HFA Statement on Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech


Hillary for America chair John Podesta responded to Donald Trump’s immigration speech earlier in the week with the following statement.

“This is embarrassing to Donald Trump and offensive to people who are impacted by and care about the very serious issue of immigration. Trump is clearly just reacting to being called out by President Peña Nieto and the Hispanic advisers he betrayed. He has shown us from day one who he really is. No rerun of his plan to deport 16 million people will change the fact that he’s clearly a candidate in over his head.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

June 13 Kick-Off Rally Details [Updated (3)]

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has ended. The video has been posted HERE.

6/13 – UPDATE: The live stream has been embedded above.

6/13 – UPDATE: Live streaming will begin at 11:45 AM Eastern Time. You can access the live stream by CLICKING HERE.

6/13 – Update: Michelle Kwan, now working for Clinton’s campaign, is sending a live feed from the event via Periscope. Follow along by CLICKING HERE.

Tomorrow is the kick-off rally for Hillary for America on Roosevelt Island in New York. Hillary Rodham Clinton will give a major speech that is expected to begin to outline her platform for her 2016 presidential campaign. Since announcing her campaign in April, Clinton has been holding roundtable events gathering information. In the background, her political team has been meeting with advisers and gathering information on a wide range of topics including economic policy, LBGT rights, income inequality, women’s rights, and immigration. Following the rally tomorrow, Clinton begins a cross-country campaign where she will continue to flesh out her platform.

Attendees will be allowed in the park at 9:30 AM and Clinton is expected to give her speech in the late morning, but a time has yet to be announced. The event will be streamed live, and can be accessed by CLICKING HERE. Once the time of the speech and link to the live video are available, this post will be updated. In the meantime, follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

6/12 – UPDATE 1: Added information about the time the park will open tomorrow and when Clinton is expected to deliver her speech.