Voter Registration Deadlines


As we near the general election on November 8, it is important to ensure that you are registered to vote before your state’s deadline. Each state has differing deadlines and requirements to register, so be sure to check with your local election officials. Below is a list of registration deadlines by state and the chart also includes whether your state offers election day registration.


Voter Registration Deadline

Election Day Registration?

Alabama Postmarked 11 days before the election. No
Alaska Received 30 days before the election. No
Arizona Received 29 days before the election. No
Arkansas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
California Postmarked or submitted to an elections office (or NVRA voter registration agency) on or before 15 days prior to Election Day. (to vote in that election) No
Colorado Postmarked 22 days before an election if through a voter registration drive. All other applicants may register at any time through Election Day; however, if you register after the 8th day before an election, your ballot will not automatically be mailed to you and you must appear in person to obtain your ballot. Yes
Connecticut Postmarked 14 days before the election or received in person 7 days before the election. Yes
Delaware Postmarked by the fourth Saturday before a general or primary election, or 10 days before a special election. No
DC Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Florida Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Georgia Postmarked by the fifth Monday before the election. No
Hawaii Received at least 30 days before the election. No
Idaho Postmarked 25 days before the election. Yes
Illinois Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
Indiana Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Iowa Received in-person 10 days before General and Primary Elections (11 days before all other elections), or postmarked 15 days before Election Day. Yes
Kansas Postmarked 21 days before the election if mailed, received at the county office 21 days before the election if delivered in person. No
Kentucky Postmarked 29 days before the election. No
Louisiana Received 30 days before the election. No
Maine Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Maryland Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Massachusetts Postmarked 20 days before the election. No
Michigan Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Minnesota Received 21 days before the election. Yes
Mississippi Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Missouri Received before 5pm (or normal close of business) on the fourth Wednesday prior to the election. No
Montana Postmarked 30 days before the election. Yes
Nebraska Postmarked by the third Friday before the election, or received in-person by 6pm on the second Friday before the election. No
Nevada Postmarked by 31 days before the election, or submitted online by 21 days before an election, or received in-person at a clerk’s office 21 days before an election. No
New Hampshire Received 10 days before the election. Yes
New Jersey Received 21 days before the election. No
New Mexico Postmarked 28 days before the election. No
New York Postmarked 25 days before the election and received no less than 20 days before the election. No
North Carolina Received 25 day before the election. Yes
North Dakota N/A N/A
Ohio Received 30 days before the election. No
Oklahoma Postmarked 25 days before the election. No
Oregon Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Pennsylvania Received 30 days before the election. No
Rhode Island Received 30 days before the election. Mailed voter registration forms received after the deadline will be accepted as long as the mail is postmarked on or before the voter registration deadline. Yes
South Carolina Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
South Dakota Received 15 days before the election. No
Tennessee Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Texas Postmarked 30 days before the election. No
Utah Postmarked 30 days before the election, or received in person 15 days before the election. No
Vermont Received by 5pm on the Wednesday before the election. No
Virginia Received 22 days before the election. No
Washington Postmarked by the Monday four weeks before the election, or received in person at the county elections department the Monday one week before the election. No
West Virginia Postmarked 21 days before the election. No
Wisconsin Postmarked 20 days before the election. Yes
Wyoming Received 14 days before the election. Yes

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Rock the Vote

Trump Campaign Attempts to Mislead on Immigration Plan


Hillary for America Campaign Manager Robby Mook responded to the Trump campaigns attempts to gloss over Donald Trump’s plan to deport 16 million people with the following statement:

“Donald Trump has stated very clearly throughout his campaign that he will deport everyone who is undocumented, something that was reinforced in his speech in Arizona last Wednesday. Beyond forcibly removing every single undocumented person from this country, Trump has also promised to rescind DACA and DAPA, and deport American citizens who are born to undocumented immigrant parents. What we saw today is Mike Pence and Trump’s top campaign officials attempt to mislead voters about their mass deportation policy by using soft words to describe harsh tactics – one of the oldest tricks in the book. Immigrant families know the meanings of ‘humane’ and ‘fair’ and can see straight through their cynical ploys. Trump’s message to immigrant families is clear: everyone must go.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Politico

HFA Statement on Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Speech


Following Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant speech in Arizona on Wednesday, Hillary for America National Latino Vote Director Lorella Praeli released the following statement:

“In his darkest speech yet, Donald Trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric and attempted to divide communities by pitting people against each other and demonizing immigrants. Trump committed to sending a new “Deportation Task Force” into American communities, rescinding the President’s executive actions to protect DREAMers and their families, building a wall that he continues to claim will be paid for by Mexico, and made clear that “Operation Wetback” was not severe enough. The only immigrants allowed in the future are those that pass Donald Trump’s own test of ‘desirability.’

