fact checkers busy. The candidates debated several topics including national security, racism, and their plans to create new jobs. They did not waste enough time attacking each other with Trump going after Clinton’s stamina and Clinton criticizing Trump’s business failures and his attitude toward women. The moderator for the debate, NBC’s Lester Holt was largely absent from the event with the candidates answered his questions then going back-and-forth with each other. Watch a full replay of the debate below, and the next presidential debate is scheduled for October 9.

Hillary for America responded to last night’s debate with a new video and a links to a series of articles calling Clinton the winner of the debate. Watch the video below and click the links to read the articles.

Hillary for America arranged for a number of debate watch parties across the country. The watch parties and fundraising events were held in Orlando, Florida (with guest Tim Kaine); Brookline, Massachusetts (with guests Michelle Kwan and Kathleen Sebelius); New York City (with guest Uzo Aduba); New York City (Hillary for America sponsored); Chicago, Illinois (with Chicago LGBT for Hillary); Seattle, Washington; and Austin, Texas.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Vox, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Fox News, NBC News, CBS News, The Atlantic, Time, Politico, Vanity Fair, Politifact

Kaine Campaigns in Houston, Chelsea in Flint


On Friday, Tim Kaine and Chelsea Clinton remained on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton prepares for Monday night’s debate. In Houston, Texas, Kaine spoke at a rally at a local union hall where he spoke about Hillary’s plans and the importance of Texas in November’s election. “We look at what you’re doing … and we’re very, very proud of it. We can feel the spirit, the energy. We can see a state that has been red, a state moving in the best direction,” he said. Following his speech, Kaine continued to a series of fundraisers in Austin, but he held a surprise press appearance with about 40 Hispanic Texas officials who announced their endorsement of Hillary and Kaine. Videos from the rally and conference are below.

Chelsea Clinton spent the day in Flint, Michigan where she began with a news conference with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver and Representative Dan Kildee. During the press event, Chelsea and Mayor Weaver spoke about the improvements made in Flint since the beginning of the water crisis, but both cautioned that there is still work to be done. Chelsea urged Congress to act and approve emergency funding to assist with the cleaning of the city’s water supply. Following the conference, Chelsea attended a phone bank kickoff at a local UAW hall. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Houston Chronicle, The Texas Tribune, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press

Clinton Calls for Zika Funding During Florida Visit


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton toured the Borinquen Medical Center in Miami, Florida. The area surrounding the clinic is known to have a population of Zika-carrying mosquitoes, and to date, 21 cases of the virus have been reported in the area. Clinton gave brief remarks following her tour in which she called on Congress to pass emergency funding to combat Zika. The funding would be used to continue development of a vaccine and to spray for the disease carrying mosquitoes. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below.

Meanwhile, in Texas, Tim Kaine attended two events on behalf of Hillary for America. In Austin, Kaine attended a fundraiser, then he visited a local HFA office. He spoke to volunteers thanking them for their hard work. Kaine will remain in Texas for a fundraisers in Forth Worth on Wednesday and Dallas on Thursday.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: US News & World Report, Austin Statesman

Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary Fundraises for Hillary


Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary attended two Texas fundraisers on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was on Sunday in Austin. The event was hosted by Senator Kirk Watson. Then on Monday, O’Leary attended a fundraiser in Houston that was hosted by Drs. Karla and Carlos Vital. As with all private events, they were closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Statement on Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin


On Thursday, the United States Supreme Court ruled on a case that challenged the use of affirmative action in the college admission process (Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin). The 4-3 decision upheld the school’s right to use rules to racially diversify it’s campus. Hillary Clinton released a statement of support for the decision saying that it “means that universities can continue to make diversity and inclusion central goals of their admissions processes.” A full copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“The Supreme Court’s decision today in Fisher v. University of Texas is a win for all Americans. It means that universities can continue to make diversity and inclusion central goals of their admissions processes, and means our college campuses will continue to be places where young adults of all backgrounds can learn from each other.

