Tim Kaine Rallies Voters in Wisconsin


Tim Kaine spoke at three get out the vote events today in Wisconsin. At his first event in Milwaukee, he told the audience that he and Hillary Clinton are excited with only a few days left in the campaign, and they are both determined to win. He called it “an excitement to embrace an agenda that`s a stronger together agenda, and reject an agenda that is a divisive, name calling, blame game, take us backward agenda ā€” and so we`re seeing it pick up in such a great way.” Kaine said that it is important that everyone get out and vote so their voice is heard given the stakes in this election. He concluded by asking everyone not to take a lead in the polls to mean anything, and that everyone’s vote is important. News coverage of Kaine’s Milwaukee visit is below.

Kaine then traveled to Green Bay where he spoke about Clinton’s optimistic platform, and he outlined her plans to create jobs, make college more affordable, raise the minimum wage, and focus on the middle class by building an economy that works for everyone. Kaine stressed the importance of defeating Donald Trump and electing a candidate with the experience and a comprehensive platform like Clinton. He wrapped up his speech by saying that Wisconsin is already making waves with early voting, and he encouraged those who have not already done so, to vote. Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

Kaine’s final event was a get out the vote event in La Crosse. Kaine spoke to a crowd of supporters after they watch today’s Green Bay Packers football game. Kaine outlined key points in Clinton’s platform including her plans to create jobs and invest in American manufacturing. He praised Wisconsin’s early voter turnout and urged everyone who has not already voted to vote on Tuesday. A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

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News Source: Fox 6, Fox 11, WEAU