Hillary Clinton Attends Inauguration to “Honor our Democracy”


Former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton attended the inauguration of Donald Trump today. After losing the electoral college vote to Trump in the general election, Clinton posted on Twitter this morning that she was attending the inauguration to “honor our democracy & its enduring values.” She and Bill were joined by two other former presidents and their wives: George W. and Laura Bush and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.

Later, the Clintons attended the inaugural luncheon where Trump recognized them saying, “There is something that I wanted to say: Because I was very honored – very very honored – when I heard that President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. And I think it’s appropriate to say… I’d like you to stand up. Honestly, there’s nothing more I can because I have a lot of respect for those two people.” Everyone in the room gave the Clintons a standing ovation before Trump continued his brief remarks.

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News Source: The Washington Post, CNN