Former Virginia Senator John Warner Endorses Hillary Clinton


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton secured the endorsement of yet another Republican. This time, it is former Virginia Senator John Warner. At an event held today in Virginia, Senator Tim Kaine and Warner spoke to reporters. Kaine spoke about Warner’s career in the Senate before Warner spoke about why he is supporting Clinton. Warner citied her experience and her history of bipartisanship when she was a Senator. He said, “I will, when I go into the booth cast a vote for the Clinton-Kaine ticket. There’s no question about it.” Watch a video from the event below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post, CBS News

Civil Rights Leader Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. Rev. Dr. Moss Jr. served as the Pastor of Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio before retiring after 33 years of service.  He was also the co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Atlanta, Georgia. A copy of his endorsement is below.

Why Secretary Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President
By The Reverend Dr. Otis Moss. Jr.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is our best hope for moving the U.S. Supreme Court out of the hands of right wing, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-human rights judges. The next president will shape the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 50 years! By that time, the millennials will be nearing (80) years old. Their children and grandchildren will be the living with the results of the 2016 election. The next president will nominate three or four U.S. Supreme Court justices plus score of federal district and appeals court judges.

We need Hillary Clinton to be our next president because she is qualified. She is prepared. She is dedicated. She is an activist in the struggles of the common life for the common good and has the record to prove it. She did not wait 70 years to “think” about civil rights and human rights. She is committed activist nationally and globally. She is the epitome of excellence.

Let me repeat, Hillary Clinton will save the U.S. Supreme Court from political arsonists, obstructionists and destroyers of the civil rights, human rights and voting rights. All the right wing extremists know this. This is why they are endorsing and supporting Trump – including some who tend to despise him. Mrs. Clinton will fight for voting rights protection, health care for all and education for all without crippling debts.

Hillary Clinton will give extraordinary national and global leadership. Leadership anchored in reason, wisdom, sound judgement, spiritual strength and moral courage.

She has been and remains active in her faith commitment from her youth. She has embraced The Holy Scriptures from her youth and knows the names of the books of her Bible and the unsearchable riches contained therein. She knows the songs and hymns and music of her faith and does not scorn and demean other faith traditions. She believes in the total Constitution – not just one or two amendments such as states’ rights and gun rights.

She does not bully her way through life. She has the courage of kindness, the endurance of long-suffering and the joys of Amazing Grace.

She loves children of all races, colors and ethnicities, rich and poor, rural, urban and suburban, healthy and ill, victorious and vulnerable, immigrant and Native American and those whose ancestors came in chains. This includes the well housed and the homeless. She does not seek votes from one group by hating and insulting other groups.

Mrs. Clinton deserves and needs our support and votes. If her opponent should win, we all lose; children, youth and adults. We can all win with Hillary Clinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Arizona Republic


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of The Arizona Republic. The newspaper has been in business for 126 years, and in its history, it has never supported a Democratic presidential candidate. The paper’s editorial board felt this year was different. Their editorial, published today, says, “The challenges the United States faces domestically and internationally demand a steady hand, a cool head and the ability to think carefully before acting. Hillary Clinton understands this. Donald Trump does not. Clinton has the temperament and experience to be president. Donald Trump does not.” The board concedes that Clinton is not perfect, but “Clinton is the superior choice.” Read the full endorsement HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Arizona Republic, Politico

Hillary Clinton Receives Endorsement of Emerge USA PAC


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Emerge USA PAC, a group that supports candidates who support civil rights and the rights of minorities. In a release, the group said they supported Clinton because they are working with Muslim Americans to ensure that they are registered to vote, and they believe that Clinton is the best choice for a diverse America. Clinton released the following in response to the endorsement:

“This month, thousands of Muslims registered to vote across the country during Eid celebrations and are continuing to do so today to mark National Voter Registration Day. Every single one of those registrations carries the voice of the Muslim-American community—and there’s no stronger message against Trump’s hateful and divisive rhetoric than Americans coming together with pride and dignity. That’s exactly that type of work that Emerge USA does: empower the next generation of Muslims to lead in their communities.

The Muslim community knows that the stakes in this election could not be higher. From proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, to attacking a Muslim Gold Star family whose son sacrificed his life for our country, to suggesting we monitor Muslim communities and places of worship, Trump has spent his entire campaign pitting Americans against each other and denigrating the Muslim-American community. It’s shameful. It’s disrespectful. It’s simply un-American. And it makes us less safe. Donald Trump’s constant demonization of Muslims plays straight into ISIS’ hands.

While Trump continues to paint a dark and misleading picture of the Muslim-American community, groups like Emerge USA remind us of the incredible contributions the community has made to our country. Muslim-Americans are entrepreneurs and inventors, they are students and teachers, soldiers and police officers—in short, they are the  best of America. I’m so grateful for the endorsement and the support of Muslim Americans across the country, and I will continue fighting to advance equality and keep our country safe.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Emerge USA PAC

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Newspapers Across the Country


Hillary for America released the following summary of major newspaper that have announced their endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president.

Editorial boards from across the country are backing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump because they find her to be qualified for the office and fit to serve, and they find him lacking both. There is an unprecedented depth and breadth of endorsements, many of which highlight Clinton’s strength while lamenting the danger Trump would pose as President. In fact, the Dallas Morning News had not backed a Democrat for more than 75 years and the Cincinnati Inquirer had not backed a Democrat since 1916.

See for yourself.

