Hillary Clinton Encourages Early Voting in Iowa


On Friday, Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa where she stressed the importance of voting at events in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines. During the event in Cedar Rapids, Clinton stressed the importance of the election saying that it is in the hands of voters to decide what type of country we want. She said, “The choice is yours as to what kind of country we will have.” Clinton attacked her Republican rival, Donald Trump, for his divisive campaign tactics and disrespectful comments about women, immigrants, and Muslims. She spoke about a number of her platform points focusing on women’s issues such as reproductive rights, equal pay, and paid family leave. She concluded by urging everyone to get out an vote on election day or to take advantage of early voting. A video from the event is below.

In Des Moines, Clinton spoke at Roosevelt High School about the importance of voting and taking advantage of early voting in Iowa. Clinton spoke about a number of platform points including her plans to grow the economy, create jobs by investing in infrastructure and clean energy, and making college more affordable for students, both past and future. She criticized the vision for America outlined by Trump and said that it is important that we continue the progress started by President Barack Obama. Watch a video of Clinton’s speech below.

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News Source: Quad-City Times, The Des Moines Register, Time, Patch, The Des Moines Register