Chelsea, Ferrera, Moretz, Curtis Campaign for Hillary

On Thursday, Chelsea Clinton and actress America Ferrera were in Denver, Colorado where they attended a Cherry Hills Village fundraiser and visited with college students at the University of Denver. Meanwhile in Nevada, actress Jamie Lee Curtis held three events in Reno, Carson City, and Incline Village. In Las Vegas, actress Chloë Grace Moretz visited with students on the campus of the University of Nevada – Las Vegas. Also supporting Clinton in Nevada today were Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. The Nevada caucus is this Saturday.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Denver Channel, Las Vegas Now

Clinton Hosts New Hampshire Town Halls


On Friday, Hillary Clinton returned to New Hampshire where she attended three events. The first event was a town hall in Rochester. After being introduced by New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Clinton toned down her criticism of Bernie Sanders and rarely mentioned him by name. Being from neighboring Vermont, Sanders has a lot of supporters in New Hampshire, and she cannot afford to alienate them. She did point out several flaws in his plans, specifically heath care, and explained how her plan to expand the Affordable Care Act would be better for everyone.  Mentioning Sanders by name, Clinton said, “Senator Sanders and I share many of the same goals, but we have different records and different ideas about how to drive progress.” A video from the event is below.

On the 43rd anniversary date of the Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision, Clinton spoke at a women’s health conference hosted by NARAL Pro-Choice America. During her speech, Clinton supported a woman’s right to choose, something she has firmly believed in for her entire political career. She said, “All women deserve to have their rights respected. All women deserve to have access to the health services and choices they are entitled to. It should not be that some who are fortunate economically can access their rights while all others are left behind.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Clinton’s final event of the day was a town hall event held in Manchester. During the event, Clinton focused on the economy and the work that needs to be done to grow the middle class. She also spoke about the heroin and opioid crisis that is spreading across the Northeast and has had a high impact on New Hampshire. She said, “I was not prepared to hear from so many about what was happening in the families of New Hampshire. Addiction, the heroin epidemic which is at one highest rates in this state of any in the country.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Today, Clinton returns to Iowa for three separate events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Bloomberg, The New York Times, NARAL, CNN, WMUR

Clinton Meets with Activists

screen shot 2015-10-09 at 3.12.04 pm.pngOn Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton sat down with activists, including members of Black Lives Matter and Campaign Zero, to discuss racism and race relations in America. For an hour in Washington DC, Clinton and the group of activists discussed a wide variety of issues affecting the black community including police brutality, violence against black members of the LGBT community, and the prison system. Participants in the meeting said that Clinton provided a few specific proposals, but Clinton said that she is planning to release detailed plans to address racial injustice soon. Many of the activists were encouraged by the meeting, but others waiting to hear specifics of her platform.

News Source: Business Insider

Clinton Holds Round Table in Puerto Rico

Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 6.59.41 PMOn Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton held a round table event at the Centro Cardiovascular de Puerto Rico y del Caribe in San Juan, Puerto Rico where she discussed health care and Puerto Rico’s economic challenges. Puerto Rico’s government is struggling to make payments on its $72 billion debt. Clinton’s event was held less than ten miles away from an event being held by Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio. Clinton and Rubio disagree on Puerto Rico’s option of filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. Clinton supports the plan while Rubio opposes it.

Clinton listened to the concerns of those attending the round table event. Health care was the central topic, specifically the Affordable Care Act and Puerto Rican doctors leaving for the mainland. The primary theme of Clinton’s discussion was including Puerto Rico in American policy. She said, “One of the challenges we face, which we will discuss today, is the unfortunate legacy of inconsistent, incoherent and inequitable treatment for health care here in Puerto Rico. As president I will do everything I can to put Puerto Rico on a path towards equal treatment.” A video from the round table event is below.

Next week, Clinton hits the road again and will make stops in Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin. She is also scheduled to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on September 10.

UPDATE (9/22): Added full video from the event.

News Source: The New York Times, The Guardian

Clinton Speaks at DNC Event

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gestures as she addresses the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee, Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)
Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, gestures as she addresses the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee, Friday, Aug. 28, 2015, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the summer meeting of the Democratic National Committee. After being introduced by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Clinton gave a fiery speech in which she talked about key components of her platform, attacked Republicans for being the party of the past, and made it clear that she she should be the only choice for Democrats in 2016. She said, “This election is about who best understands the pressures facing the families of America and the challenges facing us in the world, and who has the skills and tenacity to tackle them.” Following her speech, Clinton answered a number of questions from reporters.

A full video from the event can be seen on C-SPAN (Clinton begins speaking at 1:24:55) and a video of Clinton’s speech is below.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video of Clinton’s speech.

