President Obama Campaigns in Michigan, New Hampshire


President Barack Obama campaigned for Hillary Clinton and down ballot Democrats in two states on the eve of the election. After being introduced by Chelsea Clinton in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Obama stressed the importance of electing Hillary Clinton because her vision for America will continue the progress made over the last eight years. He said, “I feel I’ve earned some credibility here. Plants that were closing when I took office are working double shift now. … When I tell you Donald Trump is not the guy who is going to work for you, you need to listen. … Don’t be bamboozled.” He went after Trump and called him “uniquely unqualified” to president. Obama concluded his speech by asking everyone to consider the future and vote tomorrow. Watch a video from the event tomorrow.

Obama then traveled to Durham, New Hampshire where he spoke with supporters about Clinton’s vision for the future and criticized Trump’s divisive rhetoric. Speaking to a packed crowd on the campus of University of New Hampshire, Obama urged everyone to get out and vote, and, more importantly, to consider the future of the country as they are submitting their ballot. Clinton’s motto “Stronger Together” is a vision for the future that ensures everyone has an opportunity and not just a privileged few. The event in Durham was Obama’s final solo event of the campaign. Watch a video of his speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Detroit Free Press, WMUR, The Boston Globe

Senator Sanders Campaigns in Michigan, Chelsea in Minnesota


Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Michigan today. His first event was held in Dearborn where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at the local UAW hall. During his speech, Sanders spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plan to create jobs and her support of labor unions. He also went after Donald Trump for avoiding to pay income taxes. Overall, however, Sanders offered a populist tone saying, “This campaign is not about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — it is about you and your families. We’re not voting for class president of our high school … we are fighting for the survival of the middle class.” A video from the event is below.

Sanders then traveled to Ann Arbor where he spoke to an enthusiastic crowd on the campus of the University of Michigan. During the event, Sanders spoke about the importance of voting, particularly young people, and urged them to get out and vote in November. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points and specifically focused on her plans to reduce the cost of higher education. He said, “What she said is, I should tell the American people that in the first 100 days of her administration she will roll out a very specific plan to make public colleges and universities tuition free for all families earning less than $125,000 a year. And have an aggressive approach to reducing student debt.” Watch a video of Sanders’ speech below.

In Lansing, Sanders spoke to a crowd of students and supporters on the campus of Michigan State University. Sanders continued to speak about a number of Hillary’s platform points while going after Trump for his policies. Focusing on the economy and the struggle of the middle class, he said, “We have come a long way in fighting racism, sexism, homophobia. But today we have one huge struggle in front of us, and that is the economic struggle. And that means that we should not be living in a nation which has more wealth and income inequality than any other major country on earth.” A video of Sanders speech is below.

Sanders’ final event of the day was a rally in Grand Rapids. During the event, Sanders continued with his populist tone talking about the local economy and how a number Hillary’s proposals will be beneficial to the area. He spoke about raising the minimum wage and creating new good paying jobs in the area by reinvesting in manufacturing and clean energy. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Chelsea Clinton meanwhile was in Minneapolis, Minnesota where she spoke about Hillary’s plans to help mothers and families. During the event, Chelsea highlighted a number of Hillary’s platform points including her plans to cap the out of pocket costs of childcare, ensure that women are paid equally, raise the minimum wage, and create new jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy. Chelsea also spoke about the public perception of her mother saying, “I don’t understand the caricature of my mom. I wish more people could see the huggable, lovable, hilarious side of her that I see now when we are together, with my children, and that I have known my whole life.” Chelsea closed out the event by answering questions from those in attendance. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Los Angeles, California, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Senator Al Franken.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, Fox 2, Lansing State Journal, CBS Minnesota, 9 & 10 News

Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton Campaign for Hillary Following Debate


Just hours after the conclusion of Monday’s night debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Hillary’s running mate, Time Kaine, spoke at a canvass kickoff event in Orlando, Florida. During the event, he spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that everyone registered to vote. “I don’t have to tell you how important Florida is. (In) Florida, the election is going to be very, very close,” he said. While in Orlando, Kaine visited the site of the “Pulse” nightclub shooting with former Representative Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly. A video from Kaine’s event will be added when/if available.

In Ohio, Bill Clinton spoke at National Voter Registration Day events in Toledo and Cleveland. In Toledo, he spoke about last night’s debate saying that it is clear which candidate is working for everyone and which candidate is running for himself. Bill spoke about a number Hillary’s platform points, but he focused on job growth and ensuring that the economy works for everyone and not just those at the top. He went on to say that it is important that everyone register to vote and head to the polls in November to ensure that their voice is heard. “We‘ve got a chance to do something together where nobody is left out and left behind. We need to go seize it and it all starts in Ohio by registering and voting,” he said. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill wrapped up the day speaking at a rally in Cleveland. He spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points and attacked Trump for his divisive views. But Clinton’s primary focus was voting and ensuring that everyone is registered. “This election is about you and your future and you need to claim it,” he said. On National Voter Registration, he urged everyone to vote because they have a voice. And he encouraged those in attendance to ensure their friends and family were registered as well saying, “I want you to promise yourselves that you’re going to vote, you’re going to get people registered. You’re going to get them to vote.”  A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended three events in Michigan today. The first was a voter protection roundtable event in Detroit where she spoke about the importance of voting and ensuring that the right to vote is protected. Holton then traveled to Livonia where she took part in a phone bank at a local Hillary for America office.

Holton’s final event of the day was in Ann Arbor where she spoke at an organizing event. Speaking to volunteers and supporters at a local campaign office, Holton urged them to ensure that they, their friends, and their family are all registered to vote and exercise their right on November 8. Holton stressed the importance of Michigan saying, “I’m going to talk about you. You are the key to this election. You all know that, right? You all know Michigan is often the key to the national election.” Video’s from Holton’s events will be posted when/if available.


In New York City, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Laura Benjamin, Anahi DeCanio, Peter Gumpel, Drue Kataoka, Martha McAleer, and Leonore Robins.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source:, The Michigan Daily, Click Orlando, ABC News, Toledo Blade, Detroit Free Press

Tim Kaine, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary


Tim Kaine, Anne Holton, and Chelsea Clinton were on the campaign trail today in various states. Kaine spoke at a rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he told a crowd of students and supporters about Hillary Clinton’s plan to reduce the debt of college students and ensure that students whose families make less than $125,000 a year can attend a public college or university debt free. Speaking at the University of Michigan, Kaine also expressed his confidence in Hillary’s judgement saying, “I want a commander-in-chief with judgment. I would trust Hillary Clinton with my son’s life and Donald Trump scares me to death.” A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Chelsea was in North Carolina where she began two days of campaigning in the area. She began in Winston-Salem where she took part in a panel discussion about women in leadership. The group discussed a number of topics including the importance of an education and the wage gap. Chelsea then traveled to Durham where she spoke at the opening of a campaign office. She thanked volunteers and urged them to get out and talk to voters. She spoke about the importance of the election saying, “This is the most important presidential election of my lifetime,” she said. “Whomever we elect will play a fundamental role in shaping the future that my children and their generation grow up in.” A video from Chelsea’s panel at Wake Forest University is below.

Anne Holton, the wife of Kaine, attended an event at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. The former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia spoke about Hillary’s plans to help college students repay debt and ensure that future college students do not go into debt. She explained, “Part of Hillary’s plan is to make community college tuition free, to make Pell grants year-round so that students can continue their education in the summers when otherwise appropriate and then to make college debt-free for everybody.” Holton then answered questions from students in attendance. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, three fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was an evening with BD Wong in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, in Atlanta, Georgia, a LGBTQ Friends and Allies for Hillary event was held. The final event was a discussion of the environment and election with Ion Yadigaroglu and Kristina Costa. The event was held in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 2, WXYZ, WTKR, WRAL, WXII, ABC 10