Akron Beacon Journal [9.25.16]

“An election is a choice, and at home, Clinton also far exceeds her opponent in vision, knowledge and policy. Here, she is about change, if not the sweeping — and unrealistic — variety. […] The focus belongs on the breadth of her record and what Hillary Clinton would bring to the presidency, her appreciation of what it takes to govern and her grasp of how to do so. She is resilient, tested and calm. She knows her way around the partisan battles. The country doesn’t need a revolution. It isn’t a wreck. It requires the right brand of change.”

Portland Press Herald [9.25.16]

“…Clinton is one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office, and she easily earns our endorsement. She has both executive branch and legislative experience as well as an expert’s depth of knowledge in both domestic and foreign policy.”

New York Times [9.25.16]

“Over 40 years in public life, Hillary Clinton has studied these forces and weighed responses to these problems. Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience, toughness and courage over a career of almost continuous public service, often as the first or only woman in the arena. […]a determined leader intent on creating opportunity for struggling Americans at a time of economic upheaval and on ensuring that the United States remains a force for good in an often brutal world.”

Cincinnati Enquirer [9.24.16]

“Trump is a clear and present danger to our country. He has no history of governance that should engender any confidence from voters. Trump has no foreign policy experience, and the fact that he doesn’t recognize it – instead insisting that, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do” – is even more troubling. His wild threats to blow Iranian ships out of the water if they make rude gestures at U.S. ships is just the type of reckless, cowboy diplomacy Americans should fear from a Trump presidency. Clinton has been criticized as being hawkish but has shown a measured approach to the world’s problems. Do we really want someone in charge of our military and nuclear codes who has an impulse control problem? The fact that so many top military and national security officials are not supporting Trump speaks volumes. […] In these uncertain times, America needs a brave leader, not bravado. Real solutions, not paper-thin promises. A clear eye toward the future, not a cynical appeal to the good old days. Hillary Clinton has her faults, certainly, but she has spent a lifetime working to improve the lives of Americans both inside and outside of Washington. It’s time to elect the first female U.S. president – not because she’s a woman, but because she’s hands-down the most qualified choice.”

Los Angeles Times [9.24.16]

“We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president. […] Perhaps her greatest strength is her pragmatism — her ability to build consensus and solve problems. As president, she would be flexible enough and experienced enough to cut across party lines and work productively with her political opponents. As first lady, she worked with Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides healthcare coverage to more than 8 million children. As a senator, she was instrumental in persuading a Republican president to deliver billions of dollars in aid to New York after September 11. As secretary of State, she led the charge to persuade nations around the world to impose the tough sanctions on Iran that led to the landmark nuclear agreement, and she negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.”

Dallas Morning News [9.7.16]

” Trump’s values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best. His serial shifts on fundamental issues reveal an astounding absence of preparedness. And his improvisational insults andmidnight tweets exhibit a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control. After nearly four decades in the public spotlight, 25 of them on the national stage, Clinton is a known quantity. For all her warts, she is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president. Hillary Clinton has spent years in the trenches doing the hard work needed to prepare herself to lead our nation. In this race, at this time, she deserves your vote..”

WIRED Magazine [8.18.16]

“She comes to every policy conversation steeped in its history and implications, and with opinions from a diverse set of viewpoints. She is a technician, and we like technicians. […] she is the only candidate who can assess the data, consult with the people who need to be heard, and make decisions that she can logically defend. Sure, she’s calculating. She’s tactical. There are worse things you can ask of a person with nuclear codes.”

Storm Lake Times [8.3.16]

“As first lady and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton stood up to the world powers and demanded human rights for women and children around the globe. In her public life, she has given voice to the voiceless. […] Is Hillary Clinton a good person? Yes. Is she presidential material? You bet. Would she stand up for poor immigrants in Storm Lake, Iowa? We believe it in our very soul.”

Houston Chronicle [7.29.16]

“On the issues, there’s no comparison in terms of thoughtfulness, thoroughness and practicality. […] On foreign affairs, the former secretary of state is knowledgeable, dependable and trusted worldwide, unlike her blusterous opponent whose outrageous remarks last week about Russia were merely the most recent bizarre outburst to unsettle our allies.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Career Ambassadors for Clinton-Kaine


In recent weeks, a growing number of Republican and Democrat public officials have come forward supporting Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Earlier this month, 75 diplomats signed a letter of support for the Clinton-Kaine ticket, and that number has now grown to 149. Over 90 of the former ambassadors were appointed by Republican presidents. A copy of the letter and the list of the 149 are below:


    As of September 23, 2016

    The undersigned have each previously served the people of the United States as career diplomats in our nation’s Foreign and Civil Services.  We have each had the privilege of being nominated by the President, and confirmed by the United States Senate, to represent our nation abroad and at the highest levels of our foreign policy and security organizations.

  • Together, we have represented the United States as ambassadors in over 55 countries or international organizations. We have hundreds of years of combined service.
  • As career officers, we have served every President since Harry Truman, and have proudly represented every President since Richard Nixon as ambassadors or senior State Department officials in Senate-confirmed positions. We have served Republican and Democratic Presidents with pride and enthusiasm.
  • None of us will vote for Donald J. Trump.
  • Each of us endorses Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. Because the stakes in this election are so high, this is the first time many of us have publicly endorsed a candidate for President.

Very simply, this election is different from any election we can recall.  One of the candidates — Donald J. Trump — is entirely unqualified to serve as President and Commander-in-Chief.  He is ignorant of the complex nature of the challenges facing our country, from Russia to China to ISIS to nuclear proliferation to refugees to drugs, but he has expressed no interest in being educated.

