Hillary Clinton Rallies Democrats via Video

As the Democratic Party builds its platform following the 2016 election cycle and selects a new leader, Hillary Clinton spoke via video at the party’s gathering in Atlanta. In the video, Clinton calls on Democrats to continue fighting the Republican agenda and the policies proposed by President Donald Trump. She said that she is proud of the platform that the party assembled for the 2016 election cycle and urged everyone to continue to resist. “Let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country,” she said. Clinton vowed to continue to fight with Democrats and urged them to stay “engaged in the field and online.” Watch the video above.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Speaks During Sunday Services at Charlotte Church


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clinton had planned on visiting Charlotte a week ago, but due to the unrest in the city and limited resources, Mayor Jennifer Roberts asked that she delay her trip until local authorities had a better handle on the situation. The protests in the city followed the death of Keith Lamont Scott who was shot by a Charlotte police officer. A video of Scott’s encounter with police was released by the police department earlier this week.

In Charlotte, Clinton spoke during Sunday morning church services at Little Rock AME Zion Church today. She spoke about the need for additional police training to ensure situations are deescalated. She also spoke about a number of her plans such as criminal justice reform and reducing the cost of higher education, both she said would benefit the African American community and end the “so-called school to prison pipeline.” She also criticized Donald Trump’s tone deaf response to shootings such as the one in Charlotte. Before she completed her remarks, Clinton invited Zionna Oliphant, a local fourth-grader, to join her. Oliphant recently spoke about race relations in Charlotte before the City Council. Clinton said, “Protecting all of God’s children is our calling.” While in Charlotte, Clinton also met with with local officials. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, Senator Cory Booker spoke at a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico, WSOCTV, Fox 8, Time Warner Cable News, The Charlotte Observer

Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Rev. Dr. Moss Jr. served as the Pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio before retiring after 33 years of service.  He was also the co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta, Georgia. A copy of his endorsement is below.

Why Secretary Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President
By The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss. Jr.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is our best hope for moving the U.S. Supreme Court out of the hands of right wing, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-human rights judges. The next president will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 50 years! By that time, the millennials will be nearing (80) years old. Their children and grandchildren will be the living with the results of the 2016 election. The next president will nominate three or four U.S. Supreme Court justices plus score of federal district and appeals court judges.

We need Hillary Clinton to be our next president because she is qualified. She is prepared. She is dedicated. She is an activist in the struggles of the common life for the common good and has the record to prove it. She did not wait 70 years to “think” about civil rights and human rights. She is committed activist nationally and globally. She is the epitome of excellence.

Let me repeat, Hillary Clinton will save the U.S. Supreme Court from political arsonists, obstructionists and destroyers of the civil rights, human rights and voting rights. All the right wing extremists know this. This is why they are endorsing and supporting Trump – including some who tend to despise him. Mrs. Clinton will fight for voting rights protection, health care for all and education for all without crippling debts.

Hillary Clinton will give extraordinary national and global leadership. Leadership anchored in reason, wisdom, sound judgement, spiritual strength and moral courage.

She has been and remains active in her faith commitment from her youth. She has embraced The Holy Scriptures from her youth and knows the names of the books of her Bible and the unsearchable riches contained therein. She knows the songs and hymns and music of her faith and does not scorn and demean other faith traditions. She believes in the total Constitution – not just one or two amendments such as states’ rights and gun rights.

She does not bully her way through life. She has the courage of kindness, the endurance of long-suffering and the joys of Amazing Grace.

She loves children of all races, colors and ethnicities, rich and poor, rural, urban and suburban, healthy and ill, victorious and vulnerable, immigrant and Native American and those whose ancestors came in chains. This includes the well housed and the homeless. She does not seek votes from one group by hating and insulting other groups.