Donald Trump once again showed us that he will continue his decades-long record of divisiveness and campaign of hate by pledging to forcibly remove every single undocumented immigrant from our country. He showed us, very clearly, what’s at stake in this election by painting a picture of his idea of America: one in which immigrants are not welcomed and one in which innocent families are torn apart.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

HFA Statement on Trump’s Meeting with President Peña Nieto

Hillary_for_America_2016_logo.svgOn Wednesday, Donald Trump met with Mexican President Peña Nieto. Trump has been critical of Mexico and Mexican immigrants since he launched his campaign. Hillary for America Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri released the following statement:

“From the first days of his campaign, Donald Trump has painted Mexicans as ‘rapists’ and criminals and has promised to deport 16 million people, including children and U.S. citizens. He has said we should force Mexico to pay for his giant border wall.  He has said we should ban remittances to families in Mexico if Mexico doesn’t pay up. What ultimately matters is what Donald Trump says to voters in Arizona, not Mexico, and whether he remains committed to the splitting up of families and deportation of millions.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Meets with Law Enforcement Officials


Hillary Clinton met with several top law enforcement officials form across the country on Thursday. During a meeting in New York City, Clinton briefly addressed the media and the group and spoke about the importance of working with law enforcement groups to ensure they are getting the required training and resources for them to keep the public safe. She said, “I think we can come together with a sense of shared purpose, and a belief in our common destiny to have a purpose where we go forth united and do everything possible to respond to any legitimate questions, to find answers together and to keep our communities safe, to protect lives and property, while also respecting every single American.”

The of officials that attended the meeting represent a wide variety of populations and included decades of experience. Those attending the discussion included: New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck, Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus, New York City Chief of Department James O’Neil, Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole, former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Camden Police Chief Scott Thomson, and Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez. Following her brief remarks, Clinton listened to the concerns of each of the officials and the challenges they face in their respective jurisdictions. A video of Clinton’s statement is below.

Meanwhile, in Bozeman, Montana, actress Jennifer Garner attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America. The event was hosted by Carol Williams.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post, CBS News

Hillary Clinton Pens Op-Ed on Immigration Reform


On Friday, an op-ed written by Hillary Clinton appeared in The Arizona Republic. In the piece, Clinton discusses yesterday’s disappointing Supreme Court decision, and she criticizes Republican Donald Trump’s views on immigration. Clinton argues that comprehensive immigration reform is the best way to ensure that everyone has the best opportunity to live up their potential. Her op-ed is full of stories of people that she has met on the campaign trail and illustrate why immigration reform is such an important goal. A copy of the op-ed is below:

When Josie Mata was 7 years old, she learned that her mother was undocumented.

From that moment on, Josie went to school every day afraid that she might return home to find her mom gone forever.

The Matas live, work and pay taxes in Tucson. Josie now attends the University of Arizona. Yet like so many other mixed-status families, the threat that their lives could be torn apart is never far from mind.

I’ve met many children and families who share this fear. In Las Vegas, a 10-year-old girl named Karla started to cry when she told me her parents had received a letter of deportation. She should have the chance to be the bright and happy little girl she is. Instead, she’s constantly afraid.

It’s become all too easy to see why.

Just this week, the Supreme Court deadlocked in a critical case, putting on hold executive actions taken by President Obama to provide immigrant families relief from deportation. It was heartbreaking and unacceptable.

And while our system fails to provide certainty to immigrant families, political figures like Donald Trump turn them into scapegoats for many of the challenges facing American families today.  His bigotry and fear-mongering may be an attempt to divide our country and distract from his lack of real solutions to raise incomes and create good paying jobs – but it’s not going to work.

Let’s be clear: When Trump talks about forming a “deportation force” to round up and expel 11 million immigrants – he’s talking about ripping apart families like Karla’s and Josie’s.

When he repeatedly suggests that a distinguished American judge’s “Mexican heritage” means that he cannot do his job, it’s the “textbook definition of a racist comment,” to quote the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

When he praises local figures like Gov. Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he’s endorsing their heartless and divisive policies. And when he speculates about ending birthright citizenship, he’s suggesting undermining the Constitution and tearing American children away from the country they know and love.

Instead of building walls, we ought to be breaking down barriers. Our country has always been stronger when we lift each other up, not tear each other down. We’re stronger together.

That’s why, as president, I’ll fight for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to full and equal citizenship, starting in my first 100 days in office.  We should do everything we can to keep families together, better integrate immigrants into their communities, and help those eligible for naturalization take the last step to citizenship.

First, let’s focus on families. Today in Arizona, over 200,000 U.S. citizens – the vast majority of whom are children – live in the same household as an undocumented immigrant who qualifies for relief from deportation under the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) program — the program put on hold by the Supreme Court this week.

As a result of the court’s decision, these families, and millions more like them across our country, have been thrown into a state of uncertainty. As president, I’ll continue to defend DAPA and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) against partisan attacks.

And I’ll do everything possible under the law to go further to protect families. That means ending large-scale raids, ending the practice of family detention and shutting down private detention facilities.

Second, we need to increase our focus on integration and make sure that immigrants are able to thrive in American society. Let’s provide more federal resources to help immigrants learn the English language skills they need to be successful. And because this issue cuts across all levels of government – local, state and federal – I’ll create the first-ever Office of Immigrant Affairs at the White House to help coordinate these policies across the nation.

Third, let’s help the 9 million people in our country who are currently eligible for naturalization become full citizens. They work and pay taxes – yet they cannot vote or serve on juries. Let’s expand fee waivers so that those seeking naturalization can get a break on the costs. And let’s step up our outreach and education, because no one should miss out on the chance to be a citizen.

These steps aren’t just the right thing to do; they’ll also strengthen our entire country.

Bringing more workers into the formal economy boosts everyone’s wages. Recent economic research suggests that comprehensive immigration reform could add more than 8,000 jobs and nearly $700 million to Arizona’s economy – so it would actually benefit every family in the state, no matter how long they’ve lived here.

This is not a new fight for me.

As a young woman, I investigated appalling conditions for migrant workers for a U.S. Senate committee, and I traveled across south Texas registering Latino voters. As First Lady, I convened the inaugural conference on Latino Children and Youth, to make sure that Latino boys and girls were getting the same opportunities as any other child. As a senator, I co-sponsored the Dream Act three times and stood with Ted Kennedy in our fight to pass comprehensive immigration reform. As president, I’m committed to seeing this fight through to the finish line.

No matter what Donald Trump says, we have always been a nation of immigrants. Families like Josie’s and Karla’s are every bit as American as his or mine. And it is long past time we helped millions of hard-working people step out of the shadows and onto a path to a brighter future.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Arizona Republic

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Washington and Wins Arizona on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)
Hillary Clinton greets supporters at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday. Thousands rallied for Hillary Clinton at Rainier Beach High School Tuesday, March 22, 2016. (Dean Rutz / The Seattle Times)

Hillary Clinton was one for three in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah, but she earned nearly the same number of delegates as Bernie Sanders allowing her to inch closer to the 2,383 delegates required to secure the nomination. Clinton soundly won Arizona (57.6% to Bernie Sanders’ 39.9%), but she finished second in Idaho (78.0% to 21.2%) and Utah (79.3% to 20.3%). The next round of primaries will be held this Saturday in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington.




Arizona Closed Primary Hillary Clinton
Idaho Open Caucus Bernie Sanders
Utah Semi-open Caucus Bernie Sanders

Meanwhile, leading up to this weekend’s caucus in Washington, Hillary Clinton campaigned in the state. She began the day in Everett where she met with union worker at Boeing and addressed a crowd of supporters. Then, she met with local tribal leaders this afternoon in Puyallup. In Medina this evening, Clinton attended a private fundraiser at the home of Jeff and Susan Brotman. A video from her rally in Everett is below.

On Tuesday evening, Clinton held a rally with supporters in Seattle where she began by thanking the voters in Arizona for their support. Then, Clinton turned her attention to her Republican rivals and their campaign of fear. She criticized plans suggested by both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to ban Muslims from entering the country and increasing surveillance on Muslims living in the country. She said, “It will not keep us safe. This is a time for America to lead, not cower.” She vowed to “take the fight” to ISIS but work with Muslims who want to defeat extremists. A video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, The Seattle TimesQ13 Fox

Hillary Clinton Addresses AIPAC


On Monday morning, Hillary Clinton addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) where she pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She said, “America can’t ever be neutral when it comes to Israel’s security and survival.” Her comments were in direct opposition from those of Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has not appeared to be as friendly toward Israel. Clinton assured Israelis that with her at the helm, Israel would would have the full support of the United States, and she would continue to supply Israel militarily, combat anti-Semitism, ensure Iran holds to its end of the recent nuclear agreement, and continue to combat Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah.

Her address has been criticized by some as pandering, but Clinton made it clear that she would continue President Barack Obama’s stance toward Israel while defending the nuclear agreement with Iran. Republican presidential candidates Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich were all scheduled to address AIPAC today as well. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders did not attend the event, but focused on Tuesday’s primaries instead. A full video of Clinton’s speech is below and a transcript is available HERE.

Clinton then went to Phoenix, Arizona for a rally before tomorrow’s primary. During her speech at Carl Hayden Community High School, Clinton talked about a number of her platform points including heath care, added assistance for small businesses, and immigration reform. She also spent part of speech talking about the current political environment. She vowed to work with Republicans and Democrats alike if elected president saying, “I don’t remember anything like this. I will do anything we can to find a common ground. Anger is not a strategy.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Phoenix Business Journal, The New York Times

Bill, Chelsea Return to Campaign Trail


On Sunday, Chelsea and Bill Clinton returned to the west coast to campaign for Hillary Clinton. In Arizona, Bill Clinton attended two Get Out the Vote rallies before Tuesday’s primary. The first rally was in Tuscon where he was joined by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. During Bill’s speech, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to enact common sense gun control and introduce required background checks when purchasing a firearm. He also spoke about immigration reform, which is a hot button issue in Arizona. Throughout his speech, he stressed the importance of the 2016 election and urged voters to support Hillary on Tuesday. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Bill then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Phoenix. Speaking from Central High School, Bill addressed the national mood saying that he understands why people are angry, but we need to vote for someone who is going to make a difference and not someone who is full of rhetoric. Again, he touched on a number of key platform topics including immigration reform, health care, and economic equality. He concluded by asking for Arizona’s support on Tuesday, saying, “Needless to say, we had a pretty tough campaign eight years ago, and Arizona voted with us. I hope you will again on Tuesday.” A video of his speech is below.

Chelsea was in California where she attended three fundraisers. The first was held at the Los Angeles home of Elsa and Jarron Collins. The second event, hosted by Elsa Collins, featured a bicycle ride in West Hollywood. For the final event of the day, Chelsea was joined by actresses Lena Dunham and America Ferrera at NeueHouse Hollywood in Los Angeles.

Two additional fundraisers were held on Sunday. The first was a reception with Campaign Manager Robby Mook in Dallas, Texas. The fundraiser took place at the home of Jorge Baldor. In Seattle, Washington, a fundraiser was held at the home of Jen Lamson and Ric Ilgenfritz. The event, which was hosted by Jen Lamson, Marilyn Heiman, and Marilyn Twitchell, featured a special live musical performance by Sheryl Wiser.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Arizona Republic, Arizona Daily Star

Clinton Fundraises in Connecticut and Virginia

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.

Today, Hillary Clinton attended two fundraisers for her campaign. The first was in Litchfield County, Connecticut where she attended a conversational fundraisers with a number of guests. Some of the guests included Governor Dan Malloy, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Chris Murphy, and Representative Elizabeth Esty. In Virginia, Clinton attended an event hosted by John and Renée Grisham. The event took place at their home in North Garden, and featured Governor Terry McAuliffe.

This weekend, Hillary and Bill Clinton head to the west coast where they will attend a series of public events and fundraisers leading up to Tuesday’s primaries in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.