Indeed he has recently demonstrated he entirely misunderstands and disrespects the role of the very officials who could educate him: the senior career officers of our intelligence services and of our military services (whom he has characterized as “rubble”).

In his frequent statements about foreign countries and their citizens, from our closest friends to our most problematic competitors, Mr. Trump has expressed the most ignorant stereotypes of those countries; has inflamed their people; and has insulted our allies and comforted our enemies.

Shockingly, he has even offered praise and admiration for Vladimir Putin, the leader of Russia whose international activities and reported intrusions into our democratic political process have been among the most damaging actions taken by any foreign leader since the end of World War Two.

We fear the damage that such ineptitude could cause in our closest relationships as well as the succor it might offer our enemies.

By contrast, Hillary Clinton’s handling of foreign affairs has consistently sought to advance fundamental US interests with a deep grounding in the work of the many tens of thousands of career officers on whom our national security depends.  Not every one of us has agreed with every decision she made (and the same would be true of every one of her predecessors), but we have profound respect for her skills, dedication, intelligence, and diplomacy.

In this election there is only one team to represent our nation and lead our career foreign policy and security professionals in a manner befitting our role as the world’s sole superpower.  Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are the candidates we support.


  1. Morton Abramowitz – Ambassador to Turkey (1989-1991) Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research (1985-1989), and Ambassador to Thailand (1978-1981)
  2. Frank Almaguer – Ambassador to Honduras (1999-2002)
  3. Diego Asencio – Ambassador to Brazil (1983-1986), Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs (1980-1983), Ambassador to Colombia (1977-1980)
  4. Robert L. Barry – Ambassador to Indonesia (1992-1995), and Bulgaria (1981-1984)
  5. Robert M. Beecroft – Ambassador and Head of Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2004)
  6. Rand Beers – Secretary of Homeland Security (2013), Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (2013), Under Secretary of Homeland Security for National Protection and Programs (2009-2014)
  7. Eric Benjaminson – Ambassador to Gabon and to Sao Tome & Principe (2010-2013)
  8. John R. Beyrle – Ambassador to Russia (2008-2012), and Bulgaria (2005-2008)
  9. James D. Bindenagel – Ambassador to Germany (1996-1997)
  10. Robert O. Blake – Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs (2009-2013), Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (2006-2009), Indonesia (2014-present)
  11. Richard Boucher – Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs (2006-2009), Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (2001-2005), and Ambassador to Cyprus (1993-1996)
  12. Charles Richard Bowers – Ambassador to Bolivia (1991-1994)
  13. Robert A. Bradtke – Ambassador to Croatia (2006-2009)
  14. Aurelia E. Brazeal – Ambassador to Ethiopia (2002-2005), Kenya (1993-1996), Federated States of Micronesia (1990-1993)
  15. Peter Bridges – Ambassador to Somalia (1984-1986)
  16. Sue K. Brown – Ambassador to Montenegro (2011-2014)
  17. Susan Burk – Special Representative of the President for Nuclear Nonproliferation (2009-2012)
  18. Peter Burleigh – Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (1995-1997)
  19. Nicholas Burns – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (2005-2008), Ambassador to NATO (2001-2005), and Greece (1997-2001)
  20. Prudence Bushnell – Ambassador to Guatemala (1999-2002), and Kenya (1996-1999)
  21. Patricia Butenis – Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (2009-2012) and Bangladesh (2006-2007)
  22. Johnnie Carson – Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (2009-2013), Ambassador to Kenya (1999-2003), Zimbabwe (1995-1997), Uganda (1991-1994)
  23. Phillip Carter III – Ambassador to Cote d’Ivoire (2010-2013), and Guinea (2007-2008)
  24. Carey Cavanaugh – Ambassador/Special Negotiator for Nagorno-Karabakh and New Independent States Regional Conflicts (2000-2001)
  25. Wendy Chamberlin – Ambassador to Pakistan (2001-2002) and Laos (1996-1999)
  26. Asif Chaudhry – Ambassador to Moldova (2008)
  27. Peter Chaveas – Ambassador to Sierra Leone (2001-2004), and Malawi (1994-1997)
  28. Elinor Greer Constable – Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment, Science and Technology (1993-1995), and Ambassador to Kenya (1986-1989)
  29. Marion Creekmore, Jr. – Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (1989-1992)
  30. Ryan Crocker – Ambassador to Lebanon (1990-1993), Kuwait (1994-1997), Syria (1998-2001), Pakistan (2004-2007), Iraq (2007-2009), Afghanistan (2011-2012)
  31. James B. Cunningham – Ambassador to Afghanistan (2012-2014), Israel (2008-2011), United Nations (2001)
  32. Walter L. Cutler – Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1984-1987, 1988-1989), Tunisia (1982-1984), Ambassador-Designate to the Islamic Republic of Iran (1979), and Ambassador to Zaire (1975-1979)
  33. Jeffrey Davidow – Ambassador to Mexico (1998-2002), Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs (1996-1998), Ambassador to Venezuela (1993-1996), Zambia (1988-1990)
  34. Scott H. DeLisi – Ambassador to Uganda (2012-2015), Nepal (2010-2012), and Eritrea (2004-2007)
  35. Robert S. Dillon – Ambassador to Lebanon (1981-1983)
  36. John R. Dinger – Ambassador to Mongolia (2000-2003)
  37. William A. Eaton – Ambassador to Panama (2005-2008), and Assistant Secretary of State for Administration (2001-2005)
  38. Wesley W. Egan – Ambassador to Jordan (1994-1998), and Guinea-Bissau (1983-1985)
  39. Robert J. Einhorn – Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation (1999-2001)
  40. Nancy Ely-Raphel – Ambassador to Slovenia (1998-2001)
  41. Gregory W. Engle – Ambassador to Togo (2003-2005)
  42. Kenneth J. Fairfax – Ambassador to Kazakhstan (2011-2013)
  43. Robert W. Farrand – Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands (1990-1993)
  44. Judith R. Fergin – Ambassador to Timor-Leste (2010-2013)
  45. Robert P. Finn – Ambassador to Afghanistan (2002-2003), Tajikistan (1999-2001)
  46. David J. Fischer – Ambassador to the Republic of Seychelles (1982-1985)
  47. Robert Fitts – Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands (2003- 2006)
  48. Robert S. Gelbard – Ambassador to Indonesia (1999-2001), Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics Matters (1993-1997), Ambassador to Bolivia (1988-1991)
  49. Edward “Skip” Gnehm – Ambassador to Jordan (2001-2004), Australia (2000-2001), Kuwait (1991-1994)
  50. Christopher E. Goldthwait – Ambassador to Chad (1999-2004)
  51. Gordon Gray – Ambassador to Tunisia (2009-2012)
  52. Marc Grossman – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (2001-2005), Ambassador to Turkey (1995-1997), Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs (1997-2000)
  53. Michael E. Guest – Ambassador to Romania (2001-2004)
  54. John R. Hamilton – Ambassador to Guatemala (2003-2005), and Peru (1999-2002)
  55. Douglas A. Hartwick – Ambassador to Laos (2001-2004)
  56. Maura Harty – Ambassador to Paraguay (1997-1999), Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs (2002-2008)
  57. Patricia McMahon Hawkins – Ambassador to Togo (2008-2011)
  58. Christopher R. Hill – Ambassador to Iraq (2009-2010), Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (2005-2009), Ambassador to South Korea (2004-2005), Poland (2000-2004), and Macedonia (1996-1999)
  59. Karl W. Hofmann – Ambassador to Togo (2000-2002)
  60. Genta H. Holmes – Ambassador to Australia (1997-2000), Director General of the Foreign Service (1992-1995), and Ambassador to Namibia (1990-1992)
  61. Thomas C. Hubbard – Ambassador to the Republic of Korea (2001-2004) and the Philippines (1996-2000)
  62. Franklin Huddle – Ambassador to Tajikistan (2001-2003)
  63. Vicki J. Huddleston – Ambassador to Mali (2002-2005), and Madagascar (1995-1997)
  64. Edmund J. Hull – Ambassador to Yemen (2001-2004)
  65. Cameron R. Hume – Ambassador to Indonesia (2007-2010), Sudan (2005-2007), South Africa (2001-2004), Algeria (1997-2000)
  66. Ravic R. Huso – Ambassador to Laos (2007-2010)
  67. William H. Itoh – Ambassador to Thailand (1995-1999)
  68. Dennis Jett – Ambassador to Peru (1996-1999) and Mozambique (1993-1996)
  69. Linda Jewell – Ambassador to Ecuador (2005-2008)
  70. Elizabeth Jones – Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia (2001-2005), Ambassador to Kazakhstan (1995-1998)
  71. Richard D. Kauzlarich – Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (1997-1999), and Azerbaijan (1994-1997)
  72. James Keith – Ambassador to Malaysia (2007-2010)
  73. Laura E. Kennedy – Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva (2010-2013), and Ambassador to Turkmenistan (2001-2003)
  74. Thomas C. Krajeski – Ambassador to the Republic of Yemen (2004-2007), Kingdom of Bahrain (2011-2014)
  75. Daniel C. Kurtzer – Ambassador to Israel (2001-2005), Egypt (1998-2001)
  76. Alphonse F. La Porta – Ambassador to Mongolia (1997-2000)
  77. Chris LaFleur – Ambassador to Malaysia (2005-2007)
  78. Edward Gibson Lanpher – Ambassador to Zimbabwe (1991-1995)
  79. Joyce E. Leader – Ambassador to Guinea (1999-2000)
  80. Michael Lemmon – Ambassador to Armenia (1998-2001)
  81. Winston Lord – Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (1993-1997), and Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China (1985-1989)
  82. James G. Lowenstein – Ambassador to Luxembourg (1977-1981)
  83. William H. Luers – Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (1983-1986), and Venezuela (1978-1982)
  84. John F. Maisto – Ambassador to the Organization of American States (2003-2006), Venezuela (1997-2000), and Nicaragua (1993-1996)
  85. Edward Marks – Ambassador to Cape Verde (1977-1980), and Guinea-Bissau (1977-1980)
  86. Niels Marquardt – Ambassador to Madagascar and Comoros (2007-2010), Equatorial Guinea (2004-2006), and Cameroon (2004-2007)
  87. Marshall McCallie – Ambassador to Namibia (1993-1996)
  88. Jackson McDonald – Ambassador to Guinea (2004-2007), The Gambia (2001-2004)
  89. Stephen G. McFarland – Ambassador to Guatemala (2008-2011)
  90. Christopher J. McMullen – Ambassador to Angola (2010-2013)
  91. Michael W. Michalak – Ambassador to Vietnam (2007-2011)
  92. William B. Milam – Ambassador to Bangladesh (1990-1993), and Pakistan (1998-2001)
  93. Richard M. Miles – Ambassador to Georgia (2002-2005), Bulgaria (1999-2002), and Azerbaijan (1992-1993)
  94. Thomas J. Miller – Ambassador to Greece (2001-2004), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1999-2001)
  95. William Green Miller – Ambassador to Ukraine (1993-1998)
  96. Mark C. Minton – Ambassador to Mongolia (2006-2009)
  97. William T. Monroe – Ambassador to Bahrain (2004-2007)
  98. Thomas M. T. Niles – Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs (1991-1993), Ambassador to Greece (1993-1997), European Union (1989-1991), and Canada (1985-1989)
  99. Maurice S. Parker – Ambassador to Swaziland (2007-2009)
  100. Mark Robert Parris – Ambassador to Turkey (1997-2000)
  101. Lynn Pascoe – Ambassador to Indonesia (2004-2007), and Malaysia (1998-2001)
  102. Robert Pearson – Ambassador to Turkey (2000-2003)
  103. Vernon D. Penner – Ambassador to the Republic of Cabo Verde (1986-1990)
  104. Rudolf V. Perina – Ambassador/Special Negotiator for Nagorno-Karabakh and Newly-Independent States Regional Conflicts (2001-2004), and Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova (1998-2001)
  105. June Carter Perry – Ambassador to Sierra Leone (2007-2010), and Lesotho (2004-2007)
  106. Donald K. Petterson – Ambassador to Sudan (1992-1995), Tanzania (1986-1989), and Somalia (1978-1982)
  107. Thomas R. Pickering – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1997-2000), Ambassador to Russia (1993-1996), India (1992-1993), United Nations (1989-1992), Israel (1985-1988), El Salvador (1983-1985), Nigeria (1981-1983), Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (1978-1981), Ambassador to Jordan (1974- 1978)
  108. Steven Pifer – Ambassador to Ukraine (1998-2000)
  109. Joan M. Plaisted – Ambassador to the Republic of the Marshall Islands and Kiribati (1995-2000)
  110. Nicholas Platt – Ambassador to Pakistan (1991-1992), Philippines (1987-1991), Zambia (1982- 1985)
  111. Nancy Powell – Ambassador to India (2012-2014), Nepal (2007-2010), Pakistan (2002-2004), Ghana (2001-2002), Uganda (1997-1999)
  112. Phyllis M. Powers – Ambassador to Nicaragua (2012-2015), and Panama (2010-2012)
  113. Charles L. “Jack” Pritchard – Ambassador/Special Envoy for Negotiations with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2001-2003)
  114. Jon R. Purnell – Ambassador to Uzbekistan (2004-2007)
  115. Robin L. Raphel – Ambassador to Tunisia (1997-2000), Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs (1993-1997)
  116. Elizabeth Raspolic – Ambassador to Gabon (1995-1998)
  117. Charles A. Ray – Ambassador to Zimbabwe (2009-2012), Cambodia (2002-2005)
  118. Robert G. Rich – Ambassador to Belize (1987-1990)
  119. Thomas B. Robertson – Ambassador to Slovenia (2004-2007)
  120. Peter F. Romero – Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs (2001), and Ambassador to Ecuador (1993-1996)
  121. William A. Rugh – Ambassador to the United Arab Emirate (1992-2995), and Yemen (1984-1987)
  122. Howard B. Schaffer – Ambassador to Bangladesh (1984-1987)
  123. Teresita C. Schaffer – Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (1992-1995)
  124. James F. Schumaker – OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine (2005-2008)
  125. Ints M. Silins – Ambassador to Latvia (1992-1995)
  126. Thomas W. Simons, Jr. – Ambassador to Pakistan (1996-1998) and Poland (1990-1993)
  127. Donald Steinberg – Ambassador to Angola (1995-1998)
  128. Kathleen Stephens – Ambassador to the Republic of Korea (2008-2011)
  129. John Todd Stewart – Ambassador to Moldova (1995-1998)
  130. Gordon L. Streeb – Ambassador to Zambia (1990-1993)
  131. Curtis Struble – Ambassador to Peru (2004-2007)
  132. Patrick Nickolas Theros – Ambassador to Qatar (1995-1998)
  133. Victor L. Tomseth – Ambassador to Laos (1993-1996)
  134. Nicholas Veliotes – Ambassador to Egypt (1984-1986), Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (1981-1984), and Ambassador to Jordan (1978-1981)
  135. Edward S. Walker, Jr. – Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs (2000-2001), Ambassador to Israel (1997-1999), Egypt (1994-1997), United Arab Emirates (1989-1992)
  136. Lannon Walker – Ambassador to Cote d’Ivoire (1995-1998), Nigeria (1989-1992), Senegal (1985-1988)
  137. James D. Walsh – Ambassador to Argentina (2000-2003)
  138. Alexander F. Watson – Ambassador to Peru (1986-1989), Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs (1993-1996)
  139. Linda E. Watt – Ambassador to Panama (2002-2005)
  140. Pamela A. White – Ambassador to Haiti (2012-2015), and The Gambia (2010-2012)
  141. Ashley Wills – Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Republic of Maldives (2000-2003)
  142. Joseph C. Wilson – Ambassador to Gabon and to Sao Tome and Principe (1992-1995)
  143. Andrew J. Winter – Ambassador to The Gambia (1993-1995)
  144. Frank G. Wisner – Ambassador to India (1994-1997), Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (1993-1994), Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs (1992-1993), Ambassador to the Philippines (1991-1992), Egypt (1986-1991), and Zambia (1979-1982)
  145. Kenneth Yalowitz – Ambassador to Georgia (1998-2001) and Belarus (1994-1997)
  146. John M. Yates – Ambassador to Republics of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea (1998-2001), Republic of Benin (1995-1998), Republic of Cape Verde (1983-1986)
  147. Mary Carlin Yates – Ambassador to Ghana (2002-2005), and Burundi (1999-2002)
  148. Johnny Young – Ambassador to Slovenia (2001-2004), Kingdom of Bahrain (1997-2001), Togo (1994-1997), Sierra Leone (1989-1992)
  149. Stephen M. Young – Ambassador to Kyrgyz Republic (2003-2005)

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Ambassadors for Clinton

Former George H.W. Bush National Security Advisor Endorses Clinton


Statement by Donald P. Gregg, National Security Advisor to Vice President George H.W. Bush. The endorsement comes after 115 former Ambassadors – including 80 appointed by Republican Presidents – backed Hillary Clinton earlier this week and more than 50 national security officials urged Trump to disclose his financial conflicts of interests.

“I was in the Reagan administration for 8 years. I was Vice President George H.W. Bush’s National Security Advisor for over six years. I traveled with him to over 65 countries.

In my view the two great diplomatic overtures since World War II were carried out by Republicans — Nixon to China and President George H. W. Bush’s outreach to Gorbachev and the Soviet Union after the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

But we now have a person at the top of Republican ticket who I believe is dangerous, doesn’t understand the complex world we live in, doesn’t care to, and is without any moral or international philosophy.

I’ve met Hillary Clinton a number of times and followed her career in public service. I’m impressed with her knowledge and experience. She would make an extremely good President.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The New York Times

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton listens to a question at town hall meeting at White Mountain Community College, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, in Berlin, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

On Saturday, The New York Times editorial board announced their endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president. While they admit that Clinton has her share of faults, her experience and career in public service far overshadow the career of Donald Trump. The editorial board explains that on Monday, they will publish an article explaining why “we believe Mr. Trump to be the worst nominee put forward by a major party in modern American history.” Read the full endorsement here, and a excerpt from the article is below:

“In any normal election year, we’d compare the two presidential candidates side by side on the issues. But this is not a normal election year. A comparison like that would be an empty exercise in a race where one candidate — our choice, Hillary Clinton — has a record of service and a raft of pragmatic ideas, and the other, Donald Trump, discloses nothing concrete about himself or his plans while promising the moon and offering the stars on layaway.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by the Cincinnati Enquirer and Los Angeles Times


On Friday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of two prominent newspaper editorial boards. She was endorsed by The Los Angeles Times and The Cincinnati Enquirer. The Los Angeles Times summed up their decision in the first two sentences saying, “American voters have a clear choice on Nov. 8. We can elect an experienced, thoughtful and deeply knowledgeable public servant or a thin-skinned demagogue who is unqualified and unsuited to be president.” The Cincinnati Enquirer on the other hand is quite a score for Clinton. The paper has endorsed Republican presidential candidates for the past one hundred years. While they acknowledge that Clinton has faults, they conclude, “The Enquirer has supported Republicans for president for almost a century – a tradition this editorial board doesn’t take lightly. But this is not a traditional race, and these are not traditional times. Our country needs calm, thoughtful leadership to deal with the challenges we face at home and abroad. We need a leader who will bring out the best in all Americans, not the worst.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Cincinnati Enquirer, The Los Angeles Times

Group of Prominent Business Leaders Backing Clinton Grows


On Friday, Hillary for America released a name of prominent business leaders who support Hillary Clinton for president. A full copy of HFA’s release is below.

The group of prominent business leaders backing Hillary Clinton continued to grow today with more than 40 additional leaders. These leaders share Clinton’s belief that we are stronger together and that Clinton is the candidate with the experience and qualifications to help build an economy that works for everyone. The endorsement comes one day after a new report from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget found that Donald Trump’s economic plan would balloon the debt by $5.3 trillion – 26 times more than Clinton’s according to CNBC. An independent analysis by Mark Zandi, a former economic advisor to John McCain, found that the economy would create 10.4 million jobs under Clinton’s plans, while Trump’s plans would result in a “lengthy recession” and a loss of 3.4 million jobs.

This announcement follows one from earlier this summer that included 52 business leaders backing Clinton. Clinton has laid out detailed plans to create good, high paying jobs through investment in infrastructure, research, technology, and more, as well as other policies that strengthen the climate for businesses to grow and hire. Through cost cutting, new innovations and reforms to our tax code, Clinton’s policy plans are deficit neutral.

“Hillary Clinton understands what we need to do to strengthen the economy and the top priority of her administration is to create jobs and make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top,” Campaign Chair John Podesta said. “We’re fortunate a growing number of business leaders recognize Hillary Clinton is the right candidate for the economy. Donald Trump’s plan would balloon the debt while costing jobs – setting our economy back and leaving the middle class out in the cold.”

Our campaign continues to hear from a wide range of business leaders like these from around the country who believe Hillary Clinton understands the complex world we live in and is proposing serious solutions.

“As a business leader, I know we need to balance our budgets and pay our bills, and I’ve always looked for that kind of fiscally responsible approach in elected leaders too. Hillary Clinton has laid out detailed and concrete plans to invest in things like infrastructure, to cut spending, and to reform our tax code. And she has a plan to pay for these proposals.” Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido said. “Multiple independent studies have shown that Donald Trump’s plans would balloon the national debt by trillions of dollars – and leave the bill to be paid by our kids and grandkids. In these turbulent times, we need steady, levelheaded leadership, and I would not want Donald Trump making decisions about my company, let alone our country’s economy. The choice is clear in this election – Hillary Clinton not only has the temperament and necessary experience to be President, but she has the capability to handle the economic challenges facing the nation.” 

