Clinton Campaign Releases New TV Ads


This past week, Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America released a series of new television ads that highlight Clinton’s experience and Republican Donald Trump’s lack of judgement. The first ad, entitled “Role Models,” reminds viewers that our children are watching and that Trump is not a role model and his ideas are not what we want to pass on to the next generation. The other ads, titled “Myself,” “The Shows,” and “Issue,” highlight Clinton’s judgement, experience, and leadership in an ever changing world. Watch the new ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Campaign Releases New Ads Featuring her Leadership


On Thursday, Hillary for America released two new campaign ads featuring Hillary Clinton’s steady leadership as Secretary of State. The commercial spots contrast her leadership with the divisive comments of Republican Donald Trump. Both ads argue that Clinton is the better prepared candidate to lead the United States at home and abroad. Both ads are included below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Pens Op-Ed on Immigration Reform


On Friday, an op-ed written by Hillary Clinton appeared in The Arizona Republic. In the piece, Clinton discusses yesterday’s disappointing Supreme Court decision, and she criticizes Republican Donald Trump’s views on immigration. Clinton argues that comprehensive immigration reform is the best way to ensure that everyone has the best opportunity to live up their potential. Her op-ed is full of stories of people that she has met on the campaign trail and illustrate why immigration reform is such an important goal. A copy of the op-ed is below:

When Josie Mata was 7 years old, she learned that her mother was undocumented.

From that moment on, Josie went to school every day afraid that she might return home to find her mom gone forever.

The Matas live, work and pay taxes in Tucson. Josie now attends the University of Arizona. Yet like so many other mixed-status families, the threat that their lives could be torn apart is never far from mind.

I’ve met many children and families who share this fear. In Las Vegas, a 10-year-old girl named Karla started to cry when she told me her parents had received a letter of deportation. She should have the chance to be the bright and happy little girl she is. Instead, she’s constantly afraid.

It’s become all too easy to see why.

Just this week, the Supreme Court deadlocked in a critical case, putting on hold executive actions taken by President Obama to provide immigrant families relief from deportation. It was heartbreaking and unacceptable.

And while our system fails to provide certainty to immigrant families, political figures like Donald Trump turn them into scapegoats for many of the challenges facing American families today.  His bigotry and fear-mongering may be an attempt to divide our country and distract from his lack of real solutions to raise incomes and create good paying jobs – but it’s not going to work.

Let’s be clear: When Trump talks about forming a “deportation force” to round up and expel 11 million immigrants – he’s talking about ripping apart families like Karla’s and Josie’s.

When he repeatedly suggests that a distinguished American judge’s “Mexican heritage” means that he cannot do his job, it’s the “textbook definition of a racist comment,” to quote the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

When he praises local figures like Gov. Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he’s endorsing their heartless and divisive policies. And when he speculates about ending birthright citizenship, he’s suggesting undermining the Constitution and tearing American children away from the country they know and love.

Instead of building walls, we ought to be breaking down barriers. Our country has always been stronger when we lift each other up, not tear each other down. We’re stronger together.

That’s why, as president, I’ll fight for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to full and equal citizenship, starting in my first 100 days in office.  We should do everything we can to keep families together, better integrate immigrants into their communities, and help those eligible for naturalization take the last step to citizenship.

First, let’s focus on families. Today in Arizona, over 200,000 U.S. citizens – the vast majority of whom are children – live in the same household as an undocumented immigrant who qualifies for relief from deportation under the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) program — the program put on hold by the Supreme Court this week.

As a result of the court’s decision, these families, and millions more like them across our country, have been thrown into a state of uncertainty. As president, I’ll continue to defend DAPA and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) against partisan attacks.

And I’ll do everything possible under the law to go further to protect families. That means ending large-scale raids, ending the practice of family detention and shutting down private detention facilities.

Second, we need to increase our focus on integration and make sure that immigrants are able to thrive in American society. Let’s provide more federal resources to help immigrants learn the English language skills they need to be successful. And because this issue cuts across all levels of government – local, state and federal – I’ll create the first-ever Office of Immigrant Affairs at the White House to help coordinate these policies across the nation.

Third, let’s help the 9 million people in our country who are currently eligible for naturalization become full citizens. They work and pay taxes – yet they cannot vote or serve on juries. Let’s expand fee waivers so that those seeking naturalization can get a break on the costs. And let’s step up our outreach and education, because no one should miss out on the chance to be a citizen.

These steps aren’t just the right thing to do; they’ll also strengthen our entire country.

