Final Review: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Before the majority of Americans head to the polls on Tuesday, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Clinton has outlined a comprehensive platform while what has been offered by Trump little substance and foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plan to combat bullying just a few weeks ago, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases Mini-Documentary


On Saturday, Hillary for America released a mini-documentary titled “The Story of Us.” The eight minute video chronicles Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the presidency, a story that began on April 12, 2015. As Americans vote and got to the polls on Tuesday, the documentary is a great look back at the last year and a half. Watch the documentary below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Details: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Broad Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign last April, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. Now that it it is clear the general election will be Clinton versus Republican Donald Trump, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that seems to offer no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While not everyone may agree with points of her platform, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of the proposed cap on child care costs and expanded early childhood education earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Bill Campaigns for Hillary in Rhode Island


On Thursday, Bill Clinton spoke at the one of the first campaign events for Hillary Clinton in Rhode Island. He spoke at an organizing event on the campus of the Community College of Rhode Island where he was joined by Governor Gina Raimondo. Bill’s speech touched on a wide variety of Hillary’s platform topics including the economy and jobs, health care, the rising costs of higher education, and the importance of the 2016 election. He asked for voters support on April 26 and added, “You’ve been good to me, Rhode Island. You’ve been good to Hillary. You don’t owe us anything. But Hillary feels she does owe you a straightforward account of what the next president can do so we can all rise together.” A video from today’s event will be posted when/if available.

Following the event in Rhode Island, Bill went on to attend two fundraisers. The first was in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts and was hosted by Mark and Audrey Schuster. The second event was held in Newton, Massachusetts and was held at the home of Dr. Kevin and Caron Tabb. Meanwhile, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraising event in New York City. The event was hosted by Diane von Furstenburg and included Eva Chen, Audrey Gelman, Aurora James, Mia Moretti, Lilliana Vazquez, and Emily Weiss. A second fundraiser was held in New York City and was hosted by Campaign Chair John Podesta.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WPRI

Bill Clinton Campaigns in New York on Tuesday


On Tuesday, Bill Clinton spoke at three organizing events in New York before their primary on April 19. He began in Elmont where he discussed Hillary’s experience and her service to the state of New York as Senator. He said, “This election in so many ways, psychologically, is coming down to New York. We’ve got to send a message to America that Hillary was our senator, she delivered in New York … If you think what she did as senator, imagine what she could do as president.” He then went on to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points and plans as president.

In Depew, Bill asked Hillary’s supporters to come out and vote for her on April 19 and urged them to ask their friends and family to support her as well. He spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and how it can have a lasting impact on the country. He said that Hillary’s experience and leadership would help incomes rise, grow the economy, and continue to improve heath care for everyone. Bill also spoke about the 2008 financial crash and explained that Republican policies were the root cause and that going back to those policies would only lead to the same results.

His final organizing event was held in Rochester where Bill spoke at a local union hall. During the speech, he spoke about labor rights and improving the economy for everyone, and not just those at the top. He said that Hillary was the best candidate because she is a change maker and will fight for what she believes in. He covered a wide variety of platform points in his speech before asking voters to support her in the upcoming primary. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: LI Herald, The Buffalo News, Democrat & Chronicle

Hillary Clinton Addresses Gun Violence in Wisconsin


Hillary Clinton was in Wisconsin her the second day of campaigning in the state. She began the day by taking part in a community event at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Milwaukee. The focus of the meeting was gun violence prevention. Clinton spoke about her plans to take on the gun lobby, including the NRA, and pass mandatory background checks for all firearm purchases. She said, “We lose, on average, 90 people a day from gun violence. That is 33,000 people a year.” Joining Clinton at the event were Congresswoman Gwen Moore and a group of parents who have lost children as a result of gun violence. A complete video of the event is below.

In LaCrosse, Clinton turned her focus to the economy and the ways she would work to improve the standard of living for everyone, not just those at the top. She spoke about her plan to create jobs and expand clean energy and expand heath care to ensure that 100% of Americans were covered. Speaking at Western Technical College, Clinton said, “We have to restore the potential of America’s dream for everybody. I don’t want Americans giving up on themselves.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Her final event of the day was in Green Bay where she covered a number of platform topics including the expansion of heath care coverage, increasing the minimum wage, and making the economy work for everyone. She also spoke about her plans to make college more affordable and to reduce the student loan debt for those currently paying for their education. During her speech, Clinton also criticized Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for cutting education funding in the state and his anti-labor stance. She asked those in attendance for their support in the state’s primary on April 5.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox 6, Winona Daily News, Green Bay Press-Gazette

Clinton Second in AK, HI, WA


Yesterday, Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington held caucuses to determine their choice for the Democratic party: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Sanders came out on top in all three states winning Alaska (81.6% to 18.4%), Hawaii (69.8% to 30.0%), and Washington (72.7% to 27.1%) by fairly large margins. Despite the losses for Clinton, she still maintains a sizable delegate lead. The next primary will be held on April 1 in North Dakota, followed by Wisconsin on April 5.

State/Territory Type Winner
Alaska Closed Caucus Bernie Sanders
Hawaii Semi-closed Caucus Bernie Sanders
Washington Open Caucus Bernie Sanders

New Source: Politico

Chelsea Campaigns in WI, Hillary Fundraises in CA

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On Thursday, Chelsea Clinton was in Wisconsin campaigning on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The state holds its primary on April 5, and Chelsea spoke at organizing events in three cities: Milwaukee, Waukesha, and Madison. At each of the events, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her willingness to work with Republican members of Congress. She also criticized the rhetoric of the Republican presidential candidates. Chelsea took the time to answer questions from those in attendance and covered a number of topics including heath care, college affordability, and the justice system. While in Madison, Chelsea also attended a fundraiser at the home of Ellen White. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile in California, Hillary attended two fundraising event with the first being in Santa Monica. The event was held at the home of Julia Franz and Chris Silbermann. In Los Angeles, a fundraiser was held that featured performances by Ben Harper, Estelle, and Mary J. Blige. The event was MC’d by Russell Simmons.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WDJT, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel