Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Al Gore in Miami


Hillary Clinton campaigned with former Vice President Al Gore today in Miami, Florida. Appearing together at Miami Dade College’s Kendall Campus, Clinton spoke about her plan to address climate change and make the United States a clean energy super power. She then introduced Gore as “one of the world’s foremost leaders on climate change.” Gore then took the stage and spoke about the threat of climate change to the United States and the world. He urged voters to elect a leader who acknowledged that climate change is real. “Your vote really, really, really counts,” he said adding, referring to is 2000 presidential election loss, “You can consider me as an Exhibit A of that.” A video of Clinton and Gore’s speeches is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Local 10, The New York Times, Politico

President Obama Campaigns in North Carolina


President Barack Obama campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Greensboro, North Carolina today. Speaking at the White Oak Amphitheatre, Obama spoke about Clinton’s broad platform plans to help young Americans and the middle class get ahead while ensuring those at the top of the income bracket pay their fair share. Obama also went after Republican Donald Trump saying that he is “unfit to lead this country.” He spoke about the current election and the importance of voting saying, “I never thought that if they were in the Oval Office, America would spin out of control. I just thought they represented a different political party and a different philosophy. That is not the case with the current Republican nominee.” A video of Obama’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: News Observer, WXII

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Florida

With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post
With US Congressman Alcee Hastings at his side, former President Bill Clinton speaks on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary Clinton Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center in Belle Glade. Damon Higgins / The Palm Beach Post

Bill Clinton was in Florida today where he spoke at three voter registration events. He began in Belle Glade where he spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to invest in infrastructure, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue the economic growth of the last several years. He said, “She’s the best change-maker I’ve ever known. I’ve known her a long time.” Bill then spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election and ensuring that they are registered to vote. In Florida, tomorrow is the deadline for voters to register and be eligible to vote on November 8th. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

He then traveled to Fort Myers where he spoke about many of the same topics he covered in Belle Glade. He said that his primary mission was to ensure that voters are registered by tomorrow’s deadline, and to make sure everyone votes for his wife. “We have until tomorrow at five to register to vote. I want to ask each of you drag one extra person to get registered,” he said. Bill spoke about the importance of this election and how Hillary is more qualified to hold the office of president than her opponent, Donald Trump. Watch his speech below.

Bill’s final event of the day was in Safety Harbor. Speaking at a local community center, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to invest in clean energy, combat climate change, create new jobs, make college more affordable for past, current, and future students, and rebuild the country’s infrastructure. He warned that electing Trump will be a mistake saying, “What we know from the past is that people who get elected president … actually try to do what they say they’re going to do. So we ought to pay attention to what they say.” Bill argued that Hillary’s proposals are for the betterment of everyone while Trump’s are in service of himself. A video from the event in Safety Harbor is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CBS 12, Palm Beach Post, News-Press, NBC 2, Tampa Bay Times

Hillary Clinton Announces New Middle Class Tax Cut


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton announced a new plan that will expand tax relief to families with young children. The plan is outlined in the following release from Hillary for America:

As part of her plan to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, Hillary Clinton is announcing today a new expansion of the Child Tax Credit for families with young children. She will double the Child Tax Credit to a maximum of $2,000 per child up to and including age 4, and she’ll expand access to millions more families. As many as 15 million young children will be eligible for the credit of up to $2,000 – and millions more people will benefit from additional relief. And this is only a down payment on further relief for middle-class families.

“Hard-working, middle-class families are struggling with rising costs for child care, health care, caregiving and college,” said Clinton. “This new tax credit will make their lives a little bit easier and help restore fairness to our economy.”

Clinton has previously announced middle class tax relief in the form of an up-to-$5,000 credit for families with excessive out of pocket health costs, and up to $1,200 for families caring for parents and grandparents.

Specifically, Clinton is announcing today that she will:

  • Double the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 for each young child. Right now, the Child Tax Credit gives millions of families up to $1,000 per child each year to help cover all the burdens they face. Clinton will double the maximum credit to $2,000 for each young child up to and including age 4.
  • Expand Child Tax Credit refundability so millions more working families get additional relief. Under our current system millions of families do not qualify for the full credit or get very little benefit because they simply do not make enough money, since the tax code excludes the first $3,000 in earnings in determining whether a working family is eligible for refundable relief. Clinton will lower the threshold for refundability from $3,000 to the first dollar of earnings for families with children of all ages, so every working family can benefit. And she will increase the phase-in rate to 45% from 15% for families with young children. According to the nonpartisan Urban Institute, the credit is structured so that families at the low end of the income distribution do not receive the full credit, and those families that are left out are more likely to be African-American and Latino. Improving refundability and increasing the phase-in rate will help close this gap and increase the overall fairness in the system.
  • Provide further tax relief for middle-class families, including those without children, and with older children: Clinton believes we should go further than doubling the Child Tax Credit for young children. The expansion Clinton is calling for today is a down payment on her overall vision for tax relief for middle-class families. Clinton believes we should further expand the Child Tax Credit for families with older children, and expand refundable relief for low-income workers without children.

Clinton’s plan will be fully paid for by her proposals to ensure the wealthy, Wall Street, and big corporations pay their fair share. And like the current Child Tax Credit, it will phase out for higher-income families.

Refundable tax credits like the Child Tax Credit reward work, lift families out of poverty, and improve lifelong outcomes for kids. Studies have shown that the Child Tax Credit helps lift millions of Americans out of poverty each year. Not only does the Child Tax Credit help fight poverty for families in the year that they qualify for the tax cut, its effects can be seen for many years later. Parents in families that receive refundable credits like the Child Tax Credit are more likely to be in the labor force and contribute to the economy. Children in those families do better in school, are more likely to go to college and earn more when they become adults.

Clinton’s proposals to expand relief for hard-working families with children stand in strong contrast to Donald Trump’s plans. Because Trump’s child care and maternity leave plan gives far more to high-income families than middle-class families struggling with costs, and his tax plan rolls back dependent exemptions and other relief for parents with children, it would actually raise taxes on 8 million middle-class families to fund his tax cuts for the rich and multinational corporations, and $4 billion for his own family.

Specifically, hard-working families that get tax relief under Clinton’s plan would see tax increases, or a much smaller tax cut, under Trump:

  • A single parent earning $75,000 per year, with two young children, and $8,000 in childcare costs would see a $1,640 tax increase under Trump, and $2,000 in tax relief under Clinton’s plan. A recent academic analysis found that compared to current law, Trump’s plan would raise taxes on this family by $1,640, because it eliminates personal exemptions and the head-of-household filing status. Clinton’s expansion of the Child Tax Credit would give them an extra $2,000 in tax relief.

According to the same analysis, a married couple earning $50,000 per year, with two young children, and $8,000 in childcare costs would get a $93 tax cut under Trump’s plan, and $2,000 in tax relief under Clinton’s plan.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Statement on Hurricane Matthew Aftermath


As the Southeast addresses the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, which killed at least 26 Americans and caused damage in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“In times of crisis, Americans come together to support each other. That’s what we need to do now, as North Carolina continues to grapple with dangerous floods, widespread power outages persist, and communities from Florida to Virginia begin to pick up the pieces.

My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of Hurricane Matthew’s victims. The federal government should do everything it can to help states and communities respond to the storm and build back better to withstand future disasters. Those who can afford to can help families in need by donating to the Florida Disaster Fund and to Team Rubicon, a veterans’ service organization specializing in disaster response.

As we rebuild and remember those who were lost, we must also address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Haiti, where it’s reported that Hurricane Matthew killed more than a thousand people. I encourage everyone who can to give what they are able to Unicef’s Haiti relief efforts here.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement on Latest Analysis of Trump’s Tax Plan


In response to new reports on the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tax plans from the Tax Policy Center, Hillary for America Senior Policy Advisor Jacob Leibenluft released the following statement:

“This report is further evidence of the clear choice for voters in this election. According to an independent analysis, Hillary Clinton’s plan would provide middle-class tax relief and pay for investments in good-paying jobs by requiring the wealthy, Wall Street and large corporations to pay their fair share. Donald Trump’s plan is the most extreme form of trickle-down economics: adding more than $20 trillion to the debt over the next two decades by providing massive giveaways to the richest Americans. In fact, the report shows Trump will give as much tax relief to the top 1% as everyone else combined – even as he raises taxes on millions of working families with children. And what’s more, the Tax Policy Center has exposed a lie Trump told at Sunday night’s debate: while Clinton would close the carried interest loophole that allows Wall Street money managers to pay a lower rate than many middle-class families, Trump’s plan would actually make that loophole even worse.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.