Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Mothers of the Movement in North Carolina


Hillary Clinton returned to North Carolina on Sunday where she spoke at a Sunday morning church service and two campaign events. At each of the events, she appeared with Mothers of the Movement, a group of women who have lost children as a the result of gun violence. She began this morning in Durham where spoke at Union Baptist Church. Clinton spoke about the importance of reducing violence, reforming the criminal justice system, and working to end the racial divide in our country. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below.

Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters at St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh about her plans as president, but she also turned the focus of her message away from herself and on candidates running for office down ballot. She spoke about the importance of electing Democratic Senate candidate Deborah Ross in North Carolina, and Clinton encouraged voters to support Ross in addition to supporting her and Tim Kaine on November 8th. While in Raleigh, Clinton also met with voters outside of an early voting center. Watch a video of Clinton’s speech from the rally below.

Clinton then traveled to Charlotte where she spoke to a group of supporters at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte. During her speech, Clinton went after Donald Trump for his pledge to not accept the results of the election saying that he is a “direct threat to our democracy.” Clinton then spoke about a number of her key platform proposals including a plan to invest in the infrastructure, increasing investments in the economy, and her plan to make college affordable for everyone. Clinton said that she understands that not everyone supports her and there will be people that vote for Trump, but she wants to be a president for everyone. “I want to be the president for every American – Democrats, Republicans, independents. We have to bring this country together. We have to have everyone pulling in the same direction. I understand some people are angry, but anger is not a plan,” she said. Watch a video of her speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WNCN, News & Observer, NBC News, The Charlotte Observer

Michelle Obama Campaigns for Hillary in Phoenix


On Thursday, First Lady Michelle Obama campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Phoenix, Arizona. Obama spoke to a crowd of over 7,000 about the optimistic vision for America offered by Clinton and her campaign platform. She condemned Donald Trump for his hateful rhetoric, and she blasted his refusal to say that he would accept the results of the 2016 election, regardless of the outcome. She said, “You don’t keep American democracy in suspense.” Obama then spoke about the importance of voting and how Arizona will play a vital role in this election. She admitted that this election cycle has been rough, but she said, “Do not let yourself get tired or frustrated or disgusted by everything you’ve seen in this campaign. Please, be encouraged. I have traveled the world, and I am telling you we still live in the greatest country on earth. We have every reason to be hopeful. Remember that in difficult times, we don’t give up. We don’t discard our highest ideals. No! We rise up to meet them. We rise up to perfect our union. That is the power of hope!” Watch a video of Obama’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Arizona Republic, NBC12, The Washington Post

Bill Clinton Campaigns in OH, Chelsea in PA


On Friday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Ohio at events in Delaware and Cincinnati. At both events, Bill focused on the issues and Hillary’s plans to held grow the economy and support the middle class. In Delaware, Bill was interrupted by protestors which led him to address anger. He said that he understand why people are mad at the political system, but he explained that anger may feel good, but it does not achieve results. “Anger and resentment and conflict may win a lot of attention, but it won’t put a single soul to work, it won’t save a single life in a complicated world, it won’t give a single person … a chance to fulfill their dreams,” he said. A video from the event in Delaware is below.

Chelsea Clinton was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she attended two events. Her first event was a Women for Hillary event where she spoke about Hillary’s plans to ensure equal pay for women and paid family leave. She also spoke about the hateful rhetoric being spewed by Donald Trump, and in particular his comments about women. “I never thought I would see in lifetime the type of rhetoric we’ve heard from Donald Trump and his campaign. We have to stand against the normalization of hate speech,” she said. Chelsea then answered questions from those in attendance.

Chelsea then spoke at the University of Pittsburgh where she focused on Hillary’s plans to reduce student loan interest rates for those currently repaying student loans, making public college tuition free for families making less than $125,000 per year, and ensuring equal rights for women and the LGBTQ community. As with the event earlier in the day, Chelsea took questions from the audience. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

In Cleveland, Ohio, Mothers of the Movement held a local community discussion. Full coverage from the event will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, in Dublin, Ireland, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event was only open to American citizens and featured a conversation with Elizabeth Frawley Bagley.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, The Toledo Blade, CBS Pittsburgh, WESA, Tribune-Review

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in California

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at East Los Angeles College on Thursday, May 5, 2016 in East Los Angeles. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters during a campaign rally at East Los Angeles College on Thursday, May 5, 2016 in East Los Angeles. (Photo by Keith Birmingham/ Pasadena Star-News)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in southern California where she spoke at an organizing event at East Los Angeles College. With a gathering of Bernie Sanders supporters protesting outside, Clinton focused on the general election in November and fighting the presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. She urged Democrats, including supporters of herself and Sanders, to work together to defeat Trump and prevent the “loose cannon” from reaching the White House. She spoke about her plans to work with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform saying, “We are a nation of immigrants, and I’m proud of it. We are stronger together, and our diversity is one of our strengths. So if people condemn or scapegoat or criticize or demagogue about immigrants, I wonder: Where are they living?”

Bill Clinton was in Portland, Oregon where he addressed a crowd of supporters at Left Bank Annex. Bill also spoke about Trump and why Hillary is a better alternative. But he said that he understands why a candidate like Trump appeals to many Americans. He said, “They’re mad and they’re longing to hear Donald Trump bash people around. And they like the bashing because they feel like they’ve been bashed, and the rest of us, their fellow Americans, don’t give a rip about them.” Bill said that Hillary has a long career of getting things done, and that her plans include everyone, not just a select group of Americans. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

A number of fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. In Los Angeles, Clinton attended two fundraisers. The first including a conversation with Los Angeles Councilmember José Huizar. The second event was hosted by Simon Pang. Also in Los Angeles, Campaign Vice Chair Huma Abedin attended an event hosted by Dr. Asif Mahmood. Bill Clinton attended a fundraiser in Portland, Oregon. The event was hosted by Jill and Benjamin Souede. The final fundraiser of the day was held in Houston, Texas and included a conversation with Campaign Manager Robby Mook. The event was hosted by Cheryl and Percy Creuzot.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Orange County Register, ABC 7, OPB

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Missouri and Ohio


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Missouri and Ohio. She began with a morning rally in St. Louis. Speaking to a crowd at the Nelson-Mulligan Carpenters’ Training Center, Clinton criticized the rhetoric of Republican front-runner Donald Trump and the violence surrounding his campaign events that is getting out of hand, particularly in St. Louis and Chicago. Clinton then went on to speak about the future of the country and why it was okay for Americans to be frustrated. She said, “You have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. You have every right to vent your frustration about the way that our economy and our political system is failing, but venting is not a solution.” Clinton then went on to lay out her platform and explain what she would do as president to ensure everyone had equal opportunities. A video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Clinton then traveled to Cleveland where she hosted a forum event at the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church. During the event, she spoke about her plans for the economy and health care and how her plans will address the specific needs of Ohioans. Clinton then took questions from the those in attendance on a variety of topics. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Clinton wrapped up the day at a Get Out the Vote rally in Youngstown. Speaking to a crowd of supporters at M2 Technologies, Clinton focused on trade. She called for tougher regulations on auto imports that the Obama administration negotiated in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. She said, “We are going to enforce trade agreements. We are not going any longer to be at the mercy of what any country is going to do to take advantage of our markets.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, WKBN, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Blade