Having a student body with diverse experiences and perspectives breaks down barriers, enriches academia, and prepares our young people to be leaders and citizens in our increasingly diverse country. We need to guarantee that the doors to higher education are open not just to some, but to all—and that we are giving students equal opportunities to succeed and thrive. Today’s Supreme Court decision affirms a basic truth about our country: we are stronger together.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Bill Campaigns in Three States, Hillary Fundraises in Texas

Former President Bill Clinton speaks to a crowd of hundreds of people during an appearance at Rheault Farm in Fargo, North Dakota, on Friday, May 20, 2016. Nick Wagner / The Forum
Former President Bill Clinton speaks to a crowd of hundreds of people during an appearance at Rheault Farm in Fargo, North Dakota, on Friday, May 20, 2016.
Nick Wagner / The Forum

On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in three states that hold their primaries in June. He began in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where he spoke to a group of supporters. During his speech, Bill focused on Hillary’s plans to keep moving America forward and making the country work for everyone, not just those at the top. Criticizing a point made by Republican nominee Donald Trump, Bill said that as a country, we should be building bridges and partnerships, not building walls. He concluded by asking for voters’ support in the upcoming primary on June 7 saying, “South Dakota has been good to her and to our family. If you believe we can make a future and we can all ride up on the elevator together, she’s your candidate.” While in Sioux Falls, Bill also attended a fundraiser hosted by Hon. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Brendan Johnson, Adam Weiland, Rick Weiland, and Stacy Weiland.

Bill then traveled to Fargo, North Dakota where he spoke about how he recalled visiting Grand Forks as president after a flood in 1997 and how the local, state, and federal government worked together to ensure the city recovered. He said, “Grand Forks – it’s a metaphor for how America ought to work.” Bill argued that Hillary has the same attitude about her proposals and that she is the best candidate for president because she has a long career of getting things done. He said that the 2016 election will have long reaching affects and that it is important to elect a “doer”. Bill also addressed a number of Hillary’s platform points including health care and ensuring students graduate college debt free.

Bill’s final event of the day was an organizing event in Billings, Montana. He told the crowd the crowd at the local middle school that Hillary had the experience requires to keep America growing and healthy. He focused on jobs and the economy as that is something many Americans are still concerned about. He said, “Look at America. We’re doing better than any other big economy in the world. We’re growing faster, and we’ve created 15 million jobs in the last five years. That’s the most since that last Democrat was president, whatever his name was.” He went on to day that there was still work to be done and Hillary was the person to continue that work. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Hillary, meanwhile, attended two fundraisers in Texas. The first was in Dallas an was held at the home of Lisa Blue. The second event was in Austin. The event was hosted by Mayor Steve Adler and Diane Land and included performances by Ben Kweller and Kelly Willis and Bruce Robison.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC Montana, Argus Leader, Sioux City Journal, Inforum

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Los Angels


On Sunday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles, California where He spoke at a rally at the Los Angeles Trade – Technical College. During his speech, he praised California for passing an increased minimum wage and said that the was happy to be back in the state. He called Hillary the “biggest change-maker I’ve ever know” and spoke about a number of her platform points. He said that he knew she would be a quality president reasoning, “Forget about who I’m married to. Remember, I was president the last time we all rose together.” A video of his speech is below:

While in Los Angeles, Clinton also attended a fundraiser in the area. The event was hosted at the home of Sharon Nazarian. Meanwhile, in Austin, Texas, Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan hosted a fundraiser. The event was held at WeWork and was hosted by Whurley.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Los Angeles Times

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Midwest


After cancelling an appearance in Kansas City on Tuesday due to severe weather, Bill Clinton attended was able to attend campaign events in Illinois and Missouri. In Evanston, Illinois, Clinton spoke to a group of supporters at the Beth Emet The Free Synagogue. During his speech, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including heath care, gun control, and her plans to make college more affordable. Of Hillary’s college plan, he said, “(Sanders) wants free tuition for everybody at state universities. (Hillary Clinton) wants everybody to be able to graduate without debt, from public or private institutions. I think her idea is better for one simple reason: If all we do is subsidize tuition, it will just lead to an inflation in tuition costs.” While in the area, Clinton also visited with patrons of MacArthur’s Restaurant in Austin.

Clinton was able to attend a Get Out the Vote event in St. Louis, Missouri. During the event at the Machinists Hall, Clinton spoke about Hillary’s experience and how she is the best candidate to handle major issues such as the economy, immigration reform, and heath care. He touched on her plan to make college more affordable, like he had earlier in the day, but he spoke about how those with current student debt will be able to re-finance and make paying of the debt easier and more affordable. He also spoke about her experience with bipartisan deals and said that she would be a leader that could bring both parties together on a number of issues.

In Washington, DC tonight, Jacques Panis, President of Shinola, was the key speaker at a fundraiser. Hosted by Jo Ousterhout and Shelly Porges, the event was targeted toward entrepreneurs and topic of conversation was “Rebuilding the American Dream.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS St. Louis, Chicago Tribune