Mrs. Clinton deserves and needs our support and votes. If her opponent should win, we all lose; children, youth and adults. We can all win with Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary


Tim Kaine, Anne Holton, and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail today in various states. Kaine spoke at a rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he told a crowd of students and supporters about Hillary Clinton’s plan to reduce the debt of college students and ensure that students whose families make less than $125,000 a year can attend a public college or university debt free. Speaking at the University of Michigan, Kaine also expressed his confidence in Hillary’s judgement saying, “I want a commander-in-chief with judgment. I would trust Hillary Clinton with my son’s life and Donald Trump scares me to death.” A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Chelsea was in North Carolina where she began two days of campaigning in the area. She began in Winston-Salem where she took part in a panel discussion about women in leadership. The group discussed a number of topics including the importance of an education and the wage gap. Chelsea then traveled to Durham where she spoke at the opening of a campaign office. She thanked volunteers and urged them to get out and talk to voters. She spoke about the importance of the election saying, “This is the most important presidential election of my lifetime,” she said. “Whomever we elect will play a fundamental role in shaping the future that my children and their generation grow up in.” A video from Chelsea’s panel at Wake Forest University is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended an event at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. The former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia spoke about Hillary’s plans to help college students repay debt and ensure that future college students do not go into debt. She explained, “Part of Hillary’s plan is to make community college tuition free, to make Pell grants year-round so that students can continue their education in the summers when otherwise appropriate and then to make college debt-free for everybody.” Holton then answered questions from students in attendance. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, three fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was an evening with BD Wong in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, in Atlanta, Georgia, a LGBTQ Friends and Allies for Hillary event was held. The final event was a discussion of the environment and election with Ion Yadigaroglu and Kristina Costa. The event was held in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 2, WXYZ, WTKR, WRAL, WXII, ABC 10

Tim Kaine Speaks at Iron Workers Convention


Tim Kaine campaigned in Las Vegas, Nevada today. He attended an organizing event at the Local 525 Plumbers & Pipefitters Training Center where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to boost job growth by investing in the nation’s infrastructure. Kaine then went after Donald Trump for refusing to release his income tax returns. He then attacked Trump’s business record citing a recent study by The New York Times which found that Trump’s businesses were deep in debt. Kaine framed Trump as the “king of debt” with his businesses owning at least $650 million. Kaine argued that with his business record, Trump cannot be trusted with the country’s finances.

Kaine then spoke at Iron Workers 43rd International Convention at The Mirage where he continued with a similar message of job growth and a focus on the economy. During his remarks, he spoke about importance of trade unions and Clinton’s dedication to union labor. He spoke about Trump and how he has fought against unions at his hotels and casinos. “Donald Trump doesn’t get it. Labor unions helped build the great American middle class,” he said. A video from Kaine’s speech at the convention is below.

Over the weekend, Hillary Clinton attending a series of fundraisers on the east coast. She attended an event on the island of Martha’s Vinyard. Then on Sunday, she attended an event Provincetown, Massachusetts which featured an appearance by singer Cher. Meanwhile, a “Give ‘Em Hill” fundraising party was held in Atlanta, Georgia.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: KUTV, Las Vegas Review-Journal, The Los Angeles Times, Cape Cod Times

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Asheville, NC

Tim Kaine campaigned in Asheville, North Carolina today as he kicked off a two day visit to the state. After meeting with patrons at a local restaurant, Kaine was introduced by his wife, Anne Holton, during a rally at Arthur Edington Education & Career Center. During his speech, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s economic plan which calls for the largest creation of jobs in the United States since World War II. He explained that Clinton will achieve this by boosting American manufacturing, investing in clean energy, and repairing the nation’s infrastructure. Kaine went on to criticize Donald Trump’s economic policy for its tendency to be beneficial to the highest earners. A video from the Asheville event is below.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, Campaign Manager Robby Mook attended a fundraiser in Denver. The event was hosted by Arash and Ted Trimpa. Senator Cory Booker also attended an HFA fundraiser. He addressed Atlanta for45 in Georgia.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WXII

Kaine Campaigns in Manchester, NH


Tim Kaine spoke to a group of supporters on Saturday in Manchester, New Hampshire. During the rally at Saint Anselm College, Kaine touted Hillary Clinton’s economic plans and her proposed investment in the country’s infrastructure. He said that her plan would create millions of jobs across the country, while her opponent’s economic plan would not. Kaine also went after Donald Trump for not releasing his income tax returns after Clinton released her 2015 return and Kaine released ten years of his returns yesterday. Speaking about the tradition of presidents and presidential candidates releasing their returns, he said, “Everybody’s done it. Trump is not doing it. He says the rules that apply to everybody else do not apply to Donald J. Trump.” A video from the event is below.

On Friday, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America in New York City. Senator Cory Booker was the guest at the event. Then, on Saturday, Phil Angelides attended a fundraiser in Los Angeles, California. The event was hosted by Steve Hely, Vali Chandrasekaran, Melissa Lo, and Matt Warburton. Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia, Senator Booker attended a for45 event.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC News, The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Addresses American Federation of Teachers

On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton spoke during the annual convention of the American Federation of Teachers. Clinton spoke about her dedication to education and teachers saying that she would support efforts to modernize teaching, expand computer science and STEM education, ensure that testing assists teaching, and oppose vouchers and for-profit schools. Clinton also attacked Republican Donald Trump for his divisive policies and Republicans attitude toward education. A video from the event is below.

Two Hillary for America fundraisers were held today. The first was in Portland, Oregon and included a conversation with Senior Policy Advisor Ann O’Leary. The event took place at the home of Leanne Littrell DiLorenzo and John DiLorenzo Jr. The second event was in Atlanta, Georgia. The event featured former Congressman Barney Frank and was held for LGBTQ and Allies for Hillary. The event was hosted by Alan Brewer and Michael Goltzman.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Education Week, Twin Cities Pioneer Press

Clinton Fundraises following Tuesday’s Wins


After coming out on top in all five of Tuesday’s primaries, Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America have spent the last two days fundraising. Yesterday, Hillary for America hosted a Counterterrorism conversation in Arlington, Virginia. Those attending the event included Randy Beers, Former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor; Matt Spence, Former NSC Senior Director and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; Will Wechsler, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counterterrorism and current Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East; and Dan Byman, Former 9/11 Commission Staff Member.

Today, Clinton attended two fundraisers. The first was held at the home of Pradeep and Ranjana Sinha in Atlanta, Georgia. Then, Clinton attended a fundraiser at the Nashville, Tennessee home of Sacha and Charles Robert Bone. Two other fundraisers were hosted by Hillary for America. The first was a New York City reception with Olympic Gold Medalist and FIFA World Cup Champion Abby Wambach. The second fundraiser was held in Bradbury, California and featured a conversation with Campaign Chair John Podesta.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Hosts events in Atlanta and South Carolina


On the eve of the South Carolina primary, Hillary Clinton attended a number of events, but she started off the day in neighboring Georgia for a Early Voting Event in Atlanta. During the event, Clinton spoke about a number of key platform points including voting rights. She encouraged Georgia voters to participate in Tuesday’s primary and take advantage of early voting if they are unable to head to the polls on Tuesday. The early voting period in Georgia ends today. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Back in South Carolina, Clinton hosted a Breaking Down Barriers rally in Orangeburg. Speaking at South Carolina State University, Clinton focused on racial inequality and how to improve the justice system and eradicate systemic racism. She also spoke about the successes of President Barack Obama and how she plans to improve upon his major accomplishments, including heath care. A full video of Clinton’s rally in Orangeburg is available on C-SPAN.

Hillary wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Vote event in Columbia where she was joined by Bill and Chelsea. When Clinton took the stage, she spoke about the importance of continuing the progress of the last eight years and building upon the successes of the Obama administration. She asked voters to support her in tomorrow’s primary saying, “The South Carolina primary is personally important to me because I want to send a strong signal that South Carolina is ready for change, ready for progress, ready to make a difference.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Portland Press Herald, Fox 5, Seven Days, The Times and Democrat