Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement by Association of Professional Flight Attendants


Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. In a press release, APFA president Bob Ross said, “I don’t think there is any question that she stands on the side of working families across this country, including those of over 26,000 American Airlines Flight Attendants.” Clinton responded to the endorsement with the following statement:

“Since 1977, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants has represented nearly 25,000 flight attendants of American Airlines. Through its relentless advocacy and activism, APFA has fought to create better and fairer working conditions both on the ground and in the skies. And I’m proud to have earned their endorsement.

APFA understands what’s at stake in this election. Donald Trump supports a tax system rigged for the rich and powerful. And we just learned he’s likely been exploiting that system to avoid paying taxes for years – even though he’s argued that wages for hardworking Americans are ‘too high.’  

Trump personally hired a union-busting firm to keep workers at his Las Vegas hotel from organizing. He even opposes policies that would make it easier for Americans to balance work and family, like guaranteeing paid leave for all families. And he has said that women can earn the same as men only if they ‘do as good a job.’

In a Clinton-Kaine Administration, working families will always have a champion in the White House. We’ll reject bad trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, stand up to attacks on workers, and fight back against to discriminatory policies. I’m so grateful to APFA for their support, and I look forward to having their spirit and experience at my side as we build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Association of Professional Flight Attendants

Chloë Grace Moretz Encourages Young People to Vote


Just a few weeks ago, actress Chloë Grace Moretz announced that she was putting her acting career on hold. At 19, Moretz has already starred in a number of hit movies including “Kick-Ass,” “Kick-Ass 2,” “The Equalizer,” “If I Stay,” “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” and “Carrie.” So, it came as a surprise to many when she announced in September that she was dropping out of all her future roles to slow down and focus on other endeavors, including producing. But don’t think that she is slowing down.

Moretz is more involved in social activism and the political realm. She was a key speaker at July’s Democratic National Convention, and she has been campaigning for Hillary Clinton at college campuses across the country. This past week, Moretz spoke at voter registration drives at colleges and universities in California and Michigan. She points out this will be her first time voting for president since becoming eligible, and she is proud to be voting for Clinton, the first woman presidential candidate nominated by a major political party. While we she may be taking a break from the big screen, she is focusing her time on issues that matter to her. Moretz has taken control of her career, and she is doing her part to ensure that young people across the country are registered to vote and have a voice in our country’s future.

Follow along with Moretz on Twitter, and watch the video of her speech at the DNC below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Daily Mail, Oakland Press, Lansing State Journal

Clinton Statement on the Passing of Helen Chavez


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton released a statement expressing her condolences following the death of activist Helen Chavez. The widow of Cesar Chavez, her and her husband worked to build the farmworkers union and ensure farmworkers were paid and treated fairly. Clinton praised her fight for workers and years of service. A copy of her statement is below:

“Helen Chavez spent her entire life fighting for farmworkers to receive the fair wages and benefits that they deserve. Cesar and Helen’s determination and tirelessness in the face of countless obstacles helped countless workers who wanted nothing more than to be treated with respect and dignity to stand up and fight for their rights. Helen’s drive, her desire to see justice, her indomitable spirit, and above all her love guided Cesar through his years of activism, and her perseverance will never be forgotten. My heart and my prayers go out to the entire Chavez family during this difficult time.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times

Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at the Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum on the campus of the University of Connecticut. Speaking before a group of about 2,300 students, Clinton spoke about a number of topics. She applauded the millennial generation for its activism and leadership. When asked about the current situation in Ukraine, Clinton said that the West needs to stand up to Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. She said that Russia’s choice to bully Ukraine will not turn out well for Russia.

The video above is from the University of Connecticut and contains clips from the event. A full video will be posted when/if available.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: US News & World Report