The full list of business leaders endorsing today is below.

  • Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk
  • Todd Bradley, CEO of Mozido
  • Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals
  • Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer
  • Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint
  • Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International
  • Don Cornwell, Co-Founder and Retired Chairman and CEO of Granite Broadcasting Corporation
  • Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment
  • Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic
  • Dagmar Dolby
  • John Donahoe, Chairman of PayPal and former CEO of eBay
  • Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure
  • Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam
  • Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp
  • Leo Hindery, Jr., Managing Partner of InterMedia Partners and former CEO of AT&T Broadband
  • Jacqueline C. Hinman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CH2M
  • Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.
  • Jerry Jasinowski, Former President of the National Association of Manufacturers
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, Chairman of DreamWorks New Media
  • Vinod Khosla, Founder of Khosla Ventures
  • Dara Khosrowshahi, President and CEO of Expedia, Inc.
  • Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health
  • Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower
  • Stephen Luczo, CEO of Seagate Technology PLC
  • Ted Maidenberg, Co-Founder and Partner of Social Capital
  • Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group
  • Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC
  • Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures
  • David Nevins, CEO of Showtime Networks, Inc.
  • Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Jeff Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation and former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Tricia Raikes, Co-Founder of the Raikes Foundation
  • Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.
  • Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social
  • Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove
  • Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates
  • Diana Taylor, Vice Chair of Solera Capital
  • Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels
  • Diane von Furstenberg
  • Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco
  • Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group
  • Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube

The individuals listed herein have endorsed in their personal capacity and this does not reflect the endorsement of any organization, corporation or entity to which they are affiliated. Titles and affiliations of each individual are provided for identification purposes only.

Additional quotes by some of the business leaders endorsing are available below.

“I’m supporting Hillary Clinton because she is the only candidate with the intelligence, judgment and experience necessary to do the job.” – Carl Bass, CEO and president of Autodesk

“I support the election of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. I do not agree with all of her policy positions. When I consider the candidates’ experience, judgment, and temperament, though, there is only one choice – I’m with her.” – Michael E. Campbell, Former Chair and CEO of Arch Chemicals

“In a time of uncertainty and global unrest, the US needs the leadership of someone who knows how to solve problems and get things done. That’s Hillary Clinton and I am voting for her in November.” – Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer

“I am proud to support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States of America. No one is more qualified to be President than Hillary Clinton and she has a proven track record of fighting for all Americans. She understands the responsibility that comes with governance, and won’t pursue risky policies that jeopardize America’s future or further divide our country. As a Hispanic immigrant, I am so very fortunate to have experienced the American dream first-hand. And many others like me should be afforded that same opportunity. That’s why we need comprehensive immigration reform. Hillary Clinton understands that and is the right leader that will ensure the United States remains a global leader working toward a more just, equal, and prosperous society.” – Marcelo Claure, President and CEO of Sprint

“America is a great country whose greatness enables entrepreneurs, who can come from nothing and from anywhere in the world, to create the small and medium-sized businesses that produce good jobs and are the best of America. Hillary Clinton stands for those values and will continue to support policies that allow our businesses to grow and entrepreneurialism to foster the jobs of our future. Democrats are the party of small business and entrepreneurialism and Secretary Clinton is the only candidate in the race qualified to lead and nurture the kind of economic growth that our middle class needs and that harnesses the American dream.” – Stephen J. Cloobeck, Founder, Diamond Resorts International

“Hillary Clinton is by far the most qualified candidate for President in this election. I believe she will do a first class job of governing our country and will fulfill her duties as President in an exemplary manner. Her intelligence, warmth, and depth of character has been demonstrated throughout her career in public service and these qualities will shine through during her time as President.” – Donald L. Dell, Group President Media, Tennis & Events of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment

“Hillary Clinton’s deep experience, seasoned judgment, and measured temperament make her one of the most qualified presidential candidates in the history of our nation. Her plans to build infrastructure, support entrepreneurship, and expand the economy, show that she is a steady and fiscally responsible leader with the foresight to lead our country confidently into the future. Donald Trump has none of the necessary attributes, nor the temperament, to qualify him to be president and commander-in-chief. His economic plans for our country are unrealistic and would balloon the national debt, leading to economic disaster. In this election, there is just no comparison – Hillary Clinton is the clear choice to lead our country.” – Steven Denning, Chairman of General Atlantic

“Hillary Clinton is eminently qualified to be President of the United States. She understands that good businesses contribute to their communities and help move America forward. Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. For our country, for our families, for our children we need Hillary Clinton as our next President. Her opponent doesn’t have the temperament, the qualifications or the experience to be in the Oval Office.” – Dagmar Dolby

“…because she understands that the presidency is a job, not a prize.” – Esther Dyson, Chairman of EDventure

“The 2016 election is without doubt the most important election in all our lifetimes. The next President must possess wisdom, experience, a steady hand, a willingness to bring all Americans together. The world around us requires understanding, delicacy, and the courage to act with intelligence. We must move all humanity toward the good. In this contentious election, the only choice is Hillary Clinton.” – Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam

“As a native New Yorker, I’ve spent a good part of my life working to improve the city I call home. I supported Hillary Clinton when she was the Senator from New York and I support her now for President. Hillary is the candidate in this race who has consistently put forth concrete proposals to grow our economy and invest in vital infrastructure. We need her as our next President.” – Stephen L. Green, Founder and Chairman of SL Green Realty Corp

“Hillary Clinton’s plan to support new entrepreneurs will ensure innovation and progress remain a cornerstone of our economy. Donald Trump has failed to put forth concrete proposals to help American business owners succeed and grow their companies. Instead of offering policy proposals, he is trafficking in divisive rhetoric that threatens to take our country backwards. The choice is clear in this election, and I am choosing the candidate of progress – Hillary Clinton.” – Lisa Hook, President and CEO of Neustar, Inc.

“The ACA has dramatically lowered our uninsured rate, but we still have a long road to improve healthcare access and lower medical expenses in the United States. Hillary Clinton’s commitment to the fight for affordable, quality health care has been a defining element of her public service.  She is the only candidate in this race who has a plan to deliver the innovation we need to offer affordable care to everyday working Americans.” – Noah Lang, CEO of Stride Health

“In the next eight years, American leadership will either set the world on the path to a clean energy future or condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond saving. Hillary Clinton is ready to do what’s necessary: implement ambitious climate standards, aggressively cut energy waste, and accelerate our transition to a thriving clean energy economy. She’s the only candidate who can build on the progress we’ve already made, and I could not be prouder to offer my endorsement.” – Alex Laskey, President and Founder of Opower

“I have been an entrepreneur, business owner, and active New York citizen for over 30 years. I know firsthand how important a vibrant economic environment is to ensuring that businesses and cultural institutions – large and small – succeed and thrive. I had the privilege of watching Hillary Clinton up close when she was our remarkable and tireless US Senator for New York. I’m completely confident that she will make sure that entrepreneurs have a front-row seat at the table – and that she will activate an economy that works for everyone. She is the clear choice for president in this election.” – Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group

“The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has never endorsed a candidate in its nearly fifteen year history, but the stakes have never been so high for the future of the LGBT business community. Hillary Clinton is the progressive champion our businesses and our families need to thrive. The LGBT community has come too far to lose its seat at the table, and we are certain that Secretary Clinton will be the President fighting for the collective economic and social longevity of America’s 1.4 million LGBT business owners.” – Chance Mitchell, Co-Founder and CEO of NGLCC

“Hillary Clinton understands that innovation is the surest path to a better future. She is the only candidate who has concrete plans to strengthen the American economy by investing in basic science research, increasing access to science and engineering education, and paving the way for high-tech startups and entrepreneurs to create next-generation technologies and high-quality jobs. As a scientist, inventor and technology entrepreneur, I have seen firsthand how invention, and the scientific research that drives it, are powerful engines for sustained economic growth. As President, Hillary Clinton will put her commitment to science and her belief in American ingenuity to work to create better opportunities for all Americans.” – Nathan Myhrvold, PhD, Founder and CEO of Intellectual Ventures

“In this election there is absolutely no question which candidate is prepared to be Commander in Chief for all Americans. That candidate and our choice for President of the United States is Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton.” – Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

“I am an international entrepreneur having founded more than 40 companies in the consumer, hospitality and real estate sectors. I have lived my entire professional life overseas. From the perspective of an American abroad, I know firsthand how important American leadership and strength is to ensure success. And our strength flows not just from our military but from our economic vitality and from our values. When we as a nation are seen as strong and respected, it has been good for us and good for the world. This is why I’m such a strong supporter of Secretary Clinton for President. When she served as Secretary of State, she tirelessly worked to defend and protect American interests across Asia and push for American exports that promote good jobs here at home. She has earned respect and demonstrated good judgment the hard way, by listening, leading and engaging relentlessly. She will bring these same qualities and more to the highest office in the land.” –Robert W. Roche, Founder of Roche Enterprises, Ltd.

“Building an inclusive, innovative America is tantamount to building a prosperous one. Donald Trump is more focused on tearing down groups of Americans than he is on building us all up. He has failed to offer serious economic policies, and instead cites business credentials that have allowed him to get rich off the backs of others. Hillary Clinton will put workers’ and businesses’ interests first, and promote policies that will grow the economy for all Americans.” – Clara Shih, CEO and Founder of Hearsay Social

“We must extend, not undermine, the hard-won progress of the last eight years. Hillary Clinton has the policies, the persistence, and the proven experience to lead that charge.” – Srinija Srinivasan, Co-Founder of Loove

“Given Hillary’s track record with respect to local, state, and national issues, she will obviously be a President that represents our nation in a most exemplary fashion.” – Sherman Tate, President and CEO of Tate and Associates

“In an age of economic interconnectedness, Hillary Clinton understands the importance of secure borders as well as open doors. She believes America can continue to be both welcoming and secure, advancing our nation’s interests while extending hospitality to millions of allies and friends.” – Jonathan Tisch, Co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of Loews Hotels

“As President, Hillary Clinton would fight to be sure all Americans share in a growing economy. She has concrete plans to increase access to higher education and build a skilled workforce. As a business leader, I understand the value investing in people has not only for the success of a company, but the success of our country.” – Padmasree Warrior, CEO of NextEV USA and former CTSO of Cisco

“Hillary Clinton’s economic and environmental policies offer strategic, forward-thinking leadership that our country needs at this pivotal moment in history. Her clean energy infrastructure plan contains specific, actionable ideas to create jobs, drive innovation and discovery, and most importantly, preserve our planet for future generations.” – Daniel Weiss, Managing Partner of Angeleno Group

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.