Tim Kaine Campaigns in North Carolina


On Thursday, Tim Kaine continued his campaign tour of North Carolina with events in Charlotte and Durham. During the event in Charlotte, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s platform and plans to ensure that the economy works for everyone and not just those at the top. He also referred to last night’s presidential debate praising Clinton for her performance. Kaine criticized Donald Trump for refusing to accept the outcome of the election saying, “has a profound misunderstanding for the institutions of government. … He is trying to upset a tradition that’s been one of the notable features of American life.” Kaine added, “This is not a television show, this is not a reality show. This is about running a country. You gotta do better than that.” Following the event, he spoke with members of the press. A video of Kaine’s speech is Charlotte, as well as his press briefing, is below.

In Durham, Kaine spoke with supporters on the campus of North Carolina Central University. At the event, Kaine urged everyone to get out and vote on November 8th, and he spoke about the importance of the election. He said that he and Clinton are dedicated to to North Carolina, and they want to win the state. Kaine said, “If we can win North Carolina for Hillary Clinton we’re gonna win the whole thing. We’re gonna win the whole thing. I’m very good at elections. I’m 8-0. You can beat me in Scrabble, but not in elections. I’ll be 9-0 on Nov. 8.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.

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News Source: The Charlotte Observer, WNCN