Vice President Biden Campaigns for Hillary in Nevada


Vice President Joe Biden campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Nevada Democratic Party today. His first event was a speech at the Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters in Las Vegas. During his speech, Biden spoke about the importance of electing a president and Senator who are pro-union and labor. He said that Donald Trump is anti-union adding, “If (Democrats) don’t win the Senate and Hillary doesn’t win the presidency, you’ll be out of business.” Biden said that it is important that Nevadans vote for Clinton and U.S. Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto to ensure that the progress of the last eight years continues.

In Reno, Biden campaigned with Cortez Masto and encouraged everyone to vote for her and Clinton. He spoke about Clinton’s broad platform plans including her plans to create jobs, invest in infrastructure, and make college more affordable. He warned that if Democrats do not take back the Senate, it will be harder for Clinton to pass these initiatives aimed at helping middle class Americans. Biden also attacked Trump for being “crude” and called him ” the least-qualified nominee from any political party in the history of the United States of America.” A video from the Reno event will be added when/if available.

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News Source: Las Vegas Sun, Reno Gazette-Journal