Clinton Endorsed by 13 of the Women Senators


On Monday evening, Hillary Clinton was joined by 13 of the 14 Democratic Senators at an event in Washington, DC. All 13 announced their endorsement for Clinton as president. Each of the Senators took turns explaining why they supported Clinton. Those providing an endorsement included:

  • Tammy Baldwin (WI)
  • Barbara Boxer (CA)
  • Maria Cantwell (WA)
  • Dianne Feinstein (CA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
  • Heidi Heitkamp (ND)
  • Mazie Hirono (HI)
  • Amy Klobuchar (MN)
  • Claire McCaskill (MO)
  • Barbara Mikulski (MD)
  • Patty Murray (WA)
  • Jeanne Shaheen (NH)
  • Debbie Stabenow (MI)

The Senator who was notably absent was Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. A video from the event is available on CSPAN.

While in the Washington, DC area, Clinton also attended a private fundraiser hosted by Lauren and Devin Talbott in Chevy Chase, Maryland. She also attended a fundraiser in DC hosted by Asif Mahmood. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Begins Outlining Infrastructure Plans


UPDATE (11/30): A full outline of Clinton’s infrastructure plan is now available on The Briefing.

At a rally held today in Boston’s Faneuil Hall, Hillary Clinton returned to campaign trail by beginning to outline her plan to improve the country’s infrastructure. Her proposal calls for a $275 million boost in in federal spending over a period of five years. She is also calling for the creation of a national infrastructure bank. Clinton also called for $225 billion in direct loans and other forms of credit. The funding would come from a mixture of public and private money, including the expansion of the Build American Bonds program. She said, “Investing in infrastructure makes our economy more productive and competitive across the board. To build a strong economy for our future, we must start by building strong infrastructure today.”

Clinton was joined at the event by Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, who endorsed her campaign. Clinton and Walsh were joined by members of a number of labor unions who have pledged to support campaign. In addition to outlining her infrastructure plan, she outlined the other aspects of her platform. Over the next several weeks, Clinton will continue to unveil her broad economic and jobs plans. The infrastructure proposals are just the beginning. A video of today’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Later today, Clinton will speak at the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s Annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS Boston, Bloomberg

SEIU Endorses Clinton

On Tuesday, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. The union also released a video to accompany their announcement (above). The national board voted overwhelming to support Clinton and vowed to help her defeat Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. Clinton has voiced her support for unions throughout the campaign. Mary Kay Henry, SEIU’s president, said, “She knows that workers being able to join together and collectively bargain is essential to building an economy that works for everybody.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Attends New Hampshire Rallies

Yesterday, after officially registering for the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended three rallies in New Hampshire, including one in Windham. Each of the rallies were similar to others held in the past in that she spoke about key platform topics such as infrastructure, health care, equal pay, Planned Parenthood, and college affordability. She has called for making higher education at public colleges and universities virtually cost free to those who wish to attend. She said, “That will enable middle class working families, poor families to send their kids to a four-year public college or university without having to borrow anything for tuition.”

While in New Hampshire, Clinton was endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters. Clinton gave a brief speech following the endorsement in which she spoke about her plans to combat climate change and build a clean energy economy. Clinton said, “I believe we can have 500 million more solar panels installed by the end of my first term and enough renewable electricity to power every home in America within 10 years.”

Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WMUR

Clinton Earns Support of the International Longshoremen’s Association

AR-151039866.jpg&maxw=800&q=90On Saturday, Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed a crowd of supporters at the International Longshoremen’s Association Hall in Charleston, South Carolina. After being introduced by Charleston Mayor Joe Riley, Clinton gave a 45 minute speech during which she vowed to support labor unions and build the middle class. Clinton earned the support of the International Longshoremen’s Association, the country’s largest union of dockworkers. Clinton criticized South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley for pledging to remove unions from the state. A full video from the event is not currently available, but some footage is available below.

Tomorrow, Clinton heads to her hometown of Chicago, Illinois. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Charleston Post and Courier

Clinton in New Hampshire – Day 2

5cec1fbf-9da6-446c-938f-5252bc883cf1-APTOPIXDEM2016Clin_LoiaOn Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two events in New Hampshire. The first event was a town hall at the University of New Hampshire in Durham where she focused on college affordability. Clinton’s college affordability plan would allow students to attend a state school without accumulating debt. During the event, Clinton received the endorsement of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan. A video from the town hall will be posted when available, until then, a local news report is below.

