Chelsea Clinton Touts Early Voting in Ohio


Chelsea Clinton returned to Ohio on Wednesday for three events in which she encouraged early voting. At events in Cincinnati, Grove City, and Solon, Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for women, expand early childhood education, and make college more affordable. Chelsea said that it is really important to elect Hillary over Donald Trump because a lot of progress has been made and undoing it would be harmful for Americans. “Everything I care most about, and everything you probably care most about, is at stake in this election. The progress President (Barack) Obama has made — that I think gets far too little credit — the opportunities for further progress is at stake in this election and our core values as a country are at stake in this election,” she said. Chelsea wrapped up each speech by encouraging everyone to vote on November 8th or take advantage of Ohio’s early voting. A video from the event in Cincinnati is below.

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News Source: WCPO, NBC4i, The Columbus Dispatch