Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Help Military Families


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton released her plan to assist military families. The plan unveiled today builds upon a previously introduced plan to build upon the Department of Veteran Affairs and ensure veterans receive proper support after they have left the military. The plan includes provision that will not only ensure that the members of our military are supported, but their spouses and children will as well. You can read the full details of the plan on The Briefing, and an outline of the plan is below:

  • Realign the Demands of a Military Career in Service to the Nation to Accommodate 21st Century Family Realities While Maintaining a Strong Force
  • Ensure that family leave policies meet the needs of our military families
  • Increase access to child care for all service members in the Active Duty and Reserve who need it
  • Let service members and their families take a knee
  • Create the ability to serve in different ways
  • Officially include life-cycle and family considerations in permanent moves
  • Back Military Spouses as they Pursue Education, Seek Jobs, Build Careers and Secure their Finances
  • Enhancing opportunities for military spouse employment and breaking down antiquated rules, such as onerous state credentialing, that lead to military spouse under-employment
  • Reforming the assignment process to better support dual-military couples
  • Standing side-by-side with families through transition out of the military
  • Enhance military families financial planning and protection
  • Creating flexibility around military moves
  • Ensure Military Children Receive a High-Quality Education and the Resources to Succeed
  • Keep Defense Department schools strong and focused
  • Elevate public schools with high number of military children
  • Preserve and protect the Post-9/11 GI Bill, making it a lasting part of the nation’s social contract for those who serve and their families
  • Enhance the Exceptional Family Member Experience
  • Bring Key Resources for Military Families in to the Information Age
  • Move resources into higher gear with on-line technology
  • Increase virtual access and information for families and surrounding communities
  • Champion efforts to care for our military members and families
  • Ensure continued focus on mental health for military members and families
  • Remain committed to extended leave policies
  • Continue to support Gold Star Families
  • Continue and Build on the Obama Administration’s Effort to Elevate Military Families in the White House and Across Government
  • Create a standing President’s Council on Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families
  • Establish “Joining Forces” as a permanent part of the Executive Office of the President
  • Direct senior White House and Department of Defense civilian and military leadership to conduct a series of town hall meetings to hear directly from service members and their families about their needs
  • Personally request and receive a thorough report and 12-month implementation plan on priority areas for improvement based on these town halls

Meanwhile, Clinton attended two fundraisers today. The first was in East Brunswick, New Jersey and included a conversation with Clinton and Senator Cory Booker. In New York City, Clinton attended an event at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. The event included a conversation with her, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and actress Julianna Margulies.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing

Hillary Clinton Meets with Women in Virginia


On Monday, Hillary Clinton spoke with a group of women in Stone Ridge, Virginia where the focus of the conversation was managing work-life balance. Clinton spoke about her plans for paid family leave, equal pay for women, and childcare. She said that raising a family and having a career is harder today than it was when Chelsea was a kid. “Costs are greater, everything from commuting time to feeling like if you take that vacation day, you are going to be viewed as slacking off,” she said. Clinton went on to say that she knew that her proposals would change the current system, but it is important to realize that times have changed. She said, “We need to really start looking at these programs from the lens of what life is like today and not what it was like 50 years ago.” A video from the event is below.

During the event in Virginia, Clinton was asked a number of questions about the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She has refused to directly respond to any of his comments, and she stuck with tone today saying that she was focused on the issues. She said, “I’m going to let him run his campaign however he chooses. I’m going to run my campaign, which is about a positive vision for our country with specific plans that I think will help us solve problems that we’re facing.” She continued, “I’m answering him all the time. I’m answering him on what I think voters care about. I’m answering him on the differences between our records, our experience, what we want to do for our country, how important it is to try to unify the country.”

In Washington, DC, Hillary for America hosted a conversation on Social and Economic Justice. Those speaking at the event included former United States Attorney General and HFA Senior Policy Advisor Maya Harris.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: PBS NewsHour, The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Kicks off “Breaking Down Barriers” Tour in Appalachia


Today, Hillary Clinton began a series of events that she is calling the “Breaking Down Barriers” tour. The goal of the tour is to speak with small groups of voters and get a better understanding of their concerns. During her first event in Ashland, Kentucky, Clinton met with workers at Alma’s Italian Cafe where she outlined her plan to help coal communities. She compared her plan to the “Marshall Plan,” the plan that rebuilt Western Europe following World War II, saying that the three main parts would protect health and pension benefits of miners, research how coal can be a clean part of America’s energy future, and invest in alternative energy. She also spoke about her plans to entice more businesses to keep their manufacturing operations in the United States.

Clinton then traveled to Williamson, West Virginia where she was met by a number of protestors who took issue with recent comments Clinton made about the coal industry. During the event, Clinton apologized for the comments saying that her comments were taken out of context. She said, “What I was saying is that, the way things are going now, we will continue to lose jobs. That’s what I meant to say. I do feel a little bit sad and sorry that I gave folks the reason or the excuse to be so upset with me because that is not what I intended at all.” Clinton visited with miners who have lost their jobs and community leaders who are struggling with unemployed citizens. She vowed to support West Virginia and towns that rely heavily on coal mining for survival even if the state does not support her in the primary or November. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, fundraisers were being held for Hillary for America across the country. Chelsea Clinton was in Washington, DC where she attended a fundraiser. Also in Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended a fundraiser along with policy advisors Ann O’Leary and Jennifer Klein. In Brookline, Massachusetts, a fundraising event was held at the home of John Reinstein and retired Judge Nancy Gertner. Attending the event was former Attorney General Eric Holder. In Portland, Oregon, Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan and actress Kathleen Turner were on hand to kickoff a phone bank effort.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, The Washington Post, Mother Jones, Lexington Herald-Leader, West Virginia Metro News

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Philadelphia


Following her landslide win in New York, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday before next week’s primary contests by attending two events in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She began by attending a community discussion  at St. Paul’s Baptist Church on police conduct that included former Attorney General Eric Holder, Geneva Reed-Veal, the mother of Sandra Bland, and other families affected by the actions of law enforcement. During the discussion, Reed-Veal recalled the actions of police officers that took the life of her daughter. Clinton vowed to work with law enforcement to change policies, demilitarize police forces, and improve police training. She said that she was willing to work with anyone to provide solutions saying, “They’re asking us to be there for them. I will do everything I can imagine. I want these women and so many other family members to hold me accountable for everything I can possibly do, because it is wrong.” A full video of the event is below.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event at The Fillmore where she spoke about a number of her platform points and took shots at the Republican presidential candidate field. While Clinton’s message has been focused on the work to be done, she is optimistic saying, “I want us all to be reminded of the incredible legacy that we’ve all inherited. [But] I believe that our best years can still be ahead of us.” She went on to ask for voters’ support next Tuesday, and she said that she looks forward to returning to Philadelphia in June for the Democratic National Convention.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Los Angeles Times, The Daily Pennsylvanian

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Pennsylvania

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Following Hillary Clinton’s primary win in New York, the focus has turned to next week’s primaries. Pennsylvania is one of five states holding a primary on Tuesday, and Bill Clinton was campaigning on behalf of his wife in Johnstown. Speaking with supporters at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Bill spoke about his wife’s experience and qualifications as president. He outlined a number of her platform points including her plans to tackle income inequality, regulate Wall Street shadow banking, reduce student debt, and lower the cost of higher education. On the topic of the rising cost of college, he said, “Anybody that goes to a school with reasonable tuition and a decent graduation rate should qualify for help. Everybody that needs free tuition should get it.” A video of his speech will be added when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton was in Connecticut, another state with a primary next Tuesday, where she attended two fundraisers. The first was in Hartford and included a conversation with Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen. The second event was held in West Hartford. Chelsea attended a fundraiser at the home of Shari and Michael Cantor.

Bill and Chelsea were not the only supporters on the campaign trail for Hillary for America. Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, attended a fundraiser in Newton, Massachusetts. The event was hosted by Eleanor White and Amb. Barry White (Ret.). In Scranton, Pennsylvania, actress Kathy Najimy and HFA Director of Women’s Outreach Mini Timmaraju attended a fundraiser. The final fundraiser was held in Horsham and was hosted by Jeff Albert, David Broida, Ellen Brookstein, Shelly Waldman, Jill Zipin, and JACPAC. The fundraiser was in support of the Jewish Community for Hillary and included an appearance by Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Tribune-Review

Clinton Attends NYC Event following Super Tuesday Win

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton did not take a break from the campaign trail following her Super Tuesday wins. Speaking to a group of supporters at the Javits Center, she spent her speech criticizing Republican front-runner Donald Trump, without actually mentioning his name. She said, “You know the stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric from the other side has never been lower. So we’ve got work to do my friends. But not to make America great again. America never stopped being great. We have to make America whole. Instead of building walls, we need to break down barriers that are holding back families and our country.” At the event, Clinton also focused her support of unions and her promise to protect union rights as many members of the audience were union supporters. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Tonight, Hillary for America is hosting a “I’m with Her” concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring performances Katy Perry, Elton John, and Andra Day. Hillary, Chelsea and Bill also made an appearance. Throughout the concert event, each of the artists took some time to explain why they supported Hillary for president. Perry said, “I’m not voting for her because she’s a woman. I’m voting for her because she’s the right person for the job.” Other guest celebrities also made appearances including Jamie Foxx and Julianne Moore.

This evening, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey hosted a conversational fundraiser in Milton. The event was hosted by Nora Harrington and Andi Piatt. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The New York Times, Observer

Chelsea, Ferrera, Moretz, Curtis Campaign for Hillary

On Thursday, Chelsea Clinton and actress America Ferrera were in Denver, Colorado where they attended a Cherry Hills Village fundraiser and visited with college students at the University of Denver. Meanwhile in Nevada, actress Jamie Lee Curtis held three events in Reno, Carson City, and Incline Village. In Las Vegas, actress Chloë Grace Moretz visited with students on the campus of the University of Nevada – Las Vegas. Also supporting Clinton in Nevada today were Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. The Nevada caucus is this Saturday.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Denver Channel, Las Vegas Now

Women in the World Summit

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the keynote address at the Women in the World Summit in New York City. In her first public speech since announcing her campaign for president, Clinton spoke about the struggles of women and girls to achieve equal rights and had strong words for her critics and political opponents. The speech was reminiscent of her famous “women’s rights are human rights” speech in 1995.

In her address, she criticized the delay of the appointment of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General and then, without naming names, she began calling out political opponents saying, “There are those who offer themselves as leaders … who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay, who offer themselves as leaders who would de-fund the country’s leading provider of family planning and want to let health insurance companies once again charge women just because of our gender. There are those who offer themselves as leaders who would deport mothers working to give their children a better life, rather than risk the ire of talk radio.”

Clinton concluded by saying that there was still much work to be done in the realm of equal rights in the United States and around the world. But she expressed her optimism that equal rights can be achieved.

News Source: New York Daily News

Hillary Clinton Gets Political on Twitter

Hillary Rodham Clinton took to Twitter today to voice her concerns about the Republican budget introduced in the House of Representatives which cut funds for the Affordable Care Act and Pell Grants. Yesterday, she blasted Senate Republicans for failing to pass the Human Trafficking bill and holding up the confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. The Tweets came a week after she publicly criticized 47 Republican lawmakers for sending a letter to Iran in attempts to block any possible nuclear deal between Iran and the United States.

As she is expected to announce her 2016 presidential in a few weeks, Clinton is becoming more and more political in her statements and on Twitter. Her Tweets from yesterday and today are below: