Hillary Clinton Endorsed by AOL Co-Founder Steve Case


On Thursday, America Online co-founder Steve Case wrote an op-ed, published in The Washington Post, in which he endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Case writes about his apprehension to enter the political realm, and that he has only advised politicians about technical policy in the past. However, he believes that the 2016 presidential race was different, and he felt the need to speak up. He said, “I don’t agree with everything Clinton has said and done. I take issue with some aspects of her platform, and I worry about her inclination to all too often view the government as the solution to problems. If she becomes president, I’m sure there will be plenty of times I will disagree with her. But for 2016, I believe Hillary Clinton represents the best choice for the United States — and our best hope to remain the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world.” Read Case’s full op-ed HERE.

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News Source: The Washington Post