Clinton Returns to New Hampshire

Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to New Hampshire on Friday. In her second trip to the state since announcing her presidential campaign, she, again, focused on visiting with small business owners. Stopping in Exeter and Derry she visited with small business owners and toured a brewery, book store, and ice cream shop. Clinton held a roundtable with small business owners at the Smuttynose Brewery. She concluded her trip by holding a private visit with supporters in Amherst.

Clinton’s visit to New Hampshire was overshadowed by the State Department’s release of 900 pages of Clinton’s emails related to the attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. She took a few questions from reporters and was asked about the emails’ release. Clinton responded by saying, ““First of all, I’m glad that the emails are starting to come out. This is something that I’ve asked to be done for a long time, and those releases are beginning. I want people to be able to see all of them, and it is a fact that we have released all of them that have any government relationship whatsoever. In fact, the State Department had the vast majority of those, anyway, because they were sent to ‘dot-gov’ accounts.” You can see the emails that were released by clicking here.

Next week, Clinton heads to South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Keep up to date with all the latest campaign stops by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: WMUR

Clinton Talks Child Care in Chicago

Hillary Rodham Clinton made a stop in Chicago today where she spoke with parents and childcare providers at an early childhood education center. In her opening address, Clinton stated the importance of early childhood eduction and the rising cost of child care. She criticized government policies and the Republican budget, which takes funding away from child care services. In the early stages of her campaign, she has focused heavily on family values, and that did not change today. Clinton said, “America cannot turn its back on our children and our working parents.” Following her opening statement, Clinton took part in a roundtable event with the parents and childcare providers, which was closed to the media.

Tonight, Clinton is expected to appear at two campaign fundraisers.

Clinton heads back to New Hampshire tomorrow and Friday. Follow all the updates from New Hampshire on Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for New Hampshire Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: Chicago Sun Times

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 2

Hillary Rodham Clinton concluded her second trip to Iowa today in Cedar Falls. Clinton’s primary focus today was small businesses, and she took part in a discussion with small business owners and local residents. As with her first trip to Iowa a few weeks ago, Clinton listened as small business owners talked about their struggles. She made it clear that she was in favor of making small business ownership easier saying, “I want to be the small-business president.” She outlined four areas she intends to turn her focus in assisting small business owners: reducing bureaucratic processes, simplifying the tax code, new tax credits, and access to financing.

After the roundtable discussion, Clinton took questions from reporters. She has been criticized for not talking to the press lately. Media outlets reported that it had been 28 days since Clinton last took a question from a reporter. Following the event, she answered questions from the media, which can be seen in the video below.

After leaving Cedar Rapids, Clinton made an unannounced stop in Independence, Iowa where she visited a number of small businesses.

Clinton is scheduled to appear in Chicago tomorrow. Keep up to date with all the latest campaign stops by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register (Article 1) (Article 2), The Gazette

Video Source: YouTube

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 1

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton began her second visit to Iowa since launching her presidential campaign. She continued to focus on small events and spent the afternoon with a group of about 60 Democratic activists from around the state. As president, Clinton vowed to fight more for the American family and workers saying, “We need to get back into the habit of actually rewarding workers with increases in their paychecks for the increases in productivity and profitability that they have helped achieve.”

Tomorrow, Clinton continues her trip to Iowa in Cedar Falls where she will meet with small business owners. Follow all the updates from Iowa on Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for Iowa Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register

Clinton Visits Brooklyn Headquarters

This past week, Hillary Rodham Clinton visited New York City and, for the first time since announcing her presidential ambitions, visited her headquarters in Brooklyn. Clinton began her visit to NYC on Wednesday night with a fundraiser hosted by Epic Records CEO L.A. Reid. The event was attended by a number of celebrities and donors including Beyoncé.

On Thursday, Clinton visited Brooklyn where she spoke with people walking through the streets, and she stopped at several local stores including a pizza shop and toy store. The main reason for her visit to Brooklyn was to spend time with volunteers and employees at her campaign headquarters.

This week, Clinton is scheduled to visit Iowa, Chicago, and New Hampshire. She will begin the week in Iowa tomorrow and Tuesday. You can get all the latest updates from Iowa by following Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for Iowa Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: ABC News, New York Daily News

Clinton attends California Fundraisers

920x920-2On Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended several private fundraisers in San Francisco. The events were not open to the public or press. After her fundraisers, however, Clinton made a surprise stop at Red Blossom Tea Company in Chinatown where she met with San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. Lee said that he and Clinton discussed several topics including the challenge in running the city, the economy, homelessness, and immigration.

Clinton continued her trip to California on Thursday by attending three private fundraisers in Los Angeles. All three fundraisers were closed to the public and press. The private events have drawn some criticism and are in contrast to her last three stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada, which have been a part of her campaign opening listening tour. Clinton is expected to be back on campaign trail soon.

Keep up to date with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: SF Gate, CBS Los Angeles

Hillary Clinton Talks Immigration Reform in Las Vegas

Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked of her listening tour in Nevada at Rancho High School in Las Vegas. Clinton spoke for the first time about immigration reform at a school where 70 percent of the population is Hispanic. In her remarks, Clinton promised to expand the DREAMer program and create a clear path to citizenship. She argued that a immigration reform with a path to citizenship is key to strengthen the American economy and America’s families.

Clinton had a strong warning about her Republican opponents saying, “Now this is where I differ with everybody on the Republican side. Make no mistakes. Today not a single Republican candidate – announced or potential – is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship. Not one. When they talk about ‘legal status’ that is code for second-class status.”

A full video from Clinton’s roundtable event is available from C-SPAN by CLICKING HERE.

Clinton continues her Nevada listening tour tomorrow. Be sure to follow along on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: ABC News

Clinton Talks Justice at Columbia University

Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton was in New York to attend a number of fundraisers with Wall Street business executives, but today, she took part in the David N. Dinkins Leadership & Public Policy Forum at Columbia University where she spoke openly about the issues facing the justice system. Following protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, and other states, Clinton had strong statements about the need to reform aspects of the justice system. While she condemned the violent measures taken by some of the protesters in Baltimore, she admitted that there is a lot of work to be done to ensure that racial bias does not hinder justice.

She said, “Not only as a mother and grandmother, but as a citizen, a human being, my heart breaks for these young men and their families. We have to come to terms with some hard truths about race and justice in America.” She went to say that we need to reconsider the system that relies on incarceration and turn our focus to a “true national debate about how to reduce our prison population while keeping our communities safe.” Clinton admitted that she didn’t have all the answers, but rising costs and incarceration rates require coming up with meaningful solutions.

This was the first time since announcing her candidacy for the presidency that Clinton has talked about a policy that could become a centerpiece of her platform. The full video from the event is available above.

News Source: Bloomberg, New York Times

Clinton Heads to Nevada and California Next Week

Next week, Hillary Rodham Clinton takes her presidential campaign to Nevada and California. On Tuesday, May 5 Clinton will take her “Ramp Up” campaign to Nevada where she is expected to visit several cities. Nevada is a state that Clinton’s team is hoping to win in 2016 and it has been an early focus on the campaign. You can follow Hillary for Nevada on Twitter and Facebook.

Later in the week (May 7-9) Clinton will begin a three day campaign trip in California where she will headline several high profile fundraisers in Hollywood. She is also expected to focus on the grassroots effort similar to her recent trips to Iowa and New Hampshire.

We will post a full wrap-up of both next week. In the meantime, keep up to date with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

New Source: Los Angeles Time, Las Vegas Sun

Women in the World Summit

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton gave the keynote address at the Women in the World Summit in New York City. In her first public speech since announcing her campaign for president, Clinton spoke about the struggles of women and girls to achieve equal rights and had strong words for her critics and political opponents. The speech was reminiscent of her famous “women’s rights are human rights” speech in 1995.

In her address, she criticized the delay of the appointment of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General and then, without naming names, she began calling out political opponents saying, “There are those who offer themselves as leaders … who see nothing wrong with denying women equal pay, who offer themselves as leaders who would de-fund the country’s leading provider of family planning and want to let health insurance companies once again charge women just because of our gender. There are those who offer themselves as leaders who would deport mothers working to give their children a better life, rather than risk the ire of talk radio.”

Clinton concluded by saying that there was still much work to be done in the realm of equal rights in the United States and around the world. But she expressed her optimism that equal rights can be achieved.

News Source: New York Daily News