Newly Uncovered Clinton Emails to be Released


On Monday, the FBI announced that its year-long investigation uncovered 15,000 more documents on Hillary Clinton’s private server that had not been turned over by her attorneys. The newly recovered emails have been turned over to the State Department for review. What is unclear at this point, is how many of the emails are work related. Clinton and her legal team admitted that they deleted half of the emails on the server as “personal” and a batch of the emails originally turned over the State Department were returned to Clinton after they were found to be unrelated to work.

In federal court this morning, Judge James E. Boasberg ordered the State Department to review the emails and release them as they have the previous batch of over 55,000 pages. The timeline ordered by the judge means that the first batch of emails will be made public in October on September 13 with more to follow. Clinton has apologized for using a private email server as Secretary of State and that several emails contained classified information that was incorrectly marked. Clinton has cooperated with the investigations conducted by the FBI and State and has said on several occasions that she wants the emails available to the public in the interest of transparency. The newly uncovered emails will be reviewed and released if they are deemed to be work related.

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News Source: Engadget, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS News