Clinton Statement on Social Security Act Anniversary


Today marks the 81st anniversary of the Social Security Act, the program that guarantees an income source for retired Americans. Hillary Clinton released a statement celebrating the act and vowing to defend it as president. Clinton attacks Republican proposals to privatize Social Security saying that it defies the original intent of the act. A copy of Clinton’s full statement is below.

“For eighty-one years, Social Security has been America at its best. It reflects our shared belief that every American should be able to retire with dignity after decades of hard work. That no American should face poverty because he or she is disabled. That we are stronger together.  

Social Security benefits 59 million Americans today—but Republicans are relentlessly trying to attack and undermine this bedrock American guarantee. They want to cut benefits and gamble seniors’ retirement security on the stock market through privatization.

And Donald Trump is no different—just look who he chose as his running mate. Mike Pence spent his time in Congress championing efforts to dismantle Social Security—and to privatize it even faster than President George W. Bush and Paul Ryan proposed.

We cannot and we will not stand for that. When I served in the Senate, I helped lead the fight against the Bush privatization scheme. Instead of cutting or privatizing Social Security, we will defend and expand it.

When President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law, he said it ‘represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means completed.’ Social Security works, but we can make it better. Millions of women—and men—who are widowed or who take time out of the paid workforce to raise a child or care for a sick family member are being left behind. As President, I’ll expand benefits to cover these hardworking Americans, because no one should have to live in poverty because their spouse died or they did the vital work of taking care of a loved one.  

Social Security isn’t just a program—it’s a promise. And I won’t stop fighting until every American shares fully in that promise.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Huffington Post

Hillary Clinton Releases Statement of Support for “We the People”

RENO, NV - FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. Clinton is campaigning in Nevada ahead of the February 20 democratic caucus. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)
RENO, NV – FEBRUARY 15: Democratic Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at a campaign rally at Truckee Meadows Community College on February 15, 2016 in Reno, Nevada. (Photo by David Calvert/Getty Images)

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton released a statement supporting the proposed “We the People” Act that will be introduced by Senate Democrats. The plan is designed to remove money from politics and bring the democracy back to the people. The plan would add strict regulations to campaigns and PACs. The bill also includes provisions to limit lobbying in Washington, DC. Details of the plan will be introduced in the coming days; however, Clinton endorsed the plan saying it would “help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealth special interests in Washington.” A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I applaud the Senate Democrats for proposing a strong package of reforms to help restore our democracy and break the grip of wealthy special interests in Washington. As I have said consistently in this campaign, we need to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision and make government more responsive to the American people. Our elections should be shaped by voters’ voices, not bought and sold by corporations and special interests.  Congress should pass this bill as quickly as possible—and should I be elected President, I would proudly sign it.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times