News Source: Politico, The Washington Post

Clinton Unveils Agricultural Agenda in Iowa

635761983634981910-0827-Clinton-Rural-Policy-03Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to Ankeny, Iowa to discuss her plan to support rural, agricultural America. After being introduced by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at the Des Moines Area Community College, Clinton unveiled her plan that includes investments in rural areas including focusing on rural transportation, streamlining the process for community banks, investment in water and broadband infrastructure, and improving Agriculture Department grant programs. Other facets of the plan includes raising the production of agricultural products and making the product more profitable for farmers, promoting a use of clean energy and renewable energy sources, and expanding opportunities for those in rural communities by expanding Head Start, affordable education, and affordable healthcare.

A full video from today’s speech is available on C-SPAN.

Following the event, Clinton answered questions from reporters where she discussed her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. She expressed regret and said that she believes in transparency. She said, “I know people have raised questions about my email use as secretary of state, and I understand why. I get it. So here’s what I want the American people to know: My use of personal email was allowed by the State Department. It clearly wasn’t the best choice. I should’ve used two emails: one personal, one for work. I take responsibility for that decision, and I want to be as transparent as possible, which is why I turned over 55,000 pages, why I’ve turned over my server, why I’ve agreed to — in fact, been asking to — and have finally gotten a date to testify before a congressional committee in October. I’m confident that this process will prove that I never sent, nor received, any email that was marked classified.

A video from Clinton’s press conference is available on C-SPAN and is available below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in the Cleveland, Ohio area. In the meantime, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video from press conference.

News Source: Des Moines Register, Time, The New York Times (2)

Clinton Introduces “Four Fights” of Campaign

6/13 UPDATE: A full transcript of the speech is available from Time by CLICKING HERE.

In her first official campaign rally held at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined what she called the “four fights” of her campaign. Throughout the 45 minute speech, Clinton made references to her experience as a lawyer, Senator, Secretary of State, and as a mother and grandmother. The theme of the speech was the prosperity of Americans, and she shared stories from people she has met and her mother to make her points. In her speech, Clinton also criticized Republicans for not looking forward and believing too much in “yesterday.” She vowed to fight for everyday Americans and prepare the United States for the future.

The key to her speech was the “four fights.” She outlined what those will be, but said that said will outline specific policy changes in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, her vision is clearly outlined by the four fights:

Economy: Clinton outlined a number of changes that would serve to strengthen the economy including strengthening the middle class, increasing the minimum wage, providing equal pay for women, making it illegal to discriminate against LBGT workers, rewriting the tax code, and focusing on lifelong learning that will allow works to adapt to a changing workplace. She also called for more affordable college for everyone and improving the infrastructure by creating an infrastructure bank that would sell bonds to help fund improvements roads, bridges, power grids, and broadband Internet. She called for protecting the environment by investing in clean energy and ending the denial of climate change. All these changes, which she will continue to outline in the coming weeks, will create jobs and improve the lives of American workers.

Family: Families have struggled since the recession and Clinton believes that more attention needs to be paid to helping families by guaranteeing paid sick days, paid family leave, pre-school and child care. She also wants to focus on the uneven incarceration polices and provide help to those suffering with mental health issues and addiction.

America’s Leadership: America has long been the leader in the world, but for America to maintain its leadership and influence, Clinton argues that we have not only show strength in our military, but we have to create economic and diplomatic partnerships across the globe. At the same time, we have to stand up to our adversaries and stand by our allies. We need to be better prepared against cyber attacks and provide better services to our veterans after they have served our country.

Governmental Reform: Clinton argued that now is the time to take government out of corporate hands and back into the hands of Americans. She called for stopping the flow of unaccountable campaign funds, undoing Citizens United, and improving government technology so it is more open to the pubic. She also called for improvements to voting including universal registration, longer early voting periods, and ensuring that voting rights are protected despite the Supreme Court’s recent decision.

061315_clinton_rally2_ap1_1160x629Clinton’s speech is only the beginning of the next phase of her campaign. Over the coming weeks, Clinton will travel across the country to spread her message and continue to flesh out her campaign platform. We will follow along and continue to cover her campaign events as she continues to build a strong platform for America’s future.

Join Hillary for America by donating, or you can text JOIN to 47246. As always, you can also follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and her all new Instagram page.

Image Source: Politico

American Camp Association of New York and New Jersey

Thursday, March 19, 2015

ap_clinton_lb_150319_16x9_992Hillary Rodham Clinton gave would could be her final speech for awhile as she is expected announce her presidential campaign in a few weeks. Speaking for the American Camp Association of New York and New Jersey, Clinton said that she thinks that America has a “fun deficit” and joked that she thinks there should be camps for adults. She recalled events from her past and spent some time talking about her future. She hinted that her future could include reaching across party lines to come to compromise. She criticized the current political environment saying, “If you don’t build relationships with people and all you do is show up to argue or show up to point fingers, you can’t get anything done.”

A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

News Source: Bloomberg

Image Source: ABC News