Bringing more workers into the formal economy boosts everyone’s wages. Recent economic research suggests that comprehensive immigration reform could add more than 8,000 jobs and nearly $700 million to Arizona’s economy – so it would actually benefit every family in the state, no matter how long they’ve lived here.

This is not a new fight for me.

As a young woman, I investigated appalling conditions for migrant workers for a U.S. Senate committee, and I traveled across south Texas registering Latino voters. As First Lady, I convened the inaugural conference on Latino Children and Youth, to make sure that Latino boys and girls were getting the same opportunities as any other child. As a senator, I co-sponsored the Dream Act three times and stood with Ted Kennedy in our fight to pass comprehensive immigration reform. As president, I’m committed to seeing this fight through to the finish line.

No matter what Donald Trump says, we have always been a nation of immigrants. Families like Josie’s and Karla’s are every bit as American as his or mine. And it is long past time we helped millions of hard-working people step out of the shadows and onto a path to a brighter future.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Arizona Republic

Hillary Clinton Statement on Brexit Vote


On Thursday, voters in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. There were many voices arguing for and against the move, but Hillary Clinton had been on the side of the United Kingdom remaining in the EU. Despite the vote, there remains a long process (at least two years) for the UK to leave the EU. Clinton released a statement today in which she said that she respected the choice the people of the UK made, and she wishes to continue the strong relationship between the United States and UK. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made.  Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not hurt working families here in America.  We also have to make clear America’s steadfast commitment to the special relationship with Britain and the transatlantic alliance with Europe.  This time of uncertainty only underscores the need for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House to protect Americans’ pocketbooks and livelihoods, to support our friends and allies, to stand up to our adversaries, and to defend our interests.  It also underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down.”

UPDATE (6/26):

The Clinton campaign has released a national TV ad criticizing Republican Donald Trump’s reaction to the Brexit vote. Trump’s response was not one of concern for how the vote would affect the United States economy or our allies in the European Union and United Kingdom, instead, Trump seemed happy because he felt that his businesses would do better as a result of the weakening of the British Pound. The Clinton ad is below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Vox

Clinton Meets with Gun Victims’ Families

While in Chicago yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton held a two-hour private meeting with the families of gun victims. Clinton met with the families and had a discussion about gun violence and her plans to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands. She has called for universal background check and closing a number of loopholes that allows people to purchase guns, avoiding the current background check system. The Clinton campaign also released a 30-second ad (above) calling for the strengthening of gun regulations in the United States

Those attending yesterday’s meeting included: Lesley McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri; relatives of Hadiya Pendleton, a fifteen-year-old who show mistakenly killed by a gang member in Chicago; Sabrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Florida in 2012; the family of Jordan Davis, a seventeen-year-old killed last year in Florida; Samaria Rice, mother of Tamir Rice, a twelve-year-old Ohioan who was shot by an officer who mistook his pellet gun for a real weapon; and Joy McCormack, mother of Francisco “Frankie” Valencia, a DePaul University student killed by a gang member in 2009.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Chicago Tribune, Time

Clinton Releases New Ads Championing Working Women

On Tuesday, Hillary for America released four new advertisements that will air in Iowa and New Hampshire that champion working women. In the ads, Hillary Rodham Clinton is portrayed as a fighter for women’s rights. The ads highlight several key points of Clinton’s platform including: equal pay, college affordability, and raising middle class incomes. The commercials are available to watch on Clinton’s official YouTube channel and are included in this post.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton Campaign Releases New Ad

Hillary for America released a new ad “Get Ahead.” In the ad, Hillary Rodham Clinton contrasts herself with Republicans and criticizes how they are opposed to equal pay, family leave, and relieving student’s from the burden of debt. Clinton says, “If you work hard, and do you part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. But the Republicans, they want to go back to letting the super wealthy call the shots. They don’t stand up for equal pay for women. They don’t support paid family leave. They don’t even really support refinancing student debt.” The full ad is above.

New Campaign Ad Released

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign released a new ad focused on the economy and rebuilding the middle class. The ad is posted above.

Clinton Releases First Campaign Ads

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign released two campaign ads that will begin airing in key battleground states, New Hampshire and Iowa. Both ads focus on family and what she learned about family values from her mother, Dorothy. The ads are more personal in nature and show how Clinton was inspired by her mother’s story to seek public office. In the ad she says, “When I think about why I’m doing this I think about my mother Dorothy. She was abandoned by her parents at the age of eight, sent from Chicago to LA to live with grandparents who didn’t want her. But people showed her kindness, gave her a chance.”

Both ads are included in this post.

New Source: Hillary for America YouTube, Time