Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in SC and GA


On Saturday, Bill Clinton held two public events in the south after attending a fundraiser in Atlanta, Georgia. The fundraiser was hosted by Mayor Kasim Reed and Sarah-Elizabeth Reed, Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Hank Johnson, The Honorable Andrew Young and Carolyn Young, Hank and Billye Aaron, Mack Wilbourn, and Daniel and Sonya Halpern.

His first organizing event was held in Atlanta where he appeared with Congressman John Lewis. Lewis spoke about Hillary Clinton and praised her experience. He framed her as the candidate best equipped to lead the country. When Bill took the stage, he made similar comments touting Hillary’s experience and her leadership. He stressed the importance of the 2016 election saying, “We are on the verge of being able to grow together again. You need a change maker who believes in inclusive economics, inclusive politics, inclusive society, and a national security policy … that keeps us safe without giving up who we are as Americans. That’s Hillary.”

In the evening, Bill spoke to a group of supporters at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina. During the event, he spoke about his wife’s experience and plans to apply more strict gun regulations, create better jobs, and improve the heath care system. He said, “Hillary literally got into this race, because she does not believe America will ever fulfill its promise until every single solitary American is empowered to fulfill their promise. And she believes we have to do it together.” A video of his speech is below.

Meanwhile, today in Munich, Germany, a Hillary for America fundraiser was held for American citizens currently living in the area. The event was hosted by Johnny Talbot and Mindy Prugnaud and Former Ambassador Melanne Verveer attended the event.

Tomorrow, the Clintons are taking a break from the campaign trail for Valentine’s Day. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Live 5 News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Chelsea and Hillary Clinton Attend Fundraisers

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5, 2015
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5, 2015

Today, both Hillary and Chelsea Clinton attended fundraisers. Hillary was in New York City to attend a fundraiser hosted by David Lichtenstein. Chelsea, meanwhile, was in Atlanta, Georgia where she attended two fundraisers. The first was a Women for Hillary event, and the second was hosted by Mayor Kasim Reed. All three events were closed to the press.

Tonight, Hillary will be on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Chelsea has events scheduled this weekend in Chicago and Iowa. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Launches African Americans for Hillary

3984Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton launched African Americans for Hillary at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition, Clinton spoke at Clark Atlanta University where she was introduced by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Clinton spoke briefly at the event, but she hinted at her plans for criminal justice reform, something that she is going to be rolling out in the coming days. Clinton voiced her support for legislation that would ban racial profiling and would push to eliminate the distinction between crack and power cocaine in drug sentencing. She also voiced her support for “banning the box” on job applications indicating that someone has been convicted of a crime. She believes that criminal history is something that should be discussed further in the application and background check process. Clinton said, “We have to take on the continuing abuses where oppression is more prevalent than opportunity. We have to create those channels of opportunity so that we go from childhood to adulthood pursuing your dreams, instead of cradle to prison and seeing them die.” A video from the event at Clark Atlanta University is below.

Clinton then traveled to Charleston, South Carolina where she was the keynote speaker at the NAACP’s 98th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. Clinton began her speech by thanking Mayor Joe Riley for his service as Charleston’s Mayor and his leadership following the shooting at Mother Emanuel Church. Clinton vowed to work with the NAACP to prevent racial profiling in South Carolina and across the United States. She pledged to work with Democrats and Republicans to pass meaningful criminal justice reform. She said, “Charleston has been through a lot. This state has been through a lot…The murder of the nine innocents at bible study; it renewed the call to do something about the senseless gun violence that stalks this county… Every American should be safe at school, or at the movies, or at church.” A video of Clinton’s full speech is below.

Today, Clinton is scheduled to will remain in South Carolina. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution, News 2

Clinton Wraps up New Hampshire Visit

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton wrapped up her trip to New Hampshire with two town hall events. She began her day by visiting with patrons at the White Mountain Cafe in Gorham. She then went to Berlin for her first town hall at White Mountain Community College where the focus of her speech was on college affordability. She also spoke about strengthening, not privatizing, Social Security and her plans for health care. She was asked about last night’s Republican debate and said, “I heard a lot of insults and a lot of back and forth between the various candidates. You would have been better off watching the World Series because the debate, in my view, was a swing and a miss.”

Clinton then went to Littleton where she held a town hall at Littleton High School. The town hall was very similar to the one she held earlier in the day in that she answered a number of questions posed by voters. Videos from both of today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton will launch African Americans for Hillary in Atlanta, Georgia. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WMUR

Clinton Interviewed by Local News Stations the first Democratic Debate, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday was interviewed via satellite by a number of local news stations across the country. Most of the interviews are brief and not available in full online. However, we were able to locate clips from all of the interviews but one. Clinton was interviewed by stations in:

The links above will direct you the news story and video available on the TV station’s website. If you know of the link to the interview with Clinton in Atlanta, please add a comment below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Georgia and Florida

sfl-pictures-hillary-clinton-raises-money-in-s-001On Thursday and Friday of this week, Hillary Rodham Clinton spent time attending fundraisers in Georgia and Florida. On Thursday, Clinton made a stop in Atlanta to attend a fundraisers at the home of A.J. Johnson, one of the founding partners of  Georgetown Capital. On Thursday evening, Clinton went to Florida where she attended two fundraisers: one in Coconut Grove (at the home of Clinton friend Ira Leesfield) and Coral Gables (at the home of Nilda Hamilton, the widow of Jose Milton). On Friday, Clinton attended two more private fundraisers. One in Parkland at the home Michael Moskowitz, then at the home of John Morgan in Heathrow. All the fundraisers were private, so no press coverage is available.

Next week, Clinton is expected to attend in events in New York, Texas, and Connecticut. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, CBS Miami

Clinton Focuses on Women’s Issues in South Carolina

Hillary Rodham Clinton visited South Carolina for the first time since announcing her presidential campaign. In Columbia, Clinton began by meeting with six minority women business owners at Kiki’s Chicken and Waffles. She held a roundtable where the business owners shared their ideas and concerns with Clinton.

Clinton then delivered the keynote address at the South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council’s Day in Blue conference. She spoke about a woman’s right to equal pay saying that the issue was not only a women’s issue, but a family issue. She said, “When any parent is short-changed, the entire family is short-changed, and if families are short-changed, Americans are short-changed.” She advocated for strengthening the middle class and said that equal pay for women was a step in the right direction. Clinton proposed a paycheck fairness act that would provide the legal framework for business to disclose salaries for positions to ensure women are not being short-changed. A video of Clinton’s full speech at the South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council is available on C-SPAN.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to appear in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow along by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: WCNC

Video Source: C-SPAN