President Obama Campaigns for Hillary at UNC-Chapel Hill


President Barack Obama campaigned on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where he spoke in support of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Deborah Ross. Obama argued that it is not only important to elect Clinton president, but to put down ballot Democrats in office as well. Obama spoke about Clinton’s focus on the middle class, creating jobs, and raising the minimum wage. During his speech, Obama attacked Donald Trump for his hateful rhetoric, but he argued that ut is spreading and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr is a prime example. Burr joked about a “bullseye” being placed on Clinton. Obama slammed his comments saying, “You don’t talk about violence against public officials, even in a joke. This is becoming normal. This is the red meat they’re throwing their audiences, and it’s not normal, and it’s not who North Carolina is.” He concluded his speech by urging everyone to vote. A video from the event is below.

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News Source: The News & Observer, The Washington Post