Hillary Clinton Endorsed by AOL Co-Founder Steve Case


On Thursday, America Online co-founder Steve Case wrote an op-ed, published in The Washington Post, in which he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Case writes about his apprehension to enter the political realm, and that he has only advised politicians about technical policy in the past. However, he believes that the 2016 presidential race was different, and he felt the need to speak up. He said, “I don’t agree with everything Clinton has said and done. I take issue with some aspects of her platform, and I worry about her inclination to all too often view the government as the solution to problems. If she becomes president, I’m sure there will be plenty of times I will disagree with her. But for 2016, I believe Hillary Clinton represents the best choice for the United States — and our best hope to remain the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world.” Read Case’s full op-ed HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Clinton Appears on Live with Kelly and Michael


On Thursday morning, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on “Live! with Kelly and Michael” where she was interviewed by hosts Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. The three of them spoke about the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and ISIS threatening New York City. Clinton was asked if their threats should be taken seriously, and she said, “I think you always have to take them seriously. One thing that you just have to accept is that when they make threats, they may be some distance from being able to deliver on those threats themselves, but they’re hoping that some discontented person or group right here in our country will hear that threat.”

Clinton was also asked about her thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, how she was a part of husband and former president Bill Clinton’s administration, and what Clinton’s Thanksgiving plans were. Clips from today’s episode are below.

In the afternoon, Clinton attended a private fundraiser in New York City. Details are not available as the press does not attend private fundraisers.


Clinton also attended the DOC NYC Festival where she introduced the closing film, “MAKERS: Once and For All.” The documentary was produced by AOL and directed by Michael Epstein and Dyllan McGee. The films title is from Clinton’s Bejing speech in 1995, which the films celebrates the 20th anniversary of. Clinton was impressed with the film saying, “I have to say that when Dyllan took on this project, I had no idea what she would find. You will see footage in this film that no one’s ever seen—and I don’t know where she got it.” A trailer for the documentary is below.

On Friday, Clinton will attend a number of events in Kentucky and Tennessee. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, ABC News

Clinton Attends Silicon Valley Fundraisers

Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah
Clinton Attends a Private Fundraiser in Park City, Utah

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three private fundraisers in the San Francisco area. The first fundraiser was held at the Saratoga home of Talat and Kamil Hasan. Hasan is a partner at Granite Hill Capital Partners. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Tracey Turner, the founder of MicroPlace. She then attended a fundraiser hosted by Joni Binder and Robert Shwarts. Binder and Shwarts were major Clinton backers in 2008.

Finally, on Tuesday, she completed her trip by attending a breakfast event hosted by Michael and Xochi Birch, founders of Bebo (which they later sold to AOL). Silicon Valley is a major fundraising area for Clinton and all the presidential candidates. As with all private event, the fundraisers were closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Re/Code