Bill Clinton Kicks Off Early Voting Bus Tour in North Carolina


Today, Bill Clinton kicked off a two day campaign bus tour in North Carolina making stops in four cities, including an unannounced stop in Kinston. The three planned stops for the day were in Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, and Greenville. At each event, Clinton spoke in front of a campaign tour bus emblazoned with Hillary Clinton’s campaign motto “Stronger Together.” At each event, he spoke about Hillary’s plans to promote equality, raise the minimum wage, make college more affordable, and to create jobs by investing the country’s infrastructure, manufacturing, and clean energy. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans to improve the Affordable Care Act saying that parts of the law need to fixed, but scrapping the entire law is not productive. “You keep what’s good about the law and attack the problems. The worst problems are for people who are just above the subsidy line (paying full price), and we can fix that.”

Bill criticized Donald Trump and his campaign for their divisive tactics, but he asked everyone in attendance to reach out to Trump supporters because they are Americans too. “Do not treat them with the anger they often display toward us – love them to death. Look at them and say, ‘we need you.’ … You don’t want to choose somebody who’s the living embodiment of what’s wrong when you’ve got another person who’s the living embodiment of what we can make right.” Polls between Hillary and Trump are tight in North Carolina, and at each event Bill urged everyone to vote for Hillary and to take advantage of North Carolina’s early voting. Watch videos from today’s events below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The News & Observer, WITN, WNCT