Chelsea Clinton Encourages Voters in North Carolina


On Saturday, Chelsea Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in North Carolina where she traveled across the state. At events in Elizabeth City, Charlotte, and Asheville, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s platform and her plans to ensure equal pay for women, create new jobs, and create an economy that works for everyone. She concluded each event by asking everyone to get out and vote for Hillary and make sure their voice is heard. “Every vote really matters. Lots of people haven’t voted yet. It’s just not OK to sit (this election) out. We still have three days to make our case,” she said. A video from the event in Charlotte, where she also took questions from the audience, is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: TWC News Charlotte, Citizen Times

Tim Kaine, Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


Tim Kaine attended three campaign events on Wednesday. The first two events were in Ohio, and he began by speaking at a canvass kick-off event in Upper Arlington. Kaine spoke about the importance of Ohio in this election and urged supporters and volunteers to canvass for Hillary Clinton. “Donald Trump cannot be president without Ohio. That means you’ve got this election right in the palm of your hands, Ohio,” he said. Kaine wrapped up by urging everyone to vote on November 8th. A video form the event is below.

Kaine then traveled to Springfield where he spoke to a crowd of supporters about the importance of 2016 election and Clinton’s plans to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to prosper in America. As in Upper Arlington, he spoke about the importance of Ohio and urged voters to reject the hateful rhetoric spread by the Trump campaign. Kaine also went after Trump for comments he made about women saying, “To just say this is the way men are, this is the real Donald Trump. But, this isn’t real men, folks.” A video from the Springfield event is below.

Kaine’s final event of the day was in Asheville, North Carolina where he spoke to supporters on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Kaine attacked Trump for spreading the idea that the American democracy is rigged. Now (Trump) is attacking American democracy itself. Donald Trump is now perpertrating the lie that, ‘Oh the election is all set against me.’ We know what’s going on: He’s losing. Donald Trump has never been willing to take responsibility for anything so it’s not like he’s going to stand up and say, ‘Well, I lost. I guess must have run a divisive campaign.’ … If he loses, it’s going to be somebody else’s fault and so he’s he’s going around saying the election’s set against him.” Watch a video of the rally below.

Anne Holton, Kaine’s wife, was in Iowa where she held events in four cities. Her first event was in Des Moines where she held a discussion with local educators and parents about bullying in schools. Holton then spoke at early voting events in Ottumwa and Burlington. At each event, she encouraged everyone to get out and vote on, or before, election day. Holton’s final Iowa event was in Davenport where she attended a debate watch party with a group of supporters. Full coverage from today’s Iowa events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, WLWT, Citizen-Times

Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary


Chelsea Clinton and Anne Holton continued to meet with voters across the country today. Chelsea began in Greeneville, North Carolina where she spoke at East Carolina University. Chelsea covered a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform plans including her new college compact. Under the plan, students repaying student loans would be able to refinance their loans at lower interest rates thus saving money. Future students whose families make less than $125,000 a year and attend a public college or technical school will be able to graduate debt-free.

In Asheville, Chelsea spoke to a group of supporters at The Collider. She focused her remarks on climate change and renewable energy. Chelsea spoke about how Hillary’s plans will invest in clean energy while creating jobs, especially in parts of North Carolina who have been affected by the shrinking fossil fuel industry. “We need to be building solar panel factories exactly in those places. We need to be investing in coal country and in places where those kind of jobs have slowly disappeared as the industry has waned.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Holton campaigned on behalf of Hillary today in Michigan. In Lansing, Holton held a “Moms for Hillary” roundtable discussion where they discussed a number of issues such as childcare costs, education costs, and equal pay. She then traveled to Grand Rapids where she held an education roundtable where she spoke about Hillary’s plan to reduce the cost of higher education and her plan to expand early childhood education. Holton has a background in education with her most recently serving as Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia. A video from the events will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WITN, Citizen-Times, Lansing State Journal,

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Asheville, NC

Tim Kaine campaigned in Asheville, North Carolina today as he kicked off a two day visit to the state. After meeting with patrons at a local restaurant, Kaine was introduced by his wife, Anne Holton, during a rally at Arthur Edington Education & Career Center. During his speech, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s economic plan which calls for the largest creation of jobs in the United States since World War II. He explained that Clinton will achieve this by boosting American manufacturing, investing in clean energy, and repairing the nation’s infrastructure. Kaine went on to criticize Donald Trump’s economic policy for its tendency to be beneficial to the highest earners. A video from the Asheville event is below.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, Campaign Manager Robby Mook attended a fundraiser in Denver. The event was hosted by Arash and Ted Trimpa. Senator Cory Booker also attended an HFA fundraiser. He addressed Atlanta for45 in Georgia.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WXII

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in North Carolina


On Sunday, as Hillary Clinton prepared for CNN’s Democratic Town Hall event, Bill Clinton campaigned in North Carolina on her behalf ahead of Tuesday’s primary. Speaking at the Wake Forest School of Law, he spoke about her experience and plans as president. Clinton then traveled to  Asheville where he spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and how it will affect a number of policies including heath care, the economy, and the Supreme Court. He urged voters to support Hillary during Tuesday’s primary saying, “I think you ought to vote for Hillary, not just because she’s the best qualified, or she would be the first woman president. It’s because she’s the single best change maker I have ever known.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

This morning, Chelsea Clinton was also in North Carolina where she attended a fundraiser at the Chapel Hill home of Karen Popp and Mary Coleman Ragsdale. Then, Chelsea spoke to supporters at a local elementary school in Raleigh. She spike about her mother’s plans and urged them to support her on Tuesday. Following the events in North Carolina, Chelsea flew to Missouri where she attended a fundraiser in Columbia. The event was hosted by Doctors Mary and Tony Gadbois.

Several other fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a conversation with Teddy Goff in Boulder, Colorado. Goff is the campaigns Chief Digital and Technology Strategist. The event was hosted by Allyson and Jack Downey, Jamie Jacobs and Eric Bohn, Cheryl Kellond, Courtney and Mark Messenbaugh, and Rob Ryan. In London, Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan held a fundraiser for Americans living abroad. The event was held at the home of Nader Mousavizadeh.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Asheville Citizen-TimeWinston-Salem Journal