Clinton then attended a Democratic Party dinner event this evening in Plymouth. During her remarks, Clinton took shots at Republican presidential candidates. She also referred to attacks on her time as Secretary of State that were leveled by Republicans during their debate on Wednesday. Clinton said, “I’m going to send them all a copy of my book. I’m going to tell them to either read the chapters about how I put together the coalition who imposed sanctions on Iran, or maybe how I negotiated a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas or, you know, maybe how I got a blind dissident out of China when China didn’t want to let him go — just to give them some information.” A video from tonight’s event will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton wraps up her trip to New Hampshire in Manchester before going to Washington, D.C. to attend the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Dinner. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News, WMUR, Business Insider

Clinton Kicks off Iowa Visit

United States Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question from a man in the audience during a town hall meeting about college affordability in Dubuque, Iowa, August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Lott
United States Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question from a man in the audience during a town hall meeting about college affordability in Dubuque, Iowa, August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Lott

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked off her trip to Iowa for the Iowa State Fair. Her visit began as she received the endorsement of former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin. She began the day in Dubuque where she held a town hall discussing college affordability. After unveiling her plan earlier this week, Clinton expanded upon her proposal explaining that she would raise taxes on those who are more wealthy to help off-set the cost. The plan, which would cost $350 billion over 10 years, will make college more affordable and help those with student loans. “We have to make a quality education affordable and available without saddling young people with decades of debt,” she said. Clinton then spent time answering questions from the audience. A full video from the event is below.

Friday evening, Clinton attended the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding. She gave a speech to a large, receptive crowd, and she continued to talk about college affordability. But also used the opportunity to attack her Republican rivals by criticizing the their record and how strikingly similar the candidates appear. She said, “Don’t let the circus distract you, if you look at their policies, most of the other candidates are just Trump without the pizzazz or the hair. Yes, Mr. Trump says outrageous and hateful things about immigrants but how many of the other candidates disagree with him?” A full video from the Wing Ding is available on MSNBC. Clinton begins speaking at 1:12:12.

On Saturday, Clinton will spend the majority of the day at the fair. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Clinton also recently joined Snapchat @HillaryClinton.

UPDATE (8/16): Added link to video.

News Source: The New York Times, (2), NBC News

Who Supports Hillary for 2016?


As we discussed on Wednesday, the PAC Ready for Hillary has been gathering support for a possible Hillary Rodham Clinton 2016 presidential run. While the site is largely a grass-roots effort, we mentioned that there have been a number of high profile endorsements for Clinton. Those who have publicly pledged their support should Clinton run in 2016 are listed below, proving that we are in company!

-Kirsten Gillibrand, New York Senator

-Ed Rendell, Former Pennsylvania Governor

-Chuck Schumer, New York Senator

-Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States

-Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic Party Chairwoman

-Donna Brazile, Democratic Strategist

-Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister

-James Carville, Democratic Strategist

-David Axelrod, Senior Campaign Strategist for Obama for America 2012

-Ted Deutch, Representative from Florida

-Dr. Ami Bera, Representative from California

-Dianne Feinstein, California Senator

-Tanene Allison, Communications Director for Texas Democratic Party

-Jay Nixon, Missouri Governor

-Mike Beebe, Arkansas Governor

-Sarah Jessica Parker, Actress

-Paul Begala, Democratic Strategist

-Kathy Sullivan, New Hampshire National Committeewoman

-David Plouffe, Campaign Manager for Obama for America 2008

-Patti Solis Doyle, Campaign Manager for Hillary for President 2008

-Eva Longoria, Actress

-Harold Ickes, Democratic Fundraiser

-Bill Richardson, Former Governor of New Mexico, Secretary of Energy, U.N. Ambassador

-Ellen Tauscher, Former Under Secretary of State

-Carol Shea-Porter, Representative from New Hampshire

-Steve Mostyn, Texas Trial Lawyer

-Barack Obama, President of the United States

-Kouri Marshall, State Director for Obama for America

-Freida Pinto, Actress

-Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State

-Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

-Ellen Malcolm

-Jennifer Granholm, Former Governor of Michigan

-Claire McCaskill, Missouri Senator

-Henry Cuellar, Texas Representative

-Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire Senator

-Luis Gutierrez, Representative for Illinois

-Anna Wintour, Editor for Vogue

-Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader

-John Lewis, Georgia Representative

-Diane Titus, Nevada Representative

-Scarlett Johansson, Actress

-Sir Elton John, Singer/Songwriter

-Anna Elanor Roosevelt, Granddaughter of FDR and Elanor

-Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago

-Gavin and Jennifer Sibel Newsom, California Lieutenant Governor and filmmaker

Image Credit: New York Daily News