Hillary Clinton Campaigns in WV,OH, Sits Down with MSNBC


On Tuesday, while voters in Indiana headed to the polls in their primary, Hillary Clinton attended events in West Virginia and Ohio. She began in Charleston, West Virginia where she took part in a discussion that addressed addiction and the drug epidemic plaguing West Virginia. Clinton listened as several people told their stories, and she spoke about her plans to combat the drug epidemic that is an issue across the country. Clinton spoke about her plan to combat addiction and provide assistance to those recovering from it.

Clinton then went to Athens, Ohio where she offered a optimistic view of the future and covered a number of her platform points that will ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to rise. She spoke about plans to help local job creation, investments in education and training programs, and her plan to offer community college for free. She said, “I will fight for you and your families every day, whether you vote for me or not. I will be your partner and I will not for one moment give up,” Clinton recognizes that she faces an uphill battle attracting voters in Appalachia, but she will fight for everyone including those who “may find it hard to vote for any Democrat or for me in particular.” Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton was also interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. During the interview, Clinton said that she is focused on the general election and campaigning against Republican front runner Donald Trump. She said, “I think that’s where we have to be, because we’re going to have a tough campaign against a candidate who will literally say or do anything. And we’re going to take him on at every turn on what’s really important to the people of our country.” Mitchell asked Clinton questions about a number of other topics including her Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders, the protesters she encountered in West Virginia, the continued FBI investigation into her email, and her speeches to Goldman Sachs. A full video from the interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC, WSAZ, West Virginia Metro News, The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton Interviewed by Andrea Mitchell

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. Mitchell questioned Clinton extensively on her use of a private email server as Secretary of State. Mitchell and Clinton then discussed her candidacy for president and her Republican rivals. The the full interview is above.

UPDATED (September 4): Added video and updated article.